Interesting Insights, Etc., About Parasitic Banksters

I just got the following email from a reader whom I correspond with & my comments follow:


I correspond sometimes with a researcher whose work I find brilliant much of the time, Vicky Davis. She’s all about the technological systems driving the globalist agenda. Focuses a bit too much on problems instead of solutions, though.

I’ve been researching the history of usury: couldn’t ask for a more revealing subject! I’ve come to realize that the banksters are slaves to the money system they set up. Really, it dictates their agenda more than the other way around, after awhile. Machinery momentum, that has its own rules and logic…. These days, the psychotic supremacists’ (“Cult of Usury” is my new catchphrase for 'em) craziness seems to be compounding!! Copenhagen: what a shallow, desperate fiasco. One almost feels sorry for the poor wannabe genocidalists… they ought to be given some scarecrows to murder! [Image Can Not Be Found]

Belief in illusory money… astounding sorcery involved here!! Amazing how many people really, really don’t understand money at all: just take it for granted that the financial system’s working about as well as can be expected. Understanding usury shatters that illusion into a million shards! Both Benjamin Franklin (colonial scrip) and C.H. Douglas (social credit) figured most of it out. The trick is seeing through the complex banksterial illusion to the simple truth. Also, I’m told the book “War Cycles, Peace Cycles” is just amazing in its clear-headed analysis: I haven’t read it yet so I can neither confirm nor disconfirm this!

I find Lao Tse one of the most insightful figures, by the way. Could you provide any reference to his thoughts on technology? I’m intrigued.

Technology in this dimension seems to have positive and negative poles and capabilities – reflecting the human mind (a bit like the poles of electricity). I guess it’s basically neutral: depends on how it’s used. Probably an obvious point I’m making here. I sense that Lao Tse groks it better than pretty much any Western philosopher: it’s obvious to me that he just knows.

Knowledge and wisdom from the divine realm as grace? Yes, I agree with you Don. I view the divine realm as right herenow… just on a higher frequency where apparent duality dissolves into oneness-multiplicity. Interpenetrating spheres of existence. I believe we humans exist in many dimensions simultaneously: we can learn to tune into a specific level, kind of like changing the dial on a radio. Another analogy I like is that of octaves or overtones (in music). I understood long ago that how attached (or unattached!) we are to our physical sense-perceptions determines how we experience reality – and also the meaning we give it. Most of the deep stuff is paradox: words can only hint at the truth (which is experienced directly, wordlessly), I find.

I see our journey as soul evolution, on both a personal and a species level. Quite fun most of the time, actually! [Image Can Not Be Found] (Even with a few pests along the way… to accelerate our growth!)

P.S. Thanks for your past writings on the Theosophy cult and Newage sewage: they’ve helped me to contextualize a whole lot of what I’m seeing among the UN globalist creeps and insect royalty! (Also, the Nazi – Holy Roman Empire – Teutonic Zionism continuum of supremacism is becoming more and more apparent these days to people paying close attention, I find: remarkable how stealthfully the Nazis went underground post-WW2. Sly swine, they are! Mae Brussell, and Jim Marrs, have some good material on this phenomenon. The Nazi – Tibetan connection is fascinating too: Theosophy strikes again!)

A surpringly insightful clip:


Derek, I think you’re getting into some really substantive material. Of course most of the folks who research problems don’t seem to be interested in discussing solutions but if their documentation is good, then we ought to promote it. I’m posting your note on EW for our readers.

The huge gap in conspiracy info at present is discussion of China’s pivotal role, of course. Most of the conspiracy researchers are still focused entirely on the old European (Babylonian?) families, rather, but since China now owns their previous assets I’m hoping that these researchers will eventually move ahead and see where the world order’s current power center is.

I like your notion that the banksters are controlled by the monster/machine they created and I’ve similarly felt that the predators who want to destroy us all are also confined to quite a narrow behavioral paradigm; the opposite of personal freedom, perhaps. If I’m correct, it puts corporate parasitism in a properly anti-glamorous light