Properties of Minerals / Crystal Database Translation

Here is a document that I hope will be useful to anyone who is interested in knowing more about crystals -
Propriedades Dos Cristais.pdf (557.4 KB) - (Portuguese/Português)
Original: properties of crystals

This document is a translation of Dooney’s work available in English - CrystalDatabase.pdf (506.8 KB) - (English)
Original: here

As always, I advise you to use this information critically - remember to use your inspiration as a guide to discover what works for you.

Addendum: I added a new location for the document in Portuguese here .

I’ve recently translated Dooney’s excellent Crystal Database into Portuguese. The translated version is available here too.

As usual, I advise people to take this information and make the best of themselves as they can, using their own intuition to guide them.


CrystalDatabase.pdf (506.8 KB) - (English)
Original: here

Propriedades Dos Cristais.pdf (557.4 KB) - (Portuguese/Português)
Original: properties of crystals

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