New Evidence of China's Economic Domination

I’m writing this post, again, because the sewer rats disappeared what I wrote, just now, and I think it’s important to post it. I"ll post this much in case they hack me again, then I’ll finish it:

Joseph Farrell and I corresponded many years ago, I think because he bought a zapper. I wonder if he understood the danger of exposing the corporate world order in terms of getting poisoned, then.

I’m sending him heart boosts every time I think of him, for now, because I don’t know of any other credible research journalist who is telling about the current demise of the banksters. As the City of London continues to hemorrhage ‘power’ at an accelerating rate, teh Chicken Littles on the internet are working overtime predicting that we’re about be cast back to the Stone Age on account of economic collapse [Image Can Not Be Found]

I don’t promote many authors because too many alleged truth seekers are so quick to promote authors’ errors as truth. A couple of years ago, for instance, a lot of people were spreading Jew-hate and using Eustace Mullins’ material to do it, among others. This really saddened me because the vast majority of Mullins’ work demonstrated that the corporate world order is completely free of any affiliation with a genuine religion; they’re Babylon Mystery School devotees, rather, and as Mullins once said in 1985, the majority at the top in the corporate world order are Unitarians and Episcopalians. I think the Rotschilds have always been a facade for these Babylonian $#!+birds to hide behind and I suspect that the Mossadomites, themselves, are the engines that keep the Jew Hate agenda alive on the web. They were clearly behind the jailing of LaRouche, in case you didn’t know, and there were no clear charges used to railroad him into prison besides a vague accusation that he’s an ‘antiSemite.’ It happened so fast (there was no internet, yet) that nobody got a chance to mention that most of the authors he was publishing were Jews. If you can get any of Chaim Chaitkin’s books you’ll be enriched by his research journalism, by the way, also Marjorie White’s. I think they were the best authors published by LaRouche’s Franklin Press, which the feds destroyed, SS-style. I never was a fan of LaRouche but one of his surviving associates, Webster Tarpley, wrote the best, ever, expose on the federal demolition of the World Trade Center.

Farrell displays China’s current role very clearly and he tells the short history that led to their domination of the City of London a few years ago. I don’t think the Babylonian fart blossoms even saw it coming until it was too late. They probably assumed that the Chinese weren’t capable of besting them.

Another book I’d read just before Farrell’s Babylon’s Banksters, this year, was the biograph of Mao Tse Tung that was written by a Chinese woman who was given access to records in China and also to Mao’s surviving assocites. I had always wondered how London might have sponsored Mao and the Tavistock imprint on Mao’s methods came very, very clear to me in that book. I also came to understand why Mao was never able to take his genocidal program beyond China’s borders: London’s tools in Moscow, Stalin, Kruschev and Breshnev made it impossible for him. Otherwise, what Mao’s protege later did in Cambodia probably would have been accompllshed throughout the world. Compared to Mao, Stalin was an altar boy–murdering a mere 50 million or so of his own countrymen.


I think Dr Farrell is a good antidote for people who are addicted to the flamboyant, high profile plagiarists who are engaged in terrorizing the minds and hearts of alleged truth seekers by making them feel hopeless in the face of London’s alleged power.

I had a sense that the Western sewer rat agencies want to kill him and asked Carol about that. She got a clear impression that this is so. I have a sense that Peking is amused by him and Carol got the impression that he’s not in danger from the Chinese.

These posts are quite a bit longer than the one the NSA baby killers disappeared a little while ago


I just experienced more hacking in one episode, during the past half hour, than I’ve experienced in ten years of being active online in this global orgonite effort, which means to me that the NSA and other felons who pretend to govern us are particularly upset about my posting of Farrell’s link [Image Can Not Be Found]

First, my post disappeared when I was knocked offline, then the computer was shut down, twice, and I had to reboot. Even the NSA has a hard time doing that to a Mac, right?
Here’s a little peek into how the Babylonians could have missed seeing the Chinese threat to their hegemony until it was too late: when their NSA hackers did all that mischief to me this evening they probably weren’t considering that I might really get your attention by reporting it under the circumstances. How cool is that!?

I hope that encourages you to read Farrell’s stuff.

When that fellow in Australia uncovered the US Navy’s role (their seabed nuclear bomb, detonated nearby) in the tsunami that killed all those people in Malaysia he was murdered within days and a host of hateful, anonymous (likely Mossadomites, since that’s their peculiar style) disinformants on the internet tried to paint him as ‘Mossad,’ strange to tell. I think it’s getting harder and harder for the sewer rat agencies to distract people from examining reality independently and objectively.

Two months before that mass murder event the psychics in the EW chatroom watched Alan Greenspan sign over all of the US gold reserves to China on the island of Guam.


Read, they’ve been spot on for the last 5 years in predicting what will happen.
Next prediction in line: 30,000 billion US dollars in ghost assets will disappear by early 2013… That sounds like the end of the printing press!