Lies The IMF Tells

ok I had to post this, it is nice to see such news spreading, as veils are being drawn back/

Tweeterland is buzzing with the news, Blogistan too.

Lies the IMF Tells?
By Staff Report

IMF: Our Greek bailout was full of ‘notable failures’… The International Monetary Fund has published a scathing internal self-assessment of its bailout of Greece three years ago. It isn’t pretty. The IMF underestimated the damage that fiscal austerity would do to the Greek economy in its earliest rescue of the nation in 2010. It was too slow to promote a write-down of the nation’s debts to more sustainable levels. And it was compromised by a sometimes unwieldy partnership with major European institutions in what became known as the “troika.” The IMF could have handled its 2010 bailout of Greece quite a bit better, a staff review found. – Washington Post

Dominant Social Theme: Wow, we just realized we made some mistakes.

Free-Market Analysis: Who believes this stuff anymore? The point of the IMF’s attack on Greece, so far as we can tell, was to show the rest of Europe that the arm of Brussels was long and strong.

The unbreakable will of the Eurocrats was to be on full display and those who were to challenge the IMF were to think again. But a funny thing happened on the way to a more perfect union.

In both Greece and Spain, and other countries as well, the unemployment figures kept going up, the markets kept going down and even the mainstream media seemed to notice that things weren’t working out.

Could it be that a climb-down has commenced?

That’s how it seems to us, anyway. The implacable rigor has subsided. The blow back from a fracturing

Europe seems to have tamed German bankers and cowed Eurocrats. And now the IMF, too. Here’s more.

The result of these “notable failures,” enumerated in an “Ex-post evaluation” that the IMF published Wednesday, is the depression-stricken nation that is Greece today. The nation’s unemployment rate is 27 percent and economic activity remains well below its levels of half a decade ago. “Market confidence was not restored, the banking system lost 30 percent of its deposits, and the economy encountered a much-deeper-than-expected recession with exceptionally high unemployment.”

Public debt remained too high, Greece waited too long to restructure its debt, and “structural reforms stalled and productivity gains proved elusive.” The newly released document is an after-action report of sorts, an attempt by IMF staff to grapple with the lessons from Greece.

It focuses in the initial Greek rescue package, approved in May 2010, which has since been reworked multiple times. The staff review argues that there was no avoiding a steep economic contraction, given the excesses of Greek government borrowing and spending in the years before the crisis. “A deep recession was unavoidable,” the report concludes. But it also holds that a series of decisions by the IMF and the other members of the troika made it worse than it otherwise might have been.

If the Eurocrats behind this climb-down want to cure Europe of its many problems, all they have to do is scuttle the euro. But this they will never do.

The IMF apparently doesn’t even consider it and Eurocrats are on the record in the past as saying that a financial crisis was necessary to deepen a political union.

Everyone who studies these issues honestly and with an open mind must come to the conclusion that the EU has been built with an empire rather than a trade union in mind and that from the very beginning, EU officials and those who stood behind them were not honest about the true goals of the union.

This IMF self-critique must be seen within this context. Little ever takes place when it comes to the EU that is either transparent or honest.

There is no reason to believe this IMF document is any more honest than what has gone before or what is yet to come. If top officials with the EU are engaging in self-flagellation, it is only because they are afraid of losing control of the EU project and of further alienating the support of Europeans generally.

Conclusion: It may be too late?

Notice that no mention is made of China, Hyperion. I constantly wonder why all these experts fail to notice that China has been the dominant influence in the world’s economy for a long time and most obviously from 2004. When the US economy was about to fail in 2008 the Chinese quietly dropped three trillion dollars on the graft crooks and pathological liars who call themselves our Congress. Aside from a few brief mentions, usually on back pages of newspapers, we wouldn’t have known about this. I’m sure the same thing has been happening in Europe all along, too.

Meanwhile, as a businessman who deals with other business people across the country I can bear witness that the US economy, at least, has been steadily but quietly improving in recent years in spite of the wailing and lamenting of the Chicken Littles and the infrastructure (most notably the highway system) is being renovated at last. The latter began almost immediately after the thieves got all that money so some of the money China donated actually got spent instead of going into the pockets of the anointed pedophiles in the Temple of Moloch (US Capitol Building).

The people who have the strongest interest in generating hopelessness through partial information and misdirection are the same people who are the alleged targets of these fake whistle blowers and critics. This Greek chorus (no offense intended to Hellas’ beautiful theatrical legacy) remind me of the dim, institutionalized, tenured jackboot scientists who still claim, in spite of abundant evidence to the contrary, that the world is turning into a desert. The real scientists who speak their consciences can’t get work any more and the smart scientists that have no consciences can only get employment by the sewer rat agencies and their corporate contractors in black operations, weaponizing everything in sight and in the unseen realm.

