The Tavistock model wasn’t made up out of thin air; it’s based on thousands of years of practical magic, lately called science. I think that Freud flowered at Tavistock when he recognized that the ‘science’ of psychology that he had been pursuing was mostly about controlling people, rather than just ‘analyzing’ them. He evidently never cared much for healing, as his callous and underhanded treatment of Wilhelm Reich showed. The British aristocracy not only gave him an institution and free reign but also countless human guinea pigs, including thousands of German prisoners of war for a few years.
THE HITLER BOOK documents the way that the more compliant among these German POWs at Tavistock were chosen to ‘lead’ the German people after WWII. The prisoners who had character and integrity were all weeded out, of course, and sent to actual prison camps. The malleable, weak-willed but ambitious ‘elite’ who remained were treated like celebrities, then after the war were escorted into high government, corporate and academic positions in Germany.
Before Freud came to dominate psychiatry with a bully pulpit in the 1920s (not unlike the sneaky, sponsored way that John D. Rockefeller destroyed his competition in the same period) there were substantive people in psychology and psychiatry who were excited about studying the human miind in the context of exploring, understanding, and applying information about human potential and the unseen realms. Max Freedom Long was one of them, as were his mentors.
Like just about everyone else in his generation, of course (with the possible exception of Wilhelm Reich), Long was eventually prone to organizing, so a sort of church grew up around his recommendations after he died but I’m hoping people will read his earlier first hand observations and cataloguing of huna magic in the context of what is being recorded on : practical applications and realizations of unseen personal dynamics, used by millennia by the ‘darksiders’ and now exposed and available or productive, positive work.
The non-dogmatic stye of Long really appeals to me, personally. He had been ‘through’ Theosophy and other ideologies on his religious quest as a young man, before he was introduced to real magic, which is to say he didn’t drag all that mind-control crap into his later efforts. The non-institutionalized concept of The Operators fits nicely in those realizations.
Before Freud dominated the mental exploration scene the only obstacles to such an enquiry were Christian clergy. Even the obdurate mullahs of Islam never made much headway at preventing the examination of the unseen worlds, perhaps because the Qur’an explicitly endorsed that activity. The mullahs were never that powerful until the CIA, SS ‘survivors’ and MI6 managed to set up police states and Tavistock brain police in those countries in the 1980s.
I think we’ve all been conditioned to assume that there needs to be a ‘balance’ between ‘the forces of good and evil in the world.’ This is probably why none of the Big Cosmic Drama films and books end up with the good side resolutely winning any wars but in real terms maybe true balance is like a healthy human body in which the parasites barely make a showing on account of the predominance of vital force. I think that realization is the basis for the collapse of the corporate world order, which more and more people are seeing.
We’d be hypnotizing ourselves if we assume that the vast predatory infrastrucure of that order is no longer a threat to humanity, of course, but if we keep learning our lessons and paying attention to our intuitive promptings, individually, we’ll continue to safely wend our way through that ancient mine field and spook house that this old world order has erected in the lower etheric realms.
I’ve heard from lots of talented people, by the way, who took up an interest in astral travel, succeeded at leaving their bodies and were accosted by hostile entities in an apparent effort to scare them back down into boring 3D after that. Accordingn to what our psychic companions see, when they move ‘up’ past the lower dimensions (the $#!+birds can’t seem to get up past the sixth) is that the corporate world order are afraid of ordinary folks like us, who don’t belong to secret handshake societies or Theosophy cults, breaking these old mind control bonds and exploring the unseen realms productively. I think any of us can get to the finer dimensions and that our intuitive promptings, in that condition, are even more refined and explicit. The ones who seem motivated to do that more often are psychics who can actually look around there but it’s a terrific survival skill for the rest of us. is an absolute diamond mine of usable, empowering information.
I’ve been reading Long’s online book, which I’ve asked Ale to provide here as a link, titled, ‘The Science of Magic.’ It’s helping me understand some of what the psychics are reporting during the weekly international chat sessions. I’d love to pass this resource along to people who are also interested. There are a lot of people who are interested, evidently.
This empowering activity is exactly the sort of thing Freud’s Tavistock and the slightly older Theosophy paradigm were set up to destroy. People who are confined to 3D, after all (the old materialism paradigm) are more easily manipulated and suppressed by alleged adepts who can get a couple of dimensions over them.
Theosophy is an amalgam of freemasonry and regurgitated bits of Hinduism, Buddhism and Tibetan (Vryal?) dark magic. I recently saw a stage presentation, in literal support of parasites (I’m not joking!) by a professional Theosophy proselyte who literally bent over backward to avoid mentioning Theosophy but his Hollywood-quality slide show featured an illustration of the planet with a Maltese cross superimposed on it [Image Can Not Be Found] . The odor of the presentation was unmistakable but he was physically lovely and oozed charisma and charm, also had letters behind his name. Otherwise he wasn’t saying anything explicit or worthwhile; he was hypnotizing the audience (all except me? I hate to think so). I wasn’t able to identify a single usable bit of information but the guy went on for over an hour.
Another way to identify the slicker disinformants is by their ‘carrot on a stick’ chicanery. People are induced to keep going back with the promise that something really important is about to be unveiled
The more we follow through on our finer hunches, the more we are getting familiar with the dimensions above these corporate parasites. Maybe it’s a numbers game. There are sure a finite number of corporate/etheric parasites, after all, and orgonite is pulling the DOR energy rug out from under them in 3D. That’s certainly a numbers game, too, and the incarcerated crew in Mozambique are perhaps being instruments of The Operators to pry the lid of obscurity off of this global, grassroot activity.
Maybe one of the keys to self empowerment (selfless service) is to get past seeing the bad guys as ‘worthy opponents’ or ‘teachers’ and rather see them as mere parasites. Theosophy programming stands in the way of that, of course, and it’s pretty insidious, never calling itself what it is. All of the present, unwitting Theosophy proselytes now say, ‘I’m NOT a [flaky] newager!’ for instance. Cute.
Flooding the body with vital energy (mild electric current; healthy ionization) causes parasites to evidently disintegrate into mostly reclyclable proteins. Flooding the word with vital etheric force (the good orgone) causes corporate parasites and their minions, including millions of CIA/NSA/MI6 baby snatchers, to either get a clue and stop exploiting people or to eventually go to jail, caught in the act.
It’s a pretty good analogy, I think. No need, any more, to ‘give the devil his due,’ perhaps especially since there evidently never was a devil in the first place. Notice that the only two paradigms that want to persuade us to believe in devils (dualism) are created by the corporate clergy (bornagain chumpism) and by a few very old corporate famiilies in England (Theosophy). It still amazes me how all of the destructive, oppressive mental programming in the West comes from those two sources.
Along with hearing from so many discouraged astral travellers, I’ve heard from a whole lot more people who rather pursue self-development as community service. These empowered people rather take Patrick’s lively attitude and see those threats merely as challenges and encouragement.
The corporate world order is a paper tiger in that context, after all. They’re not actually powerful; they’re just really good hypnotists. Hypnosis is a sort of contract. Any successful hypnotist can tell you that one has to agree to be hypnotized. The PJ folks crave constant hypnosis, for instance. The few PJ folks who stir in their sleep and dream that they’re awake flock to disinformation vendors. See how it works?