The Orgonite Cloudbuster (or chembuster): Construction details and observations

Cloudbuster Construction Details

The following was written by Don Croft (the inventor) and archived by

Definition of a contrail

A contrail occurs when a plane travels at a high altitude (about30,000 ft. or more) and compresses the air into a water vapour or ice crystals through jet engines or the wing tips pushing through the air. This trail disappears after anywhere from a few seconds to 15 minutes, as the water vapour evaporates.

Definition of a chemtrail

The term “chemtrail” is a relatively new word, which appeared in the last few years along with the appearance of chemtrails. A chemtrail is very different from a contrail. At first a chemtrail might look a bit like a contrail. However, instead of disappearing like a contrail does, a chemtrail just keeps spreading out and forming a hazy cloud bankout and forming a hazy cloud bank. These trails traverse the whole sky and stay for up to around five or even eight hours.

They have been known to turn what was originally a clear blue sky into a grey haze. (Note: As of Nov2001 there are already several dozen Chembusters in seven countries, so if you see chemtrails that don’t last anywhere near this long, there may already be a Chembuster in the area).

It is believed chemtrails are composed at least in part by an oil based substance of unknown content that is actually being sprayed from jets on populated areas. It has also been found that some chemtrails contain red blood cells, aluminum, mycoplasma, viruses and other unknown biological components. There are many reports of increased diseases, especially respiratory ailments, in areas where there are chemtrails.

Chemtrails are often seen to be sprayed by white planes with no markings. Sometimes you will see these planes give off no contrail at all, and immediately after the same kind of plane in the same area will start to leave a thick chemtrail. At other times, distinct short gaps in chemtrails have been photographed, as though the plane ran out of chemicals and then had to start spraying with a new supply.

History of the Cloudbuster

The Wilhelm Reich Cloudbuster was well known for its ability to create rain. But a problem existed with its continued use, in that the deadly orgone energy that it absorbed could in fact hurt the operator if it was not correctly “drained off”.

This “draining off” of deadly orgone energy was accomplished by:

  1. Connecting the Cloudbuster to a body of running water (difficult) or
  2. Connecting the Cloudbuster output to an orgone accumulator.

However, the orgone accumulator would soon become saturated with the deadly orgone energy which in turn caused more problems for the operator. So the Cloudbuster, as good a technology as it is, has lain dormant for many years.

The Cloudbuster Re-Invented

By utilizing the research of Wilhelm Reich, we have created a cheap, portable and easy-to-build device that consistently destroys Chemtrails and heals the atmosphere. The Chembuster is the answer to these ongoing attacks. Unlike the original Cloudbuster, the CB changes the deadly orgone energy to good orgone energy and does NOT become saturated or dangerous to the operator.

It is human nature to sit on the sidelines and think that one person cannot change the things that are happening to our country.

A properly constructed CB unit should be able to greatly reduce the effects of chemtrails for about 45 miles in all directions (90 mile diameter) from the unit.


Carol and I got these specs by dowsing, and they work very, very well, though may not be the last word, if you get my drift. Let us know if you can successfully modify it.


Base: 9" in dia., 9" deep. I use two-gallon plastic buckets from the Home Depot paint department, but two-gallon food buckets, available from restaurants, or two-gallon spackle buckets from drywall contractors are fine. I leave the buckets on, as the handles make it easier to move the finished cloudbuster.


Six standard 1" copper pipes, 6’ long, open at one end, the capped ends submerged to within an inch or so of the bottom of the bucket before casting. For portability and shipping, you can use 12” sections of pipe in the base, adding five-foot lengths by putting couplers between the 12” and five-foot pieces. You won’t need
to buy as much copper pipe this way, too.


I glued a double-terminated quartz crystal, about 2" long, into a .75” section of garden hose, and one of these devices is glued in turn inside each of the six copper end caps, pointing in the same direction as the pipe will be after the cap is glued on. I use ‘Goop’ glue. I taped around the cap where it joined the pipe to prevent resin from leaking into the cap during casting.

[2008] Single terminated work fine.


Get some metal particles from a machine shop, recycling yard or a place where they saw a lot of aluminum (sign shops and aluminum fabrication shops are good places to look). I use aluminum for weight considerations, but ANY metal will do. Very fine particles (such as filings from a key-making machine)
aren’t quite as good as ones that will easily go through a window screen & slightly bigger ones are okay. There really is a wide margin of suitability!


Template 1 - 3/4” exterior plywood is used to make the base for the copper endcaps/pipes. I arrange the six pipes evenly around a 2 1/2” radius circle, which makes the pipes 2 1/2” apart on centers. A flat, 1 1/4” auger bit drills a suitable hole for each end cap.

Template 2 - Make another piece to fit inside the rim of the bucket. Remember to cut a section away so you can fit your fingers under it to remove it from the bucket. This piece is not part of the finished CB, just used to get the spacing for the pipes right during construction. Cut the holes in this with a 1 1/8” flat bit so that it will fit well over the six pipes. This piece will hold the pipes in position while the second batch of resin hardens.

