My First CB 1999

My first CB built 1999 or so.

I started making CB’s and HHG after doing a web search for canola oil around 1999. I found related articles on and also found the article on HHG’s. At the same time my young children were playing soccer and they were spraying chemtrails so much we could play tic-tack-toe in the sky. Soon the drought took hold and Alberta had a total crop and hay failure.
Don and Carol soon posted pictoral instructions for a CB and I asked my wife if I should build one. She said “if it can stop that spraying there doing on the kids go for it”. I deviated a bit from Dons plans and used surplus 1/2 copper pipes I had in the shop and ordered 10 real nice double terminated crystals from Michael Stodola at Michael was very supportive and had heard about Dons CB . At the same time I had lost my brother under strange circumstances I did not understand at the time and Michael was a very gentle and consoling man and was influential in helping to get through my early grieving.

At the same time I had ordered Brian William Seversons book “Vision Freedom” that also came with 3 pairs of plus diopter glasses used to help with excercising the eye and get them strong and healthy. I would walk through the thick bush of northern alberta without my glasses and try to practice seeing far. I found that once I was calm and enjoying life my vision would “pop” into crystal clear focus. Brian has been in Montana prison ever since, #44383 700 Conley Lake Road Dear Lodge, MT 59722. 15 years in prison is a long time for writing a book! Oddly it was removing glasses that enabled me to see reptilian beings.

Luv the pic of Your first cb Brent, could You tell Us approx what year You took that pic?

Jason Steele used to tell His subscribers that a good way to try to explain to pjers how the world kinda really works
Was to rent “they live” and the first “matrix” movie and watch them both in the same night…

I think a lot of Them might have woke up from a bad dream, took the blue pill and are probably
Still sleeping …

Don’t know what ever happened to Jason? never heard from Him for years after the FEDS pulled
A wako on Him, I think?

The pic of my first cb is from this fall near Assiniboia SK. more on that later! Please jump in here and add the history of our mutual aquaintance that lost his life to cancer as I have forgot his name. The intrepid gifter of Fort McMurry and the only one to have wild bears help him pour orgonite! He fits into all this history and needs to be documented.
We are both comfortable with Ron McDonald as the mans name. Ron was a early gifter and was prolific. He peppered the Fort McMurry area and Fort Chipewyan and it’s winter ice highway.
Ron came to visit me shortly before he died from cancer and told the story of how he was pouring resin in the woods and a bear snuck up on him. He lived in an appartment while workin in Mac and would go out into the woods to make his orgonite. He gifted the heavey oil refineries and digging pits of Fort McMurry.

While living in Lindbergh AB I would travel north to ColdLake to play pipes with the airforce band and met Allan from and was able to get crystals for cheap and went into mass production of tb’s. I went on weekend gifting trips with my dog and gifted everything I could within a broad 300 mile radius of Lindbergh AB.

I built 4 cloudbusters that next spring , they went to ColdLake, St.Paul, Dewberry and one went into the North Saskatchewan river. When I delivered the one to the St.Paul owner it started raining. His daughter came out of the house and yelled to her dad, come see, come see, it’s raining!. I was facinating, it had not rained in two years. My wifes brother had a record crop that summer of #1 red spring wheat and had to bring in another bin . I cut the crop and had to take half a cut with the swather as he followed behind with the combine. He kept getting on the radio saying, “cut less, your leaving a bad hair cut and it will plug the combine”. He made me stop and took a picture.