Something about Ingress

Have you guys seen this?

The first video has veiled references to the manipulation of the Earth energy grid, vortexes, public art and monuments, tieing places and dates in rituals for harnessing etheric power, mass brainwashing.
The game is called “ingress” – that literally means “the act or right of entering” and as a verb and it can also be a call for people to “join the game”. Niantic, which in the first video is referenced as a company, turns out to be the real company who made the game. Niantic Labs belongs to Google.

The video and game seem to push for transhumanism (the gradual integration of technology into human life and experience until they become inseparable) and fantasy=reality or game=life. It’s quite funny how seemingly out of nowhere the presenter in the second video asks “which fictional world would you rather live on: the Matrix or Tron ?” They both concerned “parallel realities” within their own “worlds”.
At least it’s a type of game that involves actual physical movement and not sitting in a chair all the time!

More oficial information here
“Players of the game belong to one of two factions, “Enlightened” (represented in green) and “Resistance” (blue). Players attempt to enclose regions of territory on Google Maps of Earth with virtual links between virtual portals; these maps are displayed on the players’ smartphones, laptops and tablets (which function as mobile game consoles), with territory gained designated as “control fields”. The ultimate goal of the game is for one’s faction to control the largest number of “Mind Units”, the estimated number of humans within the regions of territory controlled by the faction.[3] The game has attracted an enthusiastic following in cities worldwide.[4]”

The story also involves… aliens. Go figure.


FYI, I have been using Ingress as a great cover for gifting etc

Everyone knows Google and when – if they ask what you are doing, and your answer is that you are logging geocache data for Google, as you show them the impressive high tech map on a smartphone

they smile and nod

and let you in even in no-trespassing areas

its worked nicely so far.