Template 3 - I make a circular plywood spacer for the top ends of the pipes, 4” radius with 1 1/8” holes on the same 2 1/2” radius circles for the pipe ends. This keeps the pipes parallel with each other and fairly rigid so you can point it at unholy things like predatory entities and City Hall :wink:

See here for detailed template making instructions


I use polyester resin (used to build fiberglass boats) but epoxy also works, as does envirotech resin from (this sets up very quickly, so you need to be proficient with it). (If you are going to construct many of these units, try to purchase your resin in 5 gallon buckets over the internet, possibly from a surfboard or boat manufacturing supply company. ACE hardware for $12.95 per gallon. Home depot gets $24 per gallon for resin.

On a level surface, pour an inch or so of catalyzed resin into the bottom of the bucket and stir in metal particles until the surface is uniform and flat.

The ratio that seems to work is approx. one part resin to one part metal particles.

Put the base wood Template 1 onto that before it hardens, so that it just touches the surface and doesn’t sink in much. Pour a half gallon of catalyzed resin into the bucket after the six pipes are set into the holes in the base template. Use the dowel to stir in handfuls of metal particles in the same ratio as before. Note that the wood Template 1 should not be pushed down to the bottom of the bucket with the resin squishing over the top.

Expeditiously move the Template 2 down on to the six pipes until it is snugly within the rim of the bucket. Put the top Template 3 onto the top of the pipes and move them until the pipes are parallel. After the resin has hardened, remove the second template and set it aside. This is only used during construction, as I mentioned.
You can finish off putting the resin/metal mixture in now in two stages if you want, up to within a half inch of the rim of the bucket. Now it’s finished (wait until it hardens before you shoot anything) :wink:


Cut six pipes, 12" long, and put the crystals/endcaps on them for the base. Buy six joints which allow a pipe to come into them from both directions and stop at the middle. This allows you to make the rest of the pipe assembly from three pipes, 10’ long, cut in half. The finished product leaves you with only one piece of pipe, four feet long leftover.

When positioning the 12" pipes for pouring the second layer of mix, temporarily tape the top ends of the 12" pipes so no metal particles are dropped in them by mistake.

After the mix is made, take off the tape and push the rim plywood piece down onto the pipes so that it fits into the rim of the bucket.

Put the spacers, then the 5’ pipes onto the 12"base pipes, then put the third (top) plywood piece onto the tips.

The pipes will look skewed, most likely, so just twist the top plywood piece around until the pipes line up parallel. As you do that, the rim plywood piece will move around. You need to do this expeditiously, though not in a hurry, so that the resin doesn’t harden before you’re done.

We experimented with 5’ extensions to the pipes to increase the range. It had a strong effect on the moon and on the upper atmosphere of the planet for hundreds of miles. We also apparently shut down the weather warfare facility under Homestead Air Force Base while we were in the Keys by leaving the extended cloudbuster pointing at the dead orgone field above it for a week.

We found that we don’t need to point it in any particular direction in order to clear the atmosphere of bad orgone, and the longer it’s left standing, the nicer it feels for a longer distance from the cloudbuster (many miles). We just stand it on its bottom, pointing straight up. We did once eliminate a belt of smog which was just off the coast by aiming at it for a few minutes, so direction can be a factor.

We also severely alarmed the operators of a ufo that was in the vicinity. It instantaneously shot out into space, where it remained in the same position relative to us, so the basic 6’ long pipe configuration apparently only affects the atmosphere.

Do be discriminating which UFO’s you aim at, though. If they are not predatory and you make them mad, they may pay you back by messing with your carburetor or something, as they did to us once. The really advanced ones are not susceptible to the cloudbuster, as they apparently don’t need a deadly orgone field to operate. Our take is that all but these use nuclear fusion or some other noxious, old-paradigm energy source. It’s open season on the B Sirian craft and other predatory ones, as far as we’re concerned. They can’t hurt you, by the way, if you aren’t afraid of them. Universal law restricts them more than it does us. We can pay later for breaking it, but they are just unable to break it, apparently.

Cloudbusters destroy chemtrails consistently. It may take a few days for your cloudbuster to activate the environment enough to do this, but after that point the spew will disappear within seconds of leaving the UN jets and dissipated trails that drift within range of the cloudbuster will also disperse, but more slowly. The ones that are made up of solids take longer to dissipate, but we’ve found that these only make up about 10% or so of the spewing episodes.

The evil intent of the UN is most apparent to me in the fact that Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Trust) publishes all of its official literature and dictates its philosophy. Only this belief system, which closely resembles the doctrine of the Nazi party, could condone the rampant genocide which is now being carried out by the UN.

Dr. Reich’s cloudbusters were extremely dangerous when in operation since he had no orgone generator attached to them. Bad orgone does carry a charge which can quickly drain one’s life force away when it’s concentrated in one spot. It’s slightly similar to a strong positively charges static electrical field. When cloudcover is unproductive or unbalanced (too much lightning, for instance, or too much rain) the cloudbuster busts it up. We plowed a furrow through a line of artificially created thunderstorm in June, 2001. Carol said the square-shaped thunderheads were chock full of predatory ET’s, bent on mutilating animals at the time.