The IMF is China’s unruly bitch, now. If that weren’t so, then we’d have been breathing radioactive fallout or would have died in a famine or plague long before now. Rotschild went begging to Peking for a loan and was turned down a few years ago. There’s more usable information in that simple fact than in all of the volumes of the Daily Bell combined, I think [Image Can Not Be Found]

You’re a good data miner, though, and we’ve gained tons of timely and usable intelligence from what you’ve found in your tireless hunts on the web, thanks. The sewer rats have you under active surveillance, too, so you’re obviously doing a good job, overall. Please don’t feel that I object to anything you’re doing or posting and if I were living in your country I’d probably also feel some desperation on account of the Babylonian savagery that’s happening there. I just felt a need to answer back regarding that particular source of data.

Someday everyone will know that the bankster cabal that wanted for centuries or millenia to murder the entire planet (they failed miserably in China with their pitbull, Mao, haha) are no longer in control and that they can’t even trash the world’s economy, any more (it was pretty easy for them in 1929, when they still owned everything)–China just won’t allow it, nor will they allow a global conflict, obviously. Look at what happened to the parasite’s cherished ‘War on Terror,’ for instance.

Hellas will surely find a way out from under these pedophiles, too. I think that country is being savaged simply because most of the people own their own homes, so are a big threat to the old order’s foundational principle: Babylonian ground rent.

I think we’re going to see something very surprising and inspiring in Hellas pretty soon and your and a few others’ extensive and incisive gifting campaigns probably helped to make that possible (inevitable?). I see that even the charismatic and well-financed orgonite faker in Hellas who was sent to prevent the establishment of this movement in that country has utterly failed and is discredited, now. Mary Vrousou’s ( is her site)) recent publishing success is a good confirmation that it will be smoother sailing for all of you, God willing. I hope she’ll post a report about that but I won’t presume to ask anyone to do a lot of translating into English.


Thanks Don, for mentioning China.
It’s amazing how the most influential of the parasites manage to maneuver things from behind the curtain for so long. Hopefully after this thing is done with (whenever that is) we can get a better picture of who and what is doing these machinations – I think it’s very obvious the World Sewer Rat Orchestra is no longer playing to the same tune and has not been for a while.

Hyperion, I have read many articles from that website in the past and in my opinion they are disguised masons or ex-masons – at least they exhibit the symptoms of very well educated, well-to-do atheistic european men who believe the greatest drives in life are eating and fornication. Of course this is just my very subjective impression.

What is not an impression and they state it quite clearly is that, post this world we live in, they see a “return to tribalism”. They seem to believe there is nothing genuine in people all over the world just getting along and that cultures (tribes) present insurmountable, eternal barriers – they often point at the failure of the European Union as an example of this, though I think most of us here will agree those failures have more to do with its gigantic, authoritarian and parasitic aspects.

On top of this they only look at problems from a material perspective. For them the only thing that drives the corporate parasitic world odor is personal greed – being part of the “elites” as they call it. Perhaps they see themselves in the mirror but most likely they want to only appeal to the intelect and are very good at it.

In my opinion it’s a very, very well done disinfo site. Lately though they don’t seem to know what else to write and all articles look the same ahah

One of their “columnists” is even Ron Paul. Smart of them, uh?


Carlos, that’s a good example of how to critique a website without insulting the one who shared it, thanks.

Hyperion is a sort of data-mining dynamo and I often ask him to share things that have a questionable source, partly because the cleverer disinfo providers are usually the only ones pointing out new truths in the beginning. This was so with the current polar axis shift, which the only other person on the web who was talking about it in the beginning, 7 yearsago, was’s owner. Now, there are lots of good info providers, including a Scandinavian who film-interviewed some Inuit people’s concerns about the changes caused by the big shift that affect those people. There’s also a lot of new disinfo, of course–the fearmongering crap. It’s a gradual shift that is probably causing pleasant results, mostly.

In Hyperion’s defense, here’s one of the more substantive links that he’s been sharing around:


It’s about the true nature of the ‘war on terror’ that the old corporate order is waging against Islamic countries.

I’ve finished a book about the Mongolian Empire, which stretched from Europe to the Pacific Ocean and included most of the Islamic countries. It was a peaceful, progressive trading empire after the initial conquering phase and people were relatively free. There was free speech except that it was forbidden to oppose the government in any way. That looks exacly like today’s China to me. Peking was the capital that Kublai Khan established after the Mongols conquered China. Nobody but the Mongols ever conquered China. I think the Mongols never gave it up but I might be the only person in the West who has even had this thought, yet. That doesn’t make it untrue.


thanks for all the comments

Daily Bell has been the source of some interesting material that is discussed to some extent by JP Farrell, with whom I maintain a healthy discourse, when he has the time.

The use of own discretion goes without saying, in whatever is read, these days

o tempora, o mores