'What happened to EW?!'

About three weeks ago we had some confusion about paying for domain registration so it didn’t get done. They shut down our site last week on account of that. Evidently, when that happens someone has to renew the DNS settings (whatever that is) and we haven’t been able to reach Capt Azti, EW’s host and guardian, who may be experiencing some personal hardship right now.

Another phone call to the domain service got quick service today and the woman on the phone renewed the DNS settings.

I’m sending Chuck (Capt Azti) boosts every time I think of him and would you please do the same for now? This really helps us when we are going through the wringer, as you many know from firsthand experience by now [Image Can Not Be Found]

Many thanks to Cassandria, who set up EW for us in August, 2004 and has been offering productive suggestions toward solving this dilemma during Chuck’s hiatus. We can look forward to impressive field reports from her in the Western Caribbean region, shortly.


i’m glad to see the forum back up—-was starting to get worried

Boosting Chuck! Glad we’re back.