It also stops droughts. Overall, it just balances the weather, I think it sort of mediates between the ground and the atmosphere somehow. The one in Namibia finally brought heavy rain to the desert there. It happened 9/5/01, and continued for several days. Gert, the fellow who made the cloudbuster and reported the occurrence, told me that this had simply never happened in the Namib desert before to the best of anyone’s knowledge. It’s arguably the driest region on the planet.

WARNING: If you touch the pipes when they’re drawing in strong unbalanced or dead orgone and don’t put your hand on the base after that, you may experience headaches, even into the next day, as a friend of ours did recently.

Mind you that our efforts, though somewhat pioneering, should be seen mainly as a springboard for further developments rather than the last word.

Somebody’s starting a list for cloudbuster aficionados shortly.

SUGGESTION: If you want even more rain, try putting water on top of the material in the bucket and/or hosing down the whole apparatus daily.

It usually takes a couple of weeks for a new CB to acclimate to the local environment, so you may not see dramatic results with chemtrails right away, but hang in there for two or three weeks and you will begin to notice things.

The more heavily laid the chemtrails in your area, the longer it takes for the CB to gear up to the task of dispersing them.

The larger the CB resin/metal chip matrix, base diameter, the larger the diameter of the pipes used, the longer the length of pipes used, the more and larger crystals used, the more coils used, etc. means a more powerful punch of orgone transmutation delivered by the CB.

CB ploughing through chemtrails in the Midwest

Classic Croft Orgonite Cloudbuster Tutorial By Cesco

This tutorial is an alternative to Don’s original tutorial above.

Required Materials:

  • Six standard 1 inch (28mm in Europe) copper pipes, each 6 feet long (36 ft total.)
  • Six 1 inch copper pipe endcaps.
  • Six 1 inch copper pipe couplers.
  • Pipe cutter.
  • Six 2 inch +, Quartz Crystals. The width of these should not exceed 3/4 of an inch.
    One can use double or single terminated, though single terminated is recommended for those unable to define a positive and negative end of a double terminated crystal.
    The positive end of a single terminated crystal is 99% of the time the end with a clear point to it, in the picture below the positive end is at the top of the crystal where you can define its point easily.
  • Metal shavings, enough for a two gallon bucket. Aluminium, copper, brass, steel, titanium all works fine. Don’t get too small pieces, particles, see image for ideal size (can also be a bit larger.)
  • Plywood, for the templates.
  • 1 inch drill bit to cut the holes in the templates.
  • Jigsaw to cut the templates.
  • Compass for marking the templates.
  • 2 gallon plastic bucket.
  • 2 gallons of Polyester or Epoxy resin, cheap stuff preferred as this goes outside.
  • Catalyst/Hardener.
  • Measuring jug or bucket, for mixing the resin.
  • Syringe(large) or dropper for hardener.
  • Plastic gloves.
  • Stirring stick and an old spoon.

It is recommended that you work outside or in a well ventilated area, use a protective mask if working indoors.Cover work space with some plastic to avoid stains/mess.

Step 1. Casting the crystals into the pipes.
First you need to cut off a section of your pipes with a pipe cutter where the crystals will be cast.

You can either measure the section that you will cut off so that it will be sticking up from the orgonite base after it has cured, this way you can disassemble your CB quite easily. Or you can measure the pipes to be cut off at a length a few inches longer than your crystals, this means that you cannot disassemble your CB unless you make another coupling point above the base.

The pros with the first is that you can take your CB apart easily if you need to move it, and the pros of the latter is that it is easier to cast the crystals into the pipe. The choice is yours.

After you have cut your pipe sections for casting the crystals in you can either solder or tape the endcaps on the bottom, this is to prevent leaking of resin.
Packing tape usually works great, just do a good job taping it around the edge of the endcaps.

Now you are ready to start.

Prepare the amount of resin needed by mixing with catalyst in a jug, then mix metal shavings into the resin. Place a small amount into each pipe, scoop into it with an old spoon:

Now you need your crystal points. Place your crystal, the positive end upwards and the negative going down, into the pipe:

Then you cover the crystal points with resin/metal mix:

Leave to cure, you can start cutting your templates while you are waiting.

Step 2. Making the templates.
Measure the diameter of your bucket with your compass, make sure that you do this from the inside, leave 1/2 inch space to the edge. This will be the diameter of your template.

Mark your piece of plywood with that diameter circle, this will be the outer diameter of the template. Then either use your drill bit or measure in half the width of your pipe (1/2 inch) and draw a second circle this size, see image below:

Then from that circle you make a half circle with you compass through the center touching the inner circle in two points:

Place your compass on the point where the line touches the inner circle and make another half circle:

Then continue doing this until you have touched all the points(6 in total):

Now you should see the above shape similar to a six petaled flower: Where each petal touches the inner circle(blue dots) is where you will drill your one inch holes:

You need two templates like this, so draw another identical one. Then use your jigsaw to cut out the outer circle and then drill your holes. (Some people like to remove some of the center part of the template that goes into the bucket so thatit is filled with more orgonite, this is easily done by removing a large circle from the center of the template, this way the outer circle will still hold in place.)

You should now have two wooden CB templates.

Step 3. Casting the CB base.
Usually a plastic bucket needs no release agent, it comes straight off after the CB is cured, if you really want to be on the safe side you can use some vegetable oil or vaseline to coat the inside of the bucket.

