Orgonite In Spanish Mainstream Media

Just 2 weeks bacck a neighbour told me he saw ¨the stuff we make¨on the TV so i asked which channel and program.
Found it on the net. It came out on Telecinco Channel (Mediaset- Berlusconni) on a comedy serial called: La que se avecina.
It s about a block of neighbours and their relationships. This particular chapter was called: ¨Orgonite, Chemichal Castration and a B Plan¨

There s this woman portrayed as a deranged new ager who gets into giving therapy and trying to solve the neighobours problems. She is also portrayed as a lesbian who want to marry her current couple. She starts giving orgonite pendants telling it is a negative filter and brings ´good energy¨. Initially everyone´s luck seems to turn for the better but the chapter ends with couples breaking up, someone having an accident with fire and so on… All the neighbours turn to the new age woman and blame her for their bad luck and the Fake Orgonite wonder and she agrees.

This is late Sunday evening prime time TV so Orgonite must be well known by now by many people in Spain to make this disinfo effort on the What to think network.

New age, looney, deranged and fake are the Mind programing and reenforcing Comands thrown out to Pijama people thru the Modern day Square Box Oracle.
Not too long ago we got linked on a disinfo site and people started to visit more and actually sales went up. They realised it wasnt any good so erased that link inmediately
There ´s no such thing as bad publicity lol
