Here’s one link to an article from the Washington Post, search engines will show other similar reports:
Perhaps most surprising to me was that they are ‘buying’ it, rather than accepting it in lieu of repayment of debts owed on cheesy
T bill type investments in the West. Wake me when they buy the IMF and BIS, ok?
Yes Stevo this is getting stronger. There has also been more local talk here about releasing the “peg” of the Hong Kong dollar to the USD. Probably moving more toward a basket of currencies including the RMB/Yuan. China in my research is designed to go up while the United States is designed to be brought more to closure. It’s by design.
Also small locations of “liberty” are always set up to allow things to flow in a manner that suits the agenda. Thus Hong Kong is a financially free place, so the agenda can be done. I’d say Dubai/Emirates is set up for all the stuff in the Middle East. Like Lichenstein and Switzerland and Monaco in Europe was in the past. Camen Islands, Bermuda as well etc
For myself personally I would like to see this sort of liberty spread throughout the entire globe…but I don’t think that is realistic since most people are not free and most people are stuck in their patterns and their ways.
i think the business model for the USD has been 'hey we have the most powerful military in the world…so you MUST use the USD." Well that could be changing. Perhaps the empire is a wee bit overextended. The power of the empire too could turn on its own people…but we’ll see.
I just live my life and do my best…making some electronic digits in the computer to then get raw milk from our cows in indonesia and some goji berries down at the chinese medicine shop and toss some orgonite.
There were so many sylphs in the sky last night it was incredible. Of course we don’t call them sylphs we call them “orgasms in the sky”…it’s our word for them…makes sense to us. Of course plenty of chemtrail spraying to try to cover it all up and lower the frequency. But when I pointed this out to people at the outdoor waterfront restaurant they weren’t too interested although the waitress did comment that she liked the sky writing…so we just laughed and agreed with her…and filled her heart with golden orgasmic sparkles. Hey what else is one to do in China?!?
I do have a bit of a soft spot for the Chinese people. this morning in the park there were about 30 people doing qi gong and i could feel the energy as i passed. I find that very beautiful. i think if people were doing qi gong in my small mining home town in Canada they would probably be harrassed and ridiculed. we killed almost all the native people in Canada…just find a little info from Kevin Annnett to confirm this. of course China under Mao and throughout the dynasties has a dark history too. so its all a mess. But through this mess perhaps we can create a masterful life… Maybe a new era is emerging. Perhaps the tiny island of Iceland is showing us how things need to be cleaned up.
I think if we have genocide it will be because people really really want it. just look at all the people lining up to buy the latest and most powerful I-Phone 4 etc etc. all this wirelesss stuff and frequency tools are genocide weapons…just feel the frequency of it…it’s deadly…it subtley slices the DNA and destroys proteins for the body. Ya sure orgonite helps…ya sure using a terminator zapper helps, but thats just part of the whole spectrum of healing strategies that will need to be implemented in order to navigate through this in a healthful way… just my opinion…and i could be wrong…