Interesting 'zeitgeist-esque 'documentary about torus geometry. The connection to Proctor and Gamble family may raise a few eyebrows!! Big production values…
Main content is part of the happy ‘disclosure’ movement, but there are some nice 3d geometry visuals, (though a lot of it is fol based). The tune is “the aliens will bring us new energy tech that’s been supressed by the blah blah blah.”
Comedic and sweet in a where’s my new-age-barf-bag kind of way. Simultaneously makes interesting points like Green movement being part of a dialectic tool. Points the finger at banking and industrialist families. Hits all the buttons, talks about breaking the cancer legacy, compares the financial system to parasites… held my attention mostly.
Steven Greers, Adam Trombly, John Bedini, John Hutchinson, Eugene Malove, Brian O’Leary, Vananda Shiva, John Gatto, John Robbins, Deepak Chopra, mentions Royal Rife, David Icke,