Underground Nuclear Blasts

Hi just for info, there is stuff on the net about the Washington D.C. Earthquake from 23rd of August claiming it was underground bases been blasted and destroyed, so that the scared bad guys loose a place to hide.

It seems true!
First the seismograph of the 23rd of August event from the washigton and Lee university

and then an old compraison made in 2004 of the seismograph from an indian nuclear test and an earthquake.

So what does the 23rd august seismograph look the most like [Image Can Not Be Found] But I’m wondering if it was a nuclear device or some other more advanced type of explosion that is not harmful to the planet. Because it doesn’t look exactly like a nuclear explosion.

Given that we know that Good Guys are already at work making Bad Guy underground hideyholes unpleasant for Bad Guys via earthpipes containing simple orgonite, the idea that a heretofore unknown group of Good Guys equipped with DOR-spewing Bad Guy tech are using it to destroy said hideyholes does not seem plausible to me.

But that Bad Guys might be using such DOR-spewing tech to create an Earthquake seems very plausible to me, however. See: ‘seabed nuke-produced Indonesian Tsunami’. Readers may recall that Joe Vialls was murdered very shortly after writing a story about that subject.

The seismo printout does seem to indicate nuke vs. natural quake, from my lay perspective.

Here is a link to an interview:

Also Wilcock claims insiders told him it wasn’t done with nukes.

Fulford has been talking about this white dragon group for more that a year. it sounds a little nuts, but it would be great if they exist and pull it off.

Wilcock’s new book which he mentions on that page is interesting indeed. I am reading it.
He brings scientific information to bear that would explain how a lot of the stuff we are doing works. Reich is mentioned on page 1 and again later in the book. He has an extensive bibliography. The majority of the scientific data is from Russia.
For example they have built over a thousand pyramids in Russia using pvc and pre-made fiberglass sheets paid for by the government in some cases.
The pyramids have effects like purifying water, making carcinogenic compounds inert, causing violent storm to go around the pyramid, and causing violent behavior to subside, to name a few. Sound familiar?
That is just one of the early topics discussed in the book to lay the foundation for his ideas about the “source field” as he calls it.