Prepare your resin, 2 gallons worth, mix thoroughly with the required amount of catalyst.

Place a small amount of metal shavings at the bottom of your bucket (inch and a half) and then cover with resin.

Get your pipes with crystals in them and place them onto the bottom template, this way the template should rest on the endcaps making a small space between the template and the bucket, remember to remove the tape if you have taped the endcaps to the pipe.

Place your couplers at the top of your pipes. Place this configuration into the bucket, squeeze it into the resin/metal shavings filling the space around it.

Generously cover around the pipes with metal shavings. Then add the long lengths of copper pipes(5 ft plus) onto the six shorter ones already in the bucket, they should easily be inserted into the couplers, then slide the top template over the pipes from the top (about 1 foot down from the top.)

The pipes should be in a straight and vertical alignment. (It is wise to try this beforehand so that you are familiar with how to do it.)

Support the pipes onto a table or other suitable near by object.Pour resin to cover the shavings in your bucket, use a stick an poke a little bit into it so that the resin sinks to the bottom.

Place as much metal shavings as needed for the amount of resin you have, the ratio is approximately 50/50 (volume).

Now secure your CB with some rope or tape so that it cures in an upright position.Leave to cure.It is best to leave it until the next day or so. Patience is always rewarded:)

Step 4: Remove the bucket.
Now that the CB is cured, remove the bucket and support system around it (tape,ropes etc).

Find a good spot where you can place it, if you have a garden it is a good idea to bury your CB base into the ground, do not cover the base though but to about its level.

Step 5: Celebrate.
Celebrate the creation of your CB and take delight in observing its wonderful workings :slight_smile:

Some further discussion on cloudbuster device materials and design:

Lemurian crystals in CBs don’t need to be recharged, but other crystals may need to be. See details on this here:

A cloudbuster (or hexagonal formation of 6x TBs) on a negative Qi line/ley line/black line, turns the line positive:
It should be noted that non-lemurian crystals in CBs may need recharging, and TBs or CBs on a strong negative ley line may become overwhelmed and need more pieces in the vicinity.

A detailed discussion about burying/grounding CBs or keeping them isolated from the ground:

Discussing number and material of pipes:

As always, the first and primary objective is to do no harm.

I Wish I Knew How This Works

The following was written by Don Croft (the inventor) and archived by

Here’s our take on how the cloudbuster works, and also how the UN chemtrails, HAARP, and electronic mind control are able to function. It all has to do with non-electromagnetic energy in the form of deadly and/or dead orgone. I use Dr. Reich’s terms for this energy, since he’s the only scientist who has done extensive research with it.

I used to make orgone accumulators. I made them in many shapes and sizes and recognized the benefits and advantages from the beginning. The only drawback to these is that they absorb harmful orgone as readily as they do healthy orgone.

Orgone is omnipresent. It’s ether, life force, prana, ch’i, etc., and makes up the energy and matter potential in all of creation. In its balanced state it promotes life, growth, equilibrium, but in its unbalanced state (deadly orgone is overactive orgone, dead orgone is, well, DEAD) it has exactly the opposite effect. When you see smog, you’re seeing dead orgone in which particulate matter is suspended, sort of like a colloid. Very strong wind, tornadoes, hurricanes, cloudcover which yields no rain, drought, are all manifestations of harmful orgone.

In order for any parasitic activity to take place, an energy field needs to first be developed. Parasites do that in the body by excreting acids into their immediate environment. Infections, chronic pain, and a host of symptoms are manifestations of the activity of these parasites. Healthy orgone results when the polarity of the parasites’ environment is reversed from positive (acidic) to negative (slightly alkaline) by the introduction of weak electric current through the skin. This is the business we’re currently engaged in, so we get plenty of data and confirmation regarding this process [Don’s referring to The Terminator… Ed.].

In the atmosphere, agents of the presenet day order create massive fields of unbalanced orgone energy by introducing very powerful, specific frequencies of radio waves, spraying large volumes of acidic petrochemicals above the clouds, and by other, less believable means.

Enter the Orgone Generator
My frustration with the orgone accumulator’s fickle behavior was answered three years ago, when one of my customers directed my attention to . He was actually experiencing some frustration, since he paid $500 for $5 worth of epoxy and metal particles, and apparently nothing else.

My daughter, Nora, was living with me then (she sees energy the way my new wife, Carol, does). As soon as I put the two materials together, Nora confirmed that it was, indeed putting out a very strong, constant field of healthy blue orgone. Adding crystals and copper pipes made it possible for me to direct the energy and alter the characteristics of the field.

One of my first thoughts was that I could create a cloudbuster that didn’t need to be connected to running water, or any water, for that matter, as Dr. Reich’s needed to be, and I could set it up to aim at city hall in the town I was living in: Ashland, Oregon. Theyr’e as crooked as any other local government, so I expected to get some good, observable results.

It was some time before I got around to making a cloudbuster, though. Nora could see energy, but I needed some input from somebody older than 12. A little over a year ago, Carol and I started working together. We began experimenting with small orgone generators, mostly around natural vortices, which Carol is able to see. Every one we’ve ever encountered since, except the vortice that the Navajos nurture at Four Corners, has been distorted and misdirected by the present day order.

