Our search for best water

wanted to share our search for best water we can find.
Living in a city might be harder to find good crops to eat without toxins but it is certainly achievable. For us, living in an island we are lucky to be able to go to an organic farmer and get a very good price to the produce but our main concern for a while has been how to get pure water which seems rather impossible unless one lives near a mountain stream of unpolluted water.

Chlorine, Nitrates, lead, mercury, Fluor, drugs and many other metal and toxins are found in regular water supplies and these are all very nasty substances. Package drinking water is a scam cause its contents are about the same as tab water and even some brands like Nestle and others are marketing Fluoride water for the ¨special care of your baby bottles¨ with a flambouyant Seal of the NAtional Pediatric Association as guarantee that it is good for your baby, yep, that is if you want his brain to underdevelop and become a mindless robot as well as being prone to chronic illnesses.

  • So Bottle water is not a option, why spend money on packaged Tap water?

  • We got a Ozone machine to experimetn but the result wasnt good iin the long run as it probably isnt reading of the heavy metals that are still ingested. We found we got arthritic like pains in our joints after ingesting that water for a long time. Ozone is great cleaner, purifier and helps in other things. One good use is to clean the outer peal of all veggies and fruits in water to at least minimise the Pesticide contents of those.

  • reverse osmosis is sold expensively here in Spain but it doesnt seem the solution cause it takes lots of comsuption of water to produce cleaner water thus wasting even more water which is great for thee water companies and not so for keeping a natural resource.

I would like to ask you if any of you have found a good solution and know about using magnets, vortex water systems, ioninsing as a possible best recourse. Some of the most dramatic changes we have seen have been tossing orgonite in water and we do keep orgonite near our drinking water and i d like to know what experimentation has been done, if analytics, after placing it in or near the water.

Funny that this topic came up just now, as I am feeling drawn to learning how to clean my own water. I’ve been buying 5 gallon jugs of distilled water for a few years now, and I must say I believe the reports of positive health effects from such clean water because I’ve noticed a definite increase my own health. Here in Canada a 5 gallon jug sells for $15, but you get $10 when you return the jug so it really is only $5, and that much keeps my little family in clean drinking water for a week.

I’ve forgotten where I heard this, but I’ve heard that sailors in the USA Navy have the lowest incidence of cancer and other serious disease in the armed forces, and this is because they drink distilled water (de-salinated) when they’re living on a ship for months at a time.

Lately I’ve been feeling the urge to distill my own water. It doesn’t seem to be too hard, you need a heat source (stove), a large pot, and a means of connecting a long copper tube to the pot with an airt tight seal. You boil the water and the steam runs through the pipe, cooling and condensing into water as it runs out the other end. All the impurities are left behind in the pot on the stove, and you drink only the clean distilled water. There are tons of videos showing how to do it, or you can buy a commercially made distiller.

I think anyone who can make orgonite could make this simple distiller. My only concern is how much will the electricity or gas cost to distill all the water you need?


hey Mike,
we contemplated that possibility and did give it a try but we are completaly satisfied by this solution and i ll explain why:

First it might appear it is a obvious advantage to rid off all those nasty metals, additives and toxins found in comertial water of any kind so it is a plus on that side. We think that for someone who has a saturated diet might actually be good for them but if you are on a clean diet it will be lacking needed natural minerals.

Also there is the process that the water has to go thru which is basically processing dead water already which results in toxin free but still dead water.
that s our view so far so we are searching for other possible solutions that we havent tried or dont know about.

First time we tried it actually felt good like we were getting something much cleaner but later on we felt we were missing something.

Hi Fran, I have some experineces to share and maybe they will help sort things out.

Since you have done some research you know that helping your water to ‘restructure’ is probably the highest benefit you are aiming for. You know that filtering has pros and cons which there are many options to choose from. Of course, flouride is nearly impossible to remove with any type of standard filtration but is probably one of the biggest problems since it directly contributes to calcification of the the pineal gland (Third Eye).

So I made an investment in a vortex water treatment add-on. I say add-on because it is a small section of pipe that is placed in line with your existing water line. Once installed your whole house benefits from ‘restructuring’ and many other advantages that are abundantly described on the Living Water Treatment system website. http://www.alivewater.net//url:38o9wbsa

We have been enjoying it for nine months or so! I also have several orgonite TB’s taped directly to the water line coming into the house. I can’t tell you anything super definitive about the benefits but we like it!

