Unorganized Etheric Air Force. I partly intended it as a sort of Bronx Cheer at the United States Air Force (USAF), which is nearly as heinous as it’s twin ugly sister, the CIA. The US Air Force Academy’s aggressive bornagain chumpism recruitment campaign, a CIA mind control program evidently intended to make bomber pilots feel okay about mass Muslim murder, particularly skeeves me out.
I’ve cogitated about a logo for this unorganization, which will be born as soon as the second gifter who has an airplane d*ops orgonite, flying low and slow, around a mountaintop death ray array or similar worthy target.
I then want to get my flying vest embroidered with the logo & will also get a leather aviator’s jacket & put the logo on it.
Last fall, Carol’s acupuncturist (an accomplished pilotess) told her that a Phantom ultralight was for sale on Craig’s List. Carol suggested that I check it out and I called the fellow who was actually soliciting a half-interest in this plane, which he’d bought. I agreed to buy the refurbishments, which added up to the price he was asking, and I intended to do the work because I love to work on planes and I’ve got the space. It was in a hangar right across the runway from mine, too. A couple of weeks later I started up the motor and taxied it home. I didn’t like having to stand right behind the propeller to flip the chokes and start the motor and the instrument panel was so low that I couldn’t get my legs under it to reach the rudder pedals. The guy who built it must have been pretty short.
By the time the snow was melted from the runway it was ready to fly–new sails, flaps, disc brakes, new instrument panel, remote choke control, pushcables for flaps and aelerons, cockpit engine start setup. This one has a more powerful engine than my first plane had, also flies a little faster and climbs steeper. You can see one on and I got all yellow sails for it.
Roger, my aviation mentor and neighbor, flew the plane first and told me that it flies twice as good as before. He said that he hesitated to tell me this because he didn’t want me to get a big head but I didn’t do any major structural changes. Whoever first assembled this from a kit overlooked a few things, though, so it was heavy to handle and the wings were a little out of balance. My partner, who flew the thing to our airfield after he bought it last fall, was even more impressed.
My partner has had ten ultralights since 1980 and prefers them to flying the ‘heavy iron,’ which he also does–instrument rated, which means he has been certified to takeoff, fly, navigate and land by only watching the instrument panel. He’s a very friendly and interesting fellow. He had a hangar near where I used to live in Washington State and enjoyed flying his ultralights out to the San Juan Islands in Puget Sound. Ultralights are, indeed, a lot more fun to fly than Cessnas, etc. Also more challenging since it’s so easy to crash one [Image Can Not Be Found]
He, Roger and I got together on the first viable flying day, April 7. The maintenance volunteer had run a roller over the entire runway and taxiway, compacting the thawed soil. He also put big, orange wooden 'X’s at each end of the runway to indicate to people in the air that landing was not an option.
Roger took it for some hops down the runway and back, then my partner (I shouldn’t say his name until he says it’s okay) flew it out to the ‘practice area,’ which is a huge, flat horse pasture on teh other side of the road from the south end of the runway. He came back after about fifteen minutes, saying that it was too rough up there to put the plane through its paces. He asked, ‘You going to fly it?’
I hesitated, briefly, because the last time I flew a plane I crashed it [Image Can Not Be Found] but said, ‘Sure!’ and climbed into the cockpit & started it up. The wind was out of the northeast, so I had to taxi to the other end of the runway. One takes off and lands into the wind so that the ‘ground roll’ is as short and slow as possible–saves wear and tear on the landing gear and is safer.
I live at the north end of the 3,000+ feet long grass strip. I was thankful that the south end of the strip is out of sight, due to a rise in the middle, because my takeoff was atrocious—a couple of big bounces before I was in the air, building up speed a few feet above ground in ‘ground effect.’ Ground effect is that cushion of air that exists a wingspan above the ground. It’s sort of like how hovercraft ‘fly.’ You build up speed while in a safe, stable attitude, then ‘rotate’ the nose up to climb. This little plane literally pops up about a hundred feet, then [Image Can Not Be Found]
I did one lap in the air and then my landing was as bad as my takeoff–thankfully unwitnessed. A couple days later we had flying weather, again, and I improved very fast with a dozen or so ‘touch and go’ landings/takeoffs and less fear.
The Phantom manual says that 55mph is the best climb speed. Going a little slower lets you climb a little faster but it heats up the engine. Stall speed is around 30mph without the flaps. I think it’s around 25mph with the flaps fully extended. With flaps and no motor you land kind of like a bird.
Roger encouraged me to practice ‘slipping’ to lose altitude quickly to land on a short field. This is an emergency practice. The manual says to dive at the end of the runway at 55 to 65mph, then flare (level off) a few feet above the ground but this involves a very long glide before the wheels are down and if I have to emergency land in a little pasture or parking lot with trees all around I wouldn’t be able to land safely if I did that.