In each case, putting an orgone generator within the vortex brought it back to vibrant health and balance, sometimes instantaneously, other times, as at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and at the secret facilities under Montauk, NY, over a period of hours and even days, depending on the nature of the activities carried out within the vortices previously. We developed the Holy Handgrenade during this time, which is a cone shaped orgone generator, 5’’ or so high, with a verticle crystal inside near the point and four horizontal crystals arrayed within the bottom surface.

We’ve put these in vortices along the east coast of the US and across the country to the west coast, in Canada and the Bahamas. We’re just getting started. Some intrepid Canadians are about to put one each at the Vatican and Assisi. I’m recommending that people put one at every major masonic temple in the world, since any time you put one in a focal point of error, the whole region gets the benefit and the people of error get deprived of the earth energy they had been abusing.

I wrote a full account of our activities over several months, which anyone can have if they email me. It’s also being published serial fashion in Open Line, a monthly metaphysical newspaper. There’s no physics like metaphysics, after all.

In late March, this year, we had planned to make a sort of pilgrimage to Orgonon, Wilhelm Reich’s home and lab in Maine.

I set it up at our site in the RV campground in Ft Pierce, Florida for several hours while we packed, then took it apart and put it in the car. I didnt’ assemble it again for another week, when we arrived in Maine. We looked at the weather channel in the motel, and noticed that the whole state of Florida was still experiencing a drought, but there was a circle of heavy rainfall for a twenty mile or so radius arouund Ft. Pierce.

The next morning, on a whim, I assembled the cloudbuster in our motel room. There had been very heavy overcast for days, and another blizzard was forecast for that day. We went outside at about 8:30 to get breakfast and saw a neat blue hole right above us, and several people were standing around, staring at it. It was surrounded by the same, very dark clouds that had been there for days. The hole grew gradually for several hours, even after we left that afternoon. The people at the Reich Museum had made it clear that we were not welcome, sad to say, though I had emailed them a couple of weeks before to let them know that we’d be in the area. I think they’ll take things like that more seriously in the future :wink:

Here’s how we think it works–when metal particles are put in an organic matrix, orgone is apparently generated instead of just accumulated. I don’t know why. When unbalanced orgone is present, it’s drawn into the orgone generating material and transmuted into healthy orgone. I don’t have a clue how this happens, either.

Making an orgone generator in a two gallon bucket and sticking copper pipes straight up out of it draws harmful orgone into the generator from many miles around and it goes out as healthy orgone in all directions, though Carol sees it happening in a sort of lens shape, parallel to the ground more or less, then moving up into the atmosphere. This gradual effect may explain why it sometimes takes a cloudbuster up to a week to get enough good stuff up to the 20,000’ + altitude to disappear the chemtrails. The average radius for effective chemtrail destruction by a cloudbuster seems to be about thirty miles. Good weather effects extend a great deal farther. The rest of the region has had a drought, but the area around Spokane has been getting rain every week or so all summer. As we drive along I-90 toward Settle, there’s a lot of new green growth and flowers all summer long until we reach the Columbia Gorge, 150 miles west. Anyone who lives here can tell you that this is not characteristic of the semi-desert environment west of Spokane.

We have concluded that it takes three things to make any macroparasitic/predatory activity to succeed: A field of unbalanced orgone, technology of some sort, and an operator who directs his/her intention through both. Just as fire requires three things, oxygen, heat and fuel, and removing any one of these stops the fire, removing any of the components of parasitic/predatory activity stops that process cold. We’re focusing on removing the harmful orgone medium, which puts us squarely on the side of universal law. No need to go into the other-than-human entities’ involvment here, though it does add another dimension, so to speak.

Parasites are as parasites do, after all. Most people are not parasitic or predatory, so by simply neutralizing the effects of those who are by removing their harmful energies, the whole planet will come up a notch or two in awareness, freedom, etc. Another benefit of a healthy, strong orgone field is that fear and anger become diminished, and whatever diminishes fear increases courage; whatever diminishes anger increases love and acceptance…

There are two cloudbusters in Spokane this summer. Now that the smog is gone and the orgone level has increased, the whole ambience of the city has improved. I personally used to dread having to go there, but now, after a whole day in the city (including traffic) I arrive back home feeling refreshed and relaxed. I had once vowed that I would never again spend the night in any US city because I was so badly affected by the concentration of harmful orgone found in all cities.

This really is what magic is all about. The possibilities are limitless.

I’ve been encouraging people to build holy handgrenades for their homes, too. I’ve gotten several unsolicited reports from people who did that which said that they no longer had trouble being in the presence of the overbearing inlaws and others who came to visit them. This needs to be experienced to be appreciated, I think.

Wilhelm Reich’s original cloudbuster



Reich continued to develop new ways to visualize, measure, and harness orgone energy from the atmosphere. The cloudbuster, for example, was an experimental instrument that could affect weather patterns by altering concentrations of orgone energy in the atmosphere. It comprised a set of hollow metal pipes and cables inserted into water, creating a stronger orgone energy system than that in the surrounding atmosphere. Water, which strongly attracts and absorbs orgone, draws the atmospheric orgone through the pipes. This movement of orgone from a lower to a higher energy system was used by Reich to create clouds and to dissipate them.