Also, there is one really excellent bottled water product on the market which is Penta Water. Penta is advertised as: Free of Flouride, BPA, MTBE, Trace Pharmaceuticals, Chlorine, Arsenic, Chromium 6, etc. PLUS, the water is restructured via spinning for 11 hours! They will ship to your house but my local Vitamin Shoppe carries it by the case. It works out to be about $1.40 a bottle. Here is the site. http://www.pentawater.com/_pw/……l:38o9wbsa


I just process all my drinking/cooking water through a britta water filtration pitcher – been doing that for over 25 years. The way I look at it, whats left in the water after this is probably so low a percentage as to be insignificant.

You do have to ask when is good, good enough. Nanopure water will kill you because it will deplete your body of many necessary minerals. Taking EVERYTHING out of water is never a good idea.

As far as reverse osmosis filtration, I grew orchids back in another life (wink) and I bought a reverse osmosis water filter you hooked up to the laundry sink. It processed water slowly (like 5 gallons/day). I simply ran it for a couple days a week and filled a couple jerry cans (5 gallon ones) with water to use for the week. It purportedly filtered the water really well and there was no “blow by” – 5 gallons in, 5 gallons drinkable out, though I was using it to water my orchids. That was many, many moons ago and that filter (and the orchids) are all long gone.


Brita filters don’t filter out fluoride [Image Can Not Be Found] Here’s what I do:1) Vapour distilled 2) charcoal filter 3)Add pascalite clay to get minerals back, and get ph balance up to 7 4) spin in Schauberger vortex egg(get hexagonal structure) 5) keep quartz crystals, and magnets in water to magnetize and keep structure 6)keep orgonite in fridge(not in water, next to) When someone drinks my water, they comment its the best water they ever had

I always like topic about health and improving our diet to a more natural way.

I buy my water locally at a small store specialized in selling stuff for making wine and beer. They have a reverse osmosis system because they sell pure water for better tasting wine and beer. I heard about the fact that reverse osmosis remove trace minerals wich are essential in water but the store manager assured me that there system keep those minerals in the water. He’s a nice simple guy so I don’t think he would lie to me but maybe he is just wrong and don’t know. Anyway, I’ve been drinking that water for two year now and I don’t have any problem with it.

I’ll talk about it to him again to make sure but maybe a part of the solution of bear claw would resolve that problem if there is really no mineral in the water he sell.

[quote user=“Bear Claw” post=“8972”]Add pasalite clay to get minerals back, and get ph balance up to 7

I think this is one of the best, easiest and cheapest way to get pure water if you find a store that offer the same service where you live. I buy a prepaid card for 48 5 gallon bottles so the cost for one 5 gallon is about 2$ wich is really cheap. Most supermarket sell 5 gallon for 5$(not counting the price of the bottle since you re-use it). Once you paid for the bottle you just re-use the same one. I think this is the easiest and cheapest way so maybe you should look into that (keeping in mind you might need to add pasalite clay as Bear Claw suggest).

Ihope this help!

I mis-spelled Pascalite in my original post. Most calcium bentonite clays would work as well. The clays are negatively charged and have large surface areas.Toxins and pathogens positivly charged. (magnetic attraction)By drinking clay water you add minerals and detox at same time. When I had my mercury fillings removed the dentist had me drink clay water as a precaution. They call those fillings silver by the way

thanks, i guess from here must try and experiment. Bear Claw, i guess your process of making the water it s like when i make my vread, once you get used to it becomes second nature but sounds like a long work.
What do you use for making disrilled water? some type of electric machine? or gas powered home made style? How long is it to make say a gallon of that water? and if you could share a link or two of the vortex egg or any of the stuff you mention to take a look.
i still have to remove my Silver fillings but mabe i keep them if they have so much value lol
thanks all

I don’t remember where I got the vortex egg Fran. My distiller is electric powered, does a gallon in 4 hours(waterwise brand) You can find cheaper ones for about $ 100.00 US. on e bay. I paid $400.00 for top of the line model, but not needed. Add some bentonite clay, spin with a spoon, and add some quartz crystals and your in business. Do an internet search on Hexagonal water , vortex egg(schauberger)and bentonite clay.