New Way for the Gestapo to Harm You

I got this from one of our customers who is in the healing trade. It looks like the Gestapo are being granted the ability to go beyond just humiliating you; they can evidently now actually damage you,too. WHEN can we just discard this cancer that calls itself the federal government?


On a related topic I am disturbed by these body scanners showing up
in the airports this month. Ionizing radiation is nothing to fool
with and a website I found indicated that this form of radiation
unzips the dna which can only be bad. I avoid xrays like the
plague and will not be using these body scanners at the airport and
when they are no longer optional, I will not be flying. You have a
lot of credibility in the field of natural health and I can tell
from your blog that you are very concerned about many things
happening in the US. Would you consider discouraging people to
allow untrained TSA stooges to irradiate them ? If enough people
opt for a pat-down, the gov might get the idea. The privacy issue
aside, these scanners represent a terrible health risk to our
citizens. Imagine someone who flies several times a week ? Or
imagine a TSA guy who likes what he sees and keeps a woman in the
booth longer than necessary ? When I saw the picture of a woman in
the booth, I thought of Auschwitz. People foolishly engaging in
herd mentality, going calmly to their deaths. These devices
obviously don’t kill people on the spot, but how do we know whether
the devices are recording DNA etc. Just the unzipping of the DNA
is enough for me. I hope you will consider joining the movement to
eliminate the use of these devices. If we don’t protest at this
point, taser bracelets may be next. DHS wants them, believe it or