This Is Amazing! Aid Convoy Leaving London For Gaza


I think I don’t need to go over the story of what happened in Palestine some weeks ago…

This news made me so happy, this really shows that people are starting to handle problems by themselves for helping others as governments cannot be trusted anymore to do anything than just all talk no action…
Peace definitely prevails
Not surprisingly there has been no mention of all this in the medias…
George Galloway MP, Yvonne Ridley and hundreds of British volunteers are driving an aid convoy of over 100 donated vehicles packed with practical aid to Gaza leaving from outside the Houses of Parliament, London on Saturday the 14th February. This remarkable convoy will be over a mile long and carry a million pounds of aid raised in just four weeks.

Volunteers will drive the donated vehicles from all over Britain to Westminster on Valentine’s Day to form the convoy which will then drive almost 5,000 miles together through France, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt where they will cross the border at Rafah into Gaza in early March.

The convoy includes a fire engine, 25 ambulances, a boat and trucks filled with medicines, cash, tools, clothes, blankets, and shoe-boxes filled with gifts for children. All this and more has been by donated by communities across the country.

George Galloway said, “No-one will send a vehicle that is not filled with items including pyjamas, clothes and blankets. Millions of people in this country care deeply, and we are going to show that.�

Each person travelling on the convoy is a self-financed British volunteer. The vehicles will be left with the people of Gaza; volunteers will fly home to the UK. Thousands of pounds cash has been fundraised and collections for donated goods and fundraising events are still taking place all over Britain.

The effort is being co-ordinated by the campaign group Viva Palestina and is supported by the Stop the War Coalition, the Respect Party, the Anglo-Arab Organisation, several British trade unions and a large number of Muslim organisations. George Galloway MP and journalist Yvonne Ridley will lead the convoy from London across France and Spain then North Africa to enter Gaza via the Rafah crossing.

Now they are in Algeria already


I sent the convoy $20.00 last night. Thank you for posting and letting us know about the convoy.

I found a blog from link hopping from their site, it’s called [Smoking Mirrors
. The guy writing it has an interesting take on all that is happening right now.

Basically, humanity is waking up so fast to everything including the global deceptions and to the controllers that
it is really the global elite that are going down, not humanity.
The Global Elite can’t help themselves grab more power and control and that is going to be their downfall.

Peope around the world are just not going to stand for it anymore and will respond in a way that will put an end to tyranny once and for all. I think about Orgonite and Orgone energy when I read stuff like his and how timely it has been for all of us that
we have been gifting it around the world. It’s no coincidence either.

Thanks a lot, Fabien and Eric–very good news! The What To Think Network is mandated to avoid telling any good news, of course, but so what?

Presumably, there won’t be any American Homeland Security arschmaden there to turn those vehicles away, the way they turned away all the aid sent from around the world to the people of New Orleans affter the feds blew up those dikes and flooded the city

Seriously, some followup reports will be nice to have. If the Mossadomites® and/or MI6 try to interfere I hope that will also end up on YouTube, for instance.


I’ll keep an eye on this until I know they have arrived.

I was already following the movement which helped Gazans by going to Gaza by ship from Cyprus and Greece.

The first 4-5 ships (started in august 2008) made it even though they were threatened by Israeli boats on the way, and they didn’t even cross any Israeli waters…
But since the attack on Gaza, they haven’t managed to get in again, because this time the Israeli military shot down the boat once and threatened to do the same on the next boats too…

Also from the freegaza project I learned that Palestinians fishers are harassed and shot at by the Israeli military in their own water, less than 1 mile away from the coast… Even if normally their allowed water space should extend up to at least 12 miles away from the coast!
And since the cease fire it has gotten much worst for the fishers…

That’s what they call a cease fire

Thx, Fabien. I don’t think the brutes who run Israel’s gov’t on behalf of London care about world opinion as long as they keep getting those billions of dollars every year from people like Madoff and the the sleepy-headed Zionist chumps in America.

I think they’ll finally be exposed to judgement after the US Government has been dissolved, though. It will be wonderful to see an end to terrorism through that wonderful, probably entirely peaceful process soon.

Carol and I attended a public meeting last night, locally, and the room was packed to overflowing with ordinary folks like us who are simply fed up with tyranny and are talking about options. This started happening all over America recently, so I’m encouraged that secession will happen before long. Twenty years ago, when the PJ folks were still fascists, the FBI would probably have rounded us all up but there weren’t even any pugnacious local cops taking photographs, this time. Anyone who used to go to free-speech-oriented meetings in America remembers the overt intimidation of those bullet headed, battle-armored cops who looked like they were getting ready to invade Poland

British AID Convoy Arrives In Gaza

George Galloway’s Speaks To The People Gaza

Video – March 09, 2009


The Viva Palestina convoy drove slowly along the Salah Eddine road leading to Gaza City taking in the atmosphere around them and savoring the moment of history they had just created.