Reich used the cloudbuster to conduct dozens of experiments involving what he called “Cosmic Orgone Engineering (C.O.R.E.).” One of the most notable occurred in 1953. During a long drought that threatened the Maine blueberry crop, several farmers offered to pay Reich if he could bring rain to the parched region. The weather bureau had forecast no rain for several days when Reich began his cloudbusting operations. Ten hours later, a light rain began to fall. Over the next few days, close to two inches fell. The blueberry crop was saved, and in local newspaper articles the farmers credited Reich.

Documentary: Wilhelm Reich - Man’s Right to Know

The difference between Wilhelm Reich’s cloudbuster and Don Croft’s cloudbuster

Reich’s cloudbuster is a series of hollow pipes, connected via flexible pipes to water.
Croft’s cloudbuster is a series of hollow pipes, connected to a base made of orgonite, with crystals in the orgonite-end of the pipes.

Observations of an Orgonite Cloudbuster working

The following are detailed accounts of observations made by an energy sensitive person named Laozu (Kelly). This was originally written in the old Stewart Jackson Coudbuster forum, which has now disappeared.
The text was thankfully archived by Laozu and can be downloaded in a 47 page PDF file here: CBNotes.pdf (365.1 KB) - Source

New CB

Completed a CB about 6 hours ago in my shop. Went back a couple hours later to see what I could see, and remove template #2. There seemed to be a small amount of something being sucked into the copper pipes. Will look again tomorrow morning to see if there is any change.

I am pretty much a know-nothing, and began reading this forum only tonight.

By the way, laozu means “old grandfather”, but you are only as old as you feel! And if your head is bald, just remember that there are just two kinds of men: those who are good-looking, and those who were given hair to hide their ugliness!

Fifteen hours after pour completion:

  1. no perceptible action DIRECTLY above CB;
  2. all around the CB and even outside the shop, something is moving from above into the ground, thence to the CB base;
  3. the base of the CB has a decidedly unpleasant feel.

Twenty hours after construction:

  1. there is some movement from above down into the pipes;

  2. there is movement from the base into the surrounding ground;

  3. the feel of the base is much better than it was five hours ago.

If someone out there can explain the phenomena I am apprehending, I’d sure be interested.

Twenty two hours after completion:
The situation is similar to that of two hours ago, with this difference: there is an annulus with radii about 2 feet and 3 feet centered about the CB, within which the feeling is quite positive.

Marycroft, dominic, and lightwalker: thanks much for the comments. As to imagination, I am trying NOT to use it for the time being, so as to keep my observations as objective as possible. Children such as I should be seen and not heard, even by myself—at least until I have some experience in this world.

Twenty six hours into the life of the CB.

Stronger flow than before from directly over the CB into the pipes. The feeling in the bucket and in the ground out to about 7 feet is neutral to slightly positive. In the annulus about the CB with radii 7 feet and 8 feet there is a strong positive feeling, and then outside the annulus a negative, but not oppressively negative, feeling.

Report on new CB.

At age 29 hours there was considerable downward flow into the pipes from above, the feeling in the orgonite was neutral, as was the feeling of the ground up to about 10 feet from the center of the CB, and then there was a good feeling ring, or annulus, about 1 foot thick.

Now, at age 37.5 hour, the situation has changed:

  1. no longer is there movement into the pipes from above;

  2. the ground directly around the CB, as well as the CB itself, are neutral in feeling;

  3. there is an annulus about 1 foot thick centered at the center of the CB, with inner radius about 7 feet—the feeling in this annulus is positive;

  4. there is a second annulus (not perfectly round) about 1 foot thick with center the center of the CB, with inner radius about 14 feet—the feeling in this second annulus is positive and considerably stronger than in the first;

  5. there is movement from above into the ground directly over both annuli.

Report at hour 44.
Henceforth within this forum, I will adopt the terminology: POR for good feeling qi, DOR for bad feeling qi, and OR for neutral feeling qi.

The outer annulus of POR has moved back in to 10 feet from the center and the inner to 5 feet. The POR in the outer is still stronger than that in the inner.

The POR in the annuli moves counterclockwise (as viewed from above), and in several places cuts out of the rings towards and into the CB in a sharply spiral fashion. There is also a more gradual movement of the POR from the annuli directly toward the CB.

From above, OR moves down onto the annuli and, to a lesser extent, into the pipes of the CB.

This being my first experience with such, I find it curious that OR is only flowing into the orgonite, and never out. Seems to violate some sort of conservation law, unless there is a kind of transformation taking place. This is truly fascinating to an ignoramus!

With a nick like that, you should use words like “bad Qi”, “good Qi”, etc. 8)
Great observational/sensorial skills, and thourough reporting so far! How do you go about measuring these different areas around the CB?


Definite change. I find I must adopt the suggestion of daifu trimegistos (though made in jest) and revert to qi terminology, at least in part. The problem is that the qi associated with this singular chembuster has more qualities than can be described using just three terms. Reminds me of one of Kipling’s poems which I read many years ago:

Who hath desired the Sea—the immense and contemptuous surges?
The shudder, the stumble, the swerve ere the star-stabbing bowsprit emerges—
The orderly clouds of the trade and the ridged roaring sapphire thereunder—
Unheralded cliff-lurking flaws and the head-sails low-volleying thunder?
His Sea in no wonder the same—his Sea and the same in each wonder.
His Sea that his being fulfils?
So and no otherwise—so and no otherwise hillmen desire their Hills!

This time there was a new dimension. The two annuli of POR about the CB had moved together so that they almost touched, and a third had appeared, but just outside and adjacent to the old outer one. The feeling of the innermost one was pleasant and perhaps a bit less strong than before, that of the middle one can better be described as joyful (more acute than pleasant), but the new outer one was sad qi: not negative really—sad.

The qi was not circulating about the annuli, and the qi without the annuli was not moving toward the CB, or if it was, only very slowly. But the qi in the annuli was moving from the inner one directly toward the CB. The two spiral type paths from the annuli noted in my previous post were still there, and the qi moved from the annuli toward the CB more rapidly along those paths than elsewhere. And the orgonite in the CB was filled with the sad qi.

From above, qi still dropped into the pipes and into the annuli.

Response to Trimegistos’ question: to measure the areas, I pace from the annuli to the CB. Actually the radii are not constant as one makes a circuit about an annulus: the rings are not perfectly circular, but have varied perhaps 20% from the maximum to the minimum radius.

Report: 51 hours after creation.
The intensity of qi about the chembuster location is considerably higher than previously.

The coalescing annuli have now become one, about the CB with radius circa 5 feet. The qi in this annulus is of the joyful variety, but now no more is falling from above onto it. The CB itself is suffused with the sad qi.

From above everywhere in the shop, except directly over the annulus, qi is falling, faster than before, into the ground and into the chembuster. This qi is related to the sad qi introduced in the previous post, only considerably more intense. Rather than sad, it should be described as painful, such as the emotion one feels when undergoing extreme despair commingled with frustration.

From outside the building, one can perceive this painful qi flowing into the building from above. From places in the sky from various directions, this same painful qi is perceptible.

As Scott’s Dominie Sampson was wont to say: Pro-di-gi-ous!

Question: how does one include an apostrophe so that it does not appear as a box?

65 hours after creation.
The annuli are now gone, a possible residue being some nondescript curved lines of painful qi quite near the CB.

Painful qi is still pouring into the pipes from above, but its fall onto the surrounding ground has greatly moderated. There are now two more or less straight lines of positive feeling qi which cross at the CB.

The qi in the orgonite itself is now neutral, almost determinedly so. The flow from the surrounded ground is very slow into the CB (except from the two lines mentioned above).

Suspicious again how the orgonite could be neutral with painful qi rushing in at the top, I sensed down below the CB underground (which I should have done before), and found POR bubbling straight up into the bottom of the CB.

Outside one could still perceive painful qi going down onto the roof of the shop, but not so pervasive as before, and there were still areas of painful qi off in the distance in the sky in various directions.

102 hour report.

The distant areas in the sky mentioned in earlier reports have now weakly sad qi, as has the orgonite. Weakly sad qi is also falling slowly into the pipes of the CB. No perceptible qi is rising from below the CB. There are two more or less straight lines of weakly negative and non-flowing qi which cross at the CB. There are numerous (at least 8) curved lines of positive qi spiraling into the CB in a counter-clockwise direction. Furthermore, the angry qi around the shop seems to be gone.

All in all, the situation is in the least active state since commencement.

108.5 hours after creation.

The pattern of curves and lines along the ground headed into the CB is similar to that of the preceding observation, except that there are about twice as many of the straight, slightly negatively feeling ones as as before. The positive qi on the spiral lines is still moving into the CB, and now there is some, but a lesser, movement of negative feeling qi along the straight lines into the CB. Overhead there is sad qi falling directly into the pipes and onto the straight lines, but nowhere else. POR is again bubbling up from below into the base of the CB. The orgonite feels positive this time.

Outside in the areas of the sky referred to in earlier posts, for the first time I felt some positive qi. In each of the areas there is a body of positive qi surrounding a smaller amount of sad negative qi.

Report after 4 days and 18.5 hours.
I forgot to look at the situation in the sky (I know–that is the most important part), but everything in the shop was was similar to the previous observation. Perhaps the qi in the orgonite was a bit more positive and less qi bubbling up from underneath.

This is the first observation where there was very little change from the previous one.

122nd hour.
Things seem to have somewhat stabilized, at least for the time being. Up until three hours ago (for 5 full days) the CB was stationary within my shop. Then I moved it about five feet, and one hour ago I took another observation.

The patterns of straight negative lines and curved, spiraling counter-clockwise positive lines, both types flowing into the CB, persist: after the CB was moved, they moved accordingly. Negative qi is falling onto the negative lines and into the pipes. Positive qi is bubbling up from below into the CB. The orgonite is now neutral, or perhaps very slightly negative.

The areas in the sky which were negative before, now are surrounded by positive qi, with some sad qi still in the centers of those areas, perhaps slightly less than during my last perception. But the positive qi clustered about this sad qi does not have a vivid feeling–it is difficult to describe–it lacks flavor.

132 hour report.

Little change from last time–virtually none where the CB is situated. The positive qi surrounding the surviving sorrowful negative qi in the areas away in the sky is perhaps stronger, but still has a sort of “sterile” feeling.

144 hours after creation.

At 141 hours I removed the CB from the shop, where it has been since it was made, and placed it in a hole in the ground next to a pine tree. The hole is just deep enough for the top of the orgonite to be at ground level–I swept a thin layer of wooden shavings over the orgonite. I chose the pine tree (about 10 feet tall) because it has pleasant positive qi.

At 144 hours it was raining strongly and almost dark, so I did not spend a great deal of time in observation. There were two positive lines of qi in the ground crossing through the CB, and negative qi was coming down from the sky through the pipes.

This time, when I observed the places in the sky where there had been energy before, I found that the positive qi was quite strong, had a vital feeling, and there was no trace of negative qi.

It appears that moving the CB outside caused rapid change–will likely know more tomorrow morning. Thanks MaryK, for the suggestion–I should have done it days ago.

156 hours after construction.
Posted late because of difficulty accessing this website this morning.

Still raining hard so I put on rain gear. As I drove to the area of the CB I turned on the radio. The weather man announced that the report was for continued scattered showers, but then paused and said, in a bit of a surprised voice, “but we have full-blown rain now.” There are four lines (more or less straight) in the ground with POR which all cross at the CB. I do not see any negative lines, although DOR is pouring into the CB from the top and some qi is going straight into the ground below the CB.

The strongly positive clouds of qi off in sky, mentioned in the last post, have been replaced by clouds of the same number and quality of qi in the vicinity of the CB, about forty to fifty feet up. In one direction, off over the hills, where I have been told there is a nefarious underground construction, there is some sick feeling qi in the sky. Also there is negative feeling qi (though I would not exactly call it sick) in the sky off in the direction of a neighboring town.

Frankly, I do not understand the mechanism, but the events of the past week have persuaded me that orgonite can, at a minimum, temporarily change patterns and quality of qi flow in its vicinity. I guess this in not news to any of you old-timers reading this, but it definitely has begun a new page in my education.

page 4 missing

Report 277 hours after completion.

Line from the south into the CB negative this morning and no east-west line in the sky. There is faster flow than usual of negative energy into the pipes, the orgonite is slightly negative, and negative energy is actully flowing out of the CB into the curved negative lines in the ground. The positive straight lines into the CB have very little flow of qi, if any. There is some posit6ve qi coming up from below into the CB.

The trees are quite similar to the way they were in the previous report, but the ambient negative qi in the tree next to the CB appears to be a little stronger (although the positive signature qi of the tree seems unchanged). There is one bunch of angry qi in the area, about ten to twelve feet high, which was not there last night.

Report: 288 hours after completion.

A change tonight. For the first time in the six days the CB has been outside, there is no line of energy in the sky coming in from the south and pouring into the CB, and the four positive straight lines crossing at the base of the CB are also gone. The negative curved lines swirling into the CB are still there, and the orgonite is slightly negative. There is nothing coming into nor flowing out of the pipes.

The east-west line in the sky to the north, which I have observed from time to time before, is present now, wider than ever before, and rather strongly negative.

The ambient qi in the tree adjacent to the CB, negative this morning, is now positive. The other trees are about the same as they were at the last observation. The angry qi was still nearby, but not in the same place–it does not seem to be connected with any physical object.

Report: 289 hours after completion.

Seems to be some sort of transition period. There is now negative qi flowing again into the pipes of the CB, but coming from the north. Still no positive straight lines in the ground through the CB though.

The adjacent tree has negative ambient qi again, but I could swear the positive signature qi is stronger than before–which is an unusual phenomenon. This may be somehow related to the following two appearances:

When I first approached the CB I noticed that the pipes, about a third of the way up from the base, had a positive feeling. While making other observations, it occurred to me that this had never happened before when negative qi was pouring into the CB. So I looked closer, and spontaneously had to laugh quite hard. Reminds me of BlackShaman’s experience expressed in the thread “They DO letcha Know …” of Orgone Experiences. There was an entity in the CB, and a quite respectable one! And I was feeling the signature qi of that entity.

As I was leaving, I looked about to see if the angry qi was still there, and sure enough it was, but in a different location again, near the tree next to the CB. But as I was looking, I noticed something else: a quite tall tower of sharply positive qi (at least 40 feet tall). It was moving about the immediate area as I watched, rather rapidly.

Things seem to be changing so quickly I hesitate to make any comments before checking in the morning.

Report 300 hours after completion, in seventh day outside.

Showers this morning, and a sort of sick qi in the sky over the neighboring town to the northeast, about 10 miles away. Maybe this is truly what is meant by DOR? The flow of qi I observed for the first time last night pouring into the CB is still doing so, and seems to originate from that DOR. The east-west line to the north is as of the previous post, though slightly more narrow, and it too seems to be connected with that DOR over the neighboring town.

The qi is entering the pipes of the CB at a good rate. The four positive lines are back in the ground, and positive qi is flowing into the CB from them, as well as coming up from beneath into the CB. The orgonite has a negative feeling, and the adjacent tree again has negative ambient qi, with its signