I will post my views on evil denial. Of course this is only my opinion and experience. Bear with me since it is a bit long.
I escaped western society and left for India where i live 7 years studying and then teaching Yoga for about a decade. I was escaping from the programing. While in India i understood hundreds of 1000´s of westerners are there basically for similar reasons more or less and most definately ¨in search of something¨.
Anyway, i sincerely studied Yoga but i have always kept a wait and see file or critical eye for the things i did not understand and this has helped me avoid the idolatry, fake teachers and all the extra hokus pokus associated with a spititual path.
There are many superb views and techniques of the ancient system of Yoga and that would be the same with other millenary traditions but you do not need to swallow it all at face value just because. All this is to say i ve seen much spiritual materialism and other type of programming from those wanting to believe and idolise something or someone. So it would be more like empty your mind to re-program it again but now with this spiritual ego.
The city i lived in had many westerners for some months a year and they all would talk slow and nice, dress white cotton, eat with a straight back and be very spiritual. The thing is ´do, that the place was in reality a whorehouse where this one would gossip about that other, lie, pretend, cheat, show off their gymnastic abilities and most of them would call themselves Yogis or Yoginis just beacuse they would wake up early in the morning to do 1,30 hours of Yoga postures and the rest of the day rest in the pool, shop and gossisp… Yeah, very hard spiritual life, and rewarding too, no shit!
Thank God,I ve also met interesting people who seemed to always keep to themselves, never brag about their experience and simply were unpretending nice people.
On my way back from India i decided to research this web of the world criminal corporate order and i was astonished! That dark unnamed thing that i could infer by its reflection on people´s pain, on their life, their programming, that dark thing i never cared to look closer but escape from, had names, form, it was something concrete and well organised and it seemed it had been like this for centuries and i had been lied about pretty much everything in my life!!
Diving on the internet for 8 hours daily thru all types of info and disinfo sites for several months took a bit of a toll. I had a small breakdown , took a short break, dosified my hours of investigations, and right away i decided i would try to help, look for other solutions.
Of course meditation, being mindful, having a clear mind and a strong energetic body is a must, it is helpful. You are more prone to make good decitions with a clear mind but if you only focus on that, you are out of balanced in my opinion.
Extremes are but the same thing and so they look alike. If you take an extreme materialist they will deny the existence of the soul and any spiritual plane whatsoever and so they will most probably be Pijama people who believe every word they hear on the news and the artifitial society construct that a few psychopaths have been putting in place thru mind control and social engeneering. They will deny their unhappiness and pain and will try hard to get distracted with anything out of FEAR. They choose to IGNORE because of their FEAR.
Now if you take a Spiritual Materialist, they also will deny pain they will deny evil and they can go as far as denying this 3D plane and will try hard to get distracted doing 1000´s of new age workshops to tantilised their spinal nerves a bit and feel high for however many minutes it lasts. Check your own city for brochures of i do not know how many new therapies and healings there are around. You could write a whole book just with the names.
As an example here in Menorca i was invited to a group session that was happening every weekend in someone´s house. They told me they were working to improve Menorca Island and had been meeting for 2 years. So i thought it would be a good chance to educate about the problems and offering solutions (orgonite) and also see if i someone might help gifting.
When i got there i found it was some new age thingy. I was polite and presented my talk. Non of them took me seriously and it looked like they were molested that i should bring such a ¨dark subject¨ and that i would be the cause of all that if i concentrated on it. It was hilarious specially because they had been 2 years discussing what to do and hadnt done nothing at all!!! i had to ask them what was their purpose of meeting becasue pretty much they forgot! lol
They were getting e-mails from Melzchi·#@∞ ¨ and company telling them it was time for taking some action. So here they are, reading a message form the ¨wise ones¨ lol
SO i told them… hey. let ´s get busy, try this out and see for yourselfs the good it can do… Nothing. At some point i tried it simpler and asked them this: OK, you are all meeting here every week for some years because your intentions are to do good in the world, do you agree then that there might be people in the world gathering around to do just the opposite, evil? Silence, akward faces!! lol So there you have it…
For mysefl i am finding my own middle way. Of course in India i wasnt being attacked and was not aware about chemtrails or any of the web of sociopaths although i always kept critical mind enough to smell the shit and see people programmed, mainly that is why i left western society for India and i was not opposing it.
it is obvious we bring the ¨attacks¨ on us but not because we wish them rather because we oppose those who create all evil in the first place so obviously we will get their resistance and attention. if you do not oppose them, you can live happily programmed thruout your life as long as you serve them or die a slow death sponsored by your own pockets when you pay for food that makes you sick, the water, and finally the drugs that kill you to solve those problems. It is all run by psycopaths wether you want to look at it or not.
For me it is also a super challenge since i cannot afford to let myself go astray at all cause i will pay for it fast by those parasites who got me on their radar, so it actually forces me to continue to grow spiritually.
If we are spiritual beings with the abiity to affect this plane thru sincere ¨prayer¨ whatever form it takes, it is true then that if enough people joined this etheric effort, the whole thing would regenerate very very fast. The materialist are too distracted and scared to face the truth masqueradin their pain and the new agers playing around with the spiritual spinal nerve tanglings floating around also denying evil. Both are actually participating and collaborating with evil by their passive roles.
In my view the end result of following the let s all hug and love, happy green nazi carbon tax my ass agenda would be 1984 or a brave new world. A while back i happened to check the site of the ¨Club of Budapest¨ which i understand is a off-shoot of the Club of Rome and they seem to support this agenda. Of course they want the earth charter to be the world constitution and a few Wise spiritual men running things, and if i am not mistaken they were telling that things should change for the better but when you read closer it was very much evident that the only change they wanted was by name. Same pyramid system of power just that instead of paying taxes to the IRS for instance, we could all donate love credits to the ministry for human ascension lol A bit exageration here but you get the picture.
Having said that, I say there s great potential in many people who are into the new age, cause some are investing time and discovering techniques that might do good only if they were applied practically to solve the problems also on this 3D plane. Of course the same could be said of any Pijama person who waked up enough, they may decide to get down to business too.