Yet Another Orgonite Workshop

Dear gifters,

it is my great joy to report of another small, yet empowering workshop held here up in north. Another reason to be satisfied is that people involved were very inspired and will carry on the task, as often people only want to taste a bit without the desire for real commitment of environmental healing through orgonite devices. Although the group was small, I could see very a promising spirit in it as they are like a family, also the good news of orgonite is currently being taken to Austria where according to my friend people are getting very interested in orgonetechnology.

I share this report in order to encourage all of you to do the same, these workshops are extremely powerful ways of connecting and networking which is what humanity crucially needs. It was truly my pleasure to share the knowledge and the art of making orgonite in this sort of gathering. Yet, I know many already do this around the world, but I have not seen it being reported so widely, therefore I decided to share this.

Some photos:

The temperature outside was certainly not the perfect one for pouring but on the other hand we are used to that here, so fresh -10 degrees just kept the brains working.

However, in Finland the ancestors were bright enough to develope a shelter against cold, actually globally recognised sacred space we call ‘sauna’ here, which many of you may already know as sweat lodge. So to ensure the curing process we heated up the sauna and brought the devices in with success. The recommendation for using resin is from +18 to +25 degrees. We kind of went under that. Fingers and toes went senseless but at least we got some hardcore generators. Here I am blowing the flames back to life.

Blessings to all,
