I’m going to stick my neck out a bit to repeat that the only three terrorist governments on the planet are the US, Britain and Israel.
Doublespeak has the PJ folks (the few who even think about stuff like this–mostly Depressoin Babies, I think) that these gov’ts are the good guys–go figure
In Sunday’s chat a new view came up: 30 or so NSA and FBI schucks in expensive suits, monitoring our chatroom in a boardroom (big table, lots of big video screens along one wall). Carol said that their creepy corporate masters had gotten very concerned that EW is getting ‘too much public attention,’ so of course we interfered with them. They were also evidently hoping that our psychics wouldn’t find the nuke bomb on the seabed off the coast of Fire Island, NY, that was probably intended to wipe out most of the infrastructure and population of the region.
Before, the psychics only ever saw astral peekers from the various sewer rat agencies so this marked a distinct shift in the corporate world order’s approach to this problem (us).
I debated whether to mention this, since I’m probably getting closer to being shot or disappeared. I have a lot of faith in my gal’s ability to see that sort of thing coming, though, and we’re well able to avoid it. Two activists very near us (Sagle, Idaho–15 miles away) are in trouble: Edgar Steele was disappeared by the feds into the Gulag Archipelago last month and Dr Len Horowitz is being subjected to a slander campaign and possible sting operation that’s probably intended to land him in prison, too.
The reason I started putting my journal reports on the web in early 2001 was because were in a similar, threatened situation at the time and public exposure afforded us some protection. We were kind of isolated when we started doing this work and it was obvious enough that the work directly threatened the parasitic hegemony of the old corporate world order.
Another new trend in the chats is that the Wingmakers have been showing up a lot. Truth is that I’ve always had them (among other shining lights) in mind when I mentioned The Operators but I think that, by now, enough discerning folks recognize that the NSA website of that name is a misdirect so I think it’s okay to start using the term, ‘Wingmakers,’ again, especially since Hawthorne seems to be so closely connectec to them. Engineer Gene, one of the psychics, says they’re smiling at our jokes, by the way.
Montauk, the American home base for the massive-scale exploitation and slaughter of young children, might be a primary support of the corporate world order, certainly of this terrorist regime in Washington, and Montauk has been showing up more and more in the chats, this summer. In my favorite near-future scenario, I would be dropping a hundred marine earthpipes on that unspeakably massive base around Eastern Long Island and in Long Island Sound from our Zodiac at the same time that the bloodlusting FBI storm troopers would come looking for me, here in Idaho, in the middle of the night [Image Can Not Be Found] . Federal schmucks.
Jack Marshak, gifting in Hawaii, encouraged me to say more that may be challenging to our readers’ credulity. I apologize to anyone who finds this post especially hard to digest and I confidently remind you that our collective Sunday efforts in the international chatroom should be considered subjective, not authoritative. The psychics who were in Sunday’s chat feel confident that the big hydrogen bomb was neutralized by The Operatores and that there will be no tsunami this week in the US. I think that the terrorists recognize that the only way they have a shot at martial law is to completely (violently) devastate the economy but even that would probably fail, since FEMA ‘Hurricane Relief’ has become synonymous with ‘Trail of Tears.’