Repelling An Attack

On the sunday after New Year I went for a long walk. I had in mind to include walking up to a place I previously seen on the map, which seemed to be some kind of small hospital. I brought a single EP plug with me just in case I would find a suitable sign pole. (Most poles are already plugged… with snow or ice [Image Can Not Be Found] , so kind of hard this particular winter).

It turned out it was a compound of buildings for reception of those with alleged mental problems, the concept of “brain health” was stated somewhere on a sign.

As I came up to the parking lot, I got this feeling of what I deem as the “reptilian vibe”. Shortly afterwards I was hit with an unmistakably clear and sharp whining in my ears and temples. I immediately grabbed the EP plug, held it before my heart and with my inner voice commanded “Return to sender!”. I was being very clear and atuhoritative about it. The whining immediately started to gradually subside into nothing, taking just one or two seconds. The whole incident lasted probably less then 10 seconds.

Subsequently I found a suitable pole in the vicinity and left my plug there.

Earlier today I returned with some TB’s to finish the gifting job. The place didn’t feel intimidating to me anymore.

Nevertheless, I left a few TBs around the compound, including near power lines.


Another interesting thing: As I was repelling the whining with the command, I also saw a flash image of my power wand left on at home.

It might just be that its possible to use the energy of thw PW even if it is not near you. At least that’s the way I felt about it.