Along the way, thousands of Palestinians, the other heroes of this beautiful story of resistance, defiance and hope approached every vehicle kissing, touching, hugging the bravest of Britain. They handed their babies, their young children, to the convoy members so that they could be embraced, as if the angels were in town. Drenched in flowers, tears were flowing on both sides.

Further up the road, they could see people coming out of their tents and the ruins of their destroyed homes running towards them, rubbing their eyes in disbelief that the siege has been broken and they were not alone.

According to the Palestinian Information Centre, George Galloway in his historic speech from Al Katiba Square, confirmed that Ismael Hania is the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and a prime minister for all the free of the world

He also said that the members of the convoy are not from the upper class of the UK, but from all walks of life, all religions, all colours. The donations came from ordinary people, from mosques and churches. He also said that millions could not make this journey, but they are all praying today for you, the people of Palestine.

In Gaza City, it was jubilations and celebrations tonight where the guests of honour did not want to be considered as guests – but as part of the ever-growing Gaza family. The Gaza authorities have organised a rally in honour of Viva Palestina and a program of activities that includes a tour of the damaged areas including schools, hospitals and other amenities.

Some support members of Viva Palestina who managed to cross on foot after a ten-hour wait at the border are staying at Rafah tonight as guests of the Gaza governing authorities. Unfortunately, some other members are still awaiting permission to cross. They are hoping that the Egyptians will allow them to join their friends tomorrow.

An eventful day, with a roller-coaster of emotions, is drawing to an close. Tomorrow Viva Palestina will tour Gaza to see, at first hand, the plight of one and half million people in the densest concentration of people per square kilometre on the globe.

They will report on the scale of the calamity in what, in reality, is the world’s biggest concentration camp, where people have endured a never-ending siege and where they have nowhere to run when the F16s decide to play their deadly game with the children of Gaza.

Farid Arada

Viva Palestina convoy attacked by Egyptian police & thugs


March 08, 2009 – Gaza-bound aid convoy ‘Viva Palestina’ has been attacked in Egypt on its way to break a long imposed Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip.

Several activists were injured after the attackers – claimed to be members of Palestinian Fatah faction – vandalized some of the cars in the convoy, Press TV reported Sunday.

British lawmaker, George Galloway, who is traveling with the convoy said that Egyptian authorities did not protect the convoy despite their promises.“They are blocking us inside, but they don’t protect us.”

The convoy of peace activists including Press TV presenter Yvonne Ridley and Film maker Hassan Ghani left London on February 14.

Having traveled thousands of kilometers (miles) through Europe and North Africa, the convoy arrived in Egypt on Saturday.

The convoy is scheduled to arrive in the besieged territory Monday morning.

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Naturally, this movement is not being applauded by the mainstream medias and any ‘official’ agency… even the opposite:

March 24, 2009

In an extraordinary move, the Charity Commission in Britain has issued a hostile briefing about the Gaza solidarity campaign inspired by Respect MP George Galloway, just before he arrived in North America for a speaking tour.

The Viva Palestina campaign, which organised a convoy of over 100 vehicles bringing aid to the besieged population of Gaza, has been in contact with the Charity Commission over the last week and sent it a substantial letter today in response to letters only received this morning.

Before receiving that letter, however, some officials at the Commission have issued a statement to the media to say they are launching a “statutory investigation�, even though the Viva Palestina campaign has sought to co-operate with all relevant authorities throughout. As Galloway touched down in the US to begin his speaking tour he made the following statement:

“If anyone needs investigating, it is the Charity Commission itself. There is no good reason why the Commission should jump the gun and issue a statement that it is launching an investigation when, in fact, it was about to receive the information and correspondence it had asked for. But there are plenty of bad reasons for this outrageous behaviour.

“Let the facts speak for themselves. On Friday, Rupert Murdoch’s Sun reports that a right wing, pro-war, Bushite in Canada is stamping all over free speech and seeking to ban me from the country. On Saturday, Hazel Blears wrote to the largest Muslim organisation in the country calling for the head of its Deputy Director General Dr Daud Abdullah, because of his support for the Palestinian cause.

“On Monday morning, I set off to the US and Canada for a sell out speaking tour on the issue of Palestine. While I’m in the air the Charity Commission decides not to wait for a letter it had asked for and which will reach it tomorrow, Royal Mail permitting, but instead launches a public attack on the aid convoy I led.

“This isn’t the first time the Charity Commission has intervened in a blatantly political way. It did it over the miners strike a quarter of a century ago and against other solidarity movements. It did it over my campaign against sanctions on Iraq, when it repeatedly went though the books of a political campaign despite the fact it never found anything untoward.

“In truth, I expected this kind of attack. So, I’m sure, did the millions of people whose support for the people of Palestine is an affront to the establishment and its organs. Doubtless supporters of the Iraq war and Israel’s aggression against the Palestinians will hope that this will damage solidarity efforts. They are deluded.

“We won’t be intimidated. Viva Palestina will continue to campaign. And if the reaction in Canada to these kind of attacks is anything to go by, I anticipate an even greater outpouring of support for our campaign – moral, political, financial and in every other way.â€?