Carol and I are collecting books about the Magdalene legacy in preparation for our little sojourn in Southern France. I don’t see how it’s possible to know, for sure, about this stuff without travelling to the source, as Carol did last summer. If the subject weren’t so loaded with masonic lies and histrionics it might be possible to know, especially if the Vatican were to release the alleged historical evidence to the world.
It’s getting easier to sift through the disinformants work because all of them present this legacy as a sex/reincarnation cult or as dusty Jewish mysticism. A couple of the less relevant but more glamorous books we got from were published by the Theosophical Society [Image Can Not Be Found]
This is only our personal interest, of course, and has little to do with orgonite, which is why I’m posting this in the Miscellaneous section. The psychics in the chats, though, are finding it useful and edifying to call on Mary Magdalene and Jesus, at least. I don’t know if any of them are ready to ask Muhammad for help, yet, or if they think it’s a relevant effort. It’s not up to me. I like the way they rely on consensus among themselves. I personally believe that Muhammad was the Paraclete/Comforter referred to by Jesus.
You might have noticed that several celebrities of questionable character are stridently pimping Kaballah, now, and that there are literal Kaballah temples, or at least one, in Hollywood. I consider this a kind of endorsement, the way Alice Bailey claimed that Hitler was the Return of Christ [Image Can Not Be Found] but it’s not a very positive endorsement. I think it’s schizophrenic to claim to have Christ Consciousness, which a lot of newagers claim or infer that they have achieved. The newage movement is a pitiful amalgam of three of the corporate world order’s key groups, all of which are joined seamlessly and around the fringe you see people like Aleister Crowley and Charles Manson.
Masonry, Rosicrucianism and Theosophy are a sort of unholy trinity and they produced the ideology of humanism for public consumption. Their inner circles are more ‘spiritual’ and practice rituals that one could call ‘satanic,’ involving the old Babylonian alleged deities. London’s got masonic symbolism all over the place in architecture, public art, etc., and it reminds me of how dogs go around and claim territory with their urine.
That said, I’m sure that Kabbalah’s origins were clean enough until the world order began popularizing their version. The fact that so many scoundrels are promoting that version ought to give someone pause about accepting it as a valid spiritual paradigm, though. The claim I hear the most about it is that if one will master it, one will be the same as God. Some call that ‘infantilism’ but it’s the essence of humanism. DB once offered a loan of his Keys of Enoch to us; said it’s the unedited version that the public can’t get. He kept it from his time near the top of the masonic/rosicrucian/theosophy food chain… I think it was a kind offer but someone else might be more interested in this stuff than we are. I figure that the really empowering stuff is simple and that anyone can access it. Faith is a gift, though; not something one seizes by force [Image Can Not Be Found]
The Book of Genesis came from or through Ur, at least in the context of Abraham’s life. His father was the high priest of Ur and after Abraham destroyed all the idols in the temple, even is daddy wanted him exiled. I had read in the book, In Quest of Eden, that the rabbinical colleges in Israel have a version of the Book of Genesis that is quite big. The one in the Bible is about the size of a large pamphlet. I personally believe it’s a viable historical document. The rabbis in these colleges assume, based on the document, that Adam was a Prophet Who re-established civilization after a global calamity. Maybe Abraham, by smashing the idols, was calling the people of Ur back to a more relevant history, the way so many prophets were sent to Israel in the following millenia.
Ur was in the vicinity of Babylon, where the corporate world order gets its spiritual inspiration to this day. I think the large scale human sacrifice, especially of children that Moloch ‘requires’ of the world order is kind of typical of how these people believe in private. Moloch’s got a huge statue at Bohemian Grove and also has a little image tucked away in the upper right corner of the front of the US$1 note. Infantile. The same gods were worshipped throughout the region in those days, sometimes with slight name changes. I think it’s useful to read Sitchin’s first book because he collected enough evidence to show that those were not isolated cultures. Reading disinformants in print lets you come away with cleaner intel than if you read it on the internet, I think–no subliminals in books [Image Can Not Be Found] . Sitchin’s one of those popular authors who hate God. That’s become pretty fashionable among otherwise intelligent folks in the West in recent decades.
Some of my friends in third world places marvel at North Americans and Europeans who don’t know, nor even care that there’s a God. I think that’s a mark of successful programming by these closet devil worshippers who control the media, the schools and the churches [Image Can Not Be Found] and who really, really hate our Creator. Fortunately, people who grow a conscience usually come to suspect, at least, that we were created and were not accidentally spawned by a random chemical exchange. When one can be programmed to ignore God, then it’s easy to program that person to believe that he IS God, thanks to Tavistock’s sleepless efforts since the mid 1800s or so. I hope to learn more about Tavistock’s connection to masonry and theosophy someday but a lot of people are afraid to talk about that, much less expose it in print.
I was reading in the Mao biography that the reason his Cultural Revolution failed to sufficiently depopulate the country was because even the Red Guard (adolescents, mostly) were eventually unwilling to inflict that amount of horror on the populace, any more. Mao was only able to get them to murder about 70 million poeple before it ended, shortly before he did. Can you see the Tavistock signature on Mao’s career? It seems obvious to me that he couldn’t have dreamt all that up on his own but it was the logical outgrowth of London’s humanism agenda, as was the later massacre in Cambodia, much of which was also conducted by children. If Moloch were real, I’m sure he’d feel as pleased by this as the corporate world order are.
I wonder why people will bow the knee to conspiracy theories, such as those that are the foundation for US/UK/Israel’s War on Terror. The factual evidence of the corporate world order’s very, very long range but failing strategy to enslave and destroy people is so clear that I wouldn’t even call it a theory. The sad bit is that in order to get to that feeling of certainty requires quite a bit of reading and a whole lot of detached observation. Only a few people want to do that but after we few will talk about it publicly, enough, then it will become ‘conventional wisdom’ before we know it.
Almost the only ones talking about this stuff publicly are employees of the corporate world order; Chicken Littles. Throw in a few manic but popular Bible Beaters, of course. Their employers are desperate for you not to recognize that thise entire global, London-based organization is merely a parasite in humanity’s bowels [Image Can Not Be Found] and you might know how easy it is to get rid of parasites.
Even though these ancient families that are infesting London have committed to very long range plans, they’re shortsighted in some important ways. They obviously weren’t watching when China turned the tables and bought them out and they also underestimated our ability to use orgonite to further undermine their disgusting hegemony. China’s red regime are next in line for that, by the way