So, yesterday i finally got the slip protocol down and was able to roll to a stop right in front of my hangar, consistently. I aimed for the tops of some pine trees at the north end of the shorter runway that goes past my hangar in order to get the proper descent angle for such a short landing and when you slip you lose altitude very fast (800 ft per minute) without gaining speed. I think I was going around 40mph. The airspeed indicator won’t work in a slip because the plane is turned kind of sideways, then. I attached my GPS, though, which has a groundspeed indicator and the next time I fly I’ll be mindful to check that on the way down–will also gauge the stall speed. When I come into the short little strip I have to stop the engines and apply full flaps while I’m still up there, in order to not overshoot our hangar’s location. This is called a ‘dead stick landing,’ and is my favorite kind [Image Can Not Be Found]
The slip is a little disconcerting because you have to bank to left or right while applying the opposite rudder direction. When this is done intentionally and with enough airspeed it’s a helpful technique but when it’s done haphazardly at a low enough speed, one stalls and drops out of the sky like a brick–that’s called ‘crossed controls.’ It causes this plane to turn sideways but when Roger was teaching it to me in his Piper the plane still pointed straighter ahead. That’s a nice old plane! My previous plane also pointed straighter ahead. Maybe the Phantom goes sideways because the only lateral resistance surface is the vertical stabilizer–the upright part in front of the rudder.
Carol had told me that she’s not going to watch me fly until I get much better at it [Image Can Not Be Found] and the poor girl was just coming home, yesterday around sunset, and saw me coming down between the pine trees in a slip configuration—sideways. It was a really smooth, silent landing but she had scurried inside and didn’t see it.
I’m not going to fly away from the field until I put some wing racks on the aiirplane trailer because if I have to land somewhere that’s too short for a takeoff I’ll have to retrieve the plane with the trailer, preferably in one trip. I assembled the plane by myself, to see if I could do it. I built a couple of custom wingstands, first. Now, I know I can take it apart on my own if I have to land on a forest road or in someone’s field. I have a toolkit for that.
The same time I got this plane, I started building an Affordaplane, which you can see on . I’m modifying it to have folding wings and the gas tank from my first plane will go in the right wing so I can carry a lot of orgonite behind the seat. That’s going to be my gifting plane. The Phantom is my training plane. A year ago I assumed that I could get proficient with flying ‘on the (mountain gifting) job’ but that’s not how these things work, obviously. Since the crash I’ve been reading books on micrometeoroly, soaring, ultralights, hang gliding, etc., and this summer I’ll finish my hang glider training and start to learn soaring. One can soar with any aircraft, by the way. This is the practice of gaining altitude by riding thermals and other air currents. When one flies a little plane with low fuel capacity this is an important consideration but it’s just good to learn so that one can be a better, safer pilot.
I’m having an engine built for the Affordaplane that will be amenable to A Joe Cell, which I"ve already purchased. The only other major purchase for that plane will be the springy aluminum landing gear ($1300 for that piece); I’ve got most of the rest of what I need to finish it and I can probably get it done this summer. I don’t know how long it will take for the Joe Cell to enable me to stop using fuel but I’m pretty sure it won’t take long because the engine (modified half-volkswagen motor) has a magnesium alloy block, which gets saturated with orgone pretty quickly. Joe Cells can be turned off with a switch, which is important in case implosion starts while I’m climbing after takeoff or while I’m in the air, away from the airfield.
Implosion in the cyliinders started from my first Joe Cell during my watershed gifting excursion through Southern Idaho in August, 2002. That time, the subsequent violent shaking of the truck’s motor caused the center bold to collapse after a few minutes, before I had an opportunity to advance the timing and stop the fuel. The water drained out.
That’s probably just as well because 1) I hadn’t made plans for turning off the fuel pump and I didn’t know exactly how to rotate the distributor; 2) feds from several sewer rat agencies were all over me, then, and I’d probably have gotten shot or disappeared if I’d reported success with a free energy device in those days. The political climate for that is much, much better by now–these corporate/occult $#!+bird agencies are evidently more worried about exposure than whether they will succeed with their masters’ ancient tyranny/genocide wishes.
I had used the center bolt as the positive pole, which was a mistake because electrolysis had eaten away at the half-inch thick bolt. This time, I’ll reverse the polarity and the kit I got from in Australia is probably made with the appropriate steel. There were no kits available when I put mine together, so I evidently used the wrong steel for at least one of the components. That cell only started initiating implosion after I added a conical top, by the way. When it had a flat top it produced a whole lot of envigorating orgone but that’s all it did. It felt the same as being in the proximity of a Tesla coil, by the way.
Imagine what one can do with a very lightweight gifting airplane that never needs fuel and can be carted to and from remote, unsurveilled spots on a trailer. I’m gathering materials for a ‘gifting cloudbuster’ which will be aimed from the ground at targets that I’ll be flying to. I already built a mini-cloudbuster for an airplane–it’s streamlined and has a Succor Punch that’s pointed back at the base, which has an obsidian egg in it. This one will find a roost in the wingstruts of the Affordaplane.
Will anyone else out there get an airplane and start gifting from the air, this year? I assume there will be hundreds doing this before long but all I’m hoping for is one more so that I can start sporting that UEAF logo
I envision multi-engine transports dropping millions of simple towerbusters in the seas and dropping hundreds of modified orgonite cloudbusters across the Sahara and Gobi, north and south, east and west–within five years?
I’m hoping that Carol will get an appropriate flying license (that’s her long range plan) and that we can fly a modified B-25 (her favorite–we can paint it purple), together with a crew, to do our part in this-- perhaps funded by some rich folks who have consciences. There are a few people like that, by the way. I assume that the material that’s going to be published on Manfred’s science forum, , will convince them that this is a worthwhile investment.