Incredibly useful and significant intel, thanks, Bodhitree.
The enemy’s downfall is excessive centralization, which is why their failure to organize (subvert and poison) the gifting movement has really hurt them, I think. They’re not even trying hard to destroy this effort, any more, and many of us are experiencing a drop in surveillance and intimidation, though the hacking hasn’t slowed down.
I never mean to offend or point a finger at anyone here, by the way, and someone who read my comments about denial among web techs felt a little bad and emailed this to me:
Was reading your post regarding how most internet techs tend to downplay sabotage and some types of technical interferences. I know I tend to do that, so I’m sorry if that has annoyed you. I do it purposely, as it makes dealing with said interferences much easier, for me. I wouldn’t take my opposing views public, and I don’t recall having done so before. In the same vein, I wouldn’t let myself be used as a weapon against our collective effort again, even though I am well aware that I am walking in slippery territory very often, as that is my nature. Here’s another less obvious reason for me shutting down ES, btw.
I’ve known this person for years and felt bad that I gave this impression. I assured this one that I also think it’s important to be pragmatic and as objective as possible, even in that circumstance. It’s part of the process of fixing a problem. Every week Carol and a couple of other psychics clear the NSA hackers off our accounts and sites–they’re like a candida infestation in cases like ours and there’s no passive or technical solution to this problem. The only solution is to fight back effectively, which is something this person does well, by the way.
The ones among us who never get assaulted, meanwhile, have been very genteel about not naysaying our reports of systematic hacking, thanks. A little bit of expressed denial is poisonous but that’s only because we’ve all been well programmed, since birth, to deny ‘unconventional’ views. A little dose of expressed denial, under the circumstances, is like offering a shot of whiskey to a recovering alcoholic. Not many people take an interest in keeping track of how many ways there are to poison a forum effort, though, which is why I was so glad when Hyperion sent me a link to the Delta Protocols website, which I then posted.
I don’t think any of us have hijacked Edu’s thread, yet [Image Can Not Be Found] since knowing background of the hacking agenda helps us understand how to overcome it. The miracle that happened when some people wrested control of the internet from DARPA in the 90s reminds me of how the CIA-sponsored promotion of orgonite cloudbusters actually resulted in this global and very successful effort to undermine the ancient parasite.
Everything I write needs to be discerned and questioned and not blindly accepted. It’s only my opinion, always. Because I’m usually careful to offer this caveat our readers don’t feel as compelled to judge or to assign a ‘right/wrong’ value to my statements. This is just an aspect of consultation, after all. It’s been said that ‘the clash of differing opinions can produce the spark of truth,’ and we can each let our opinions clash without letting our egos clash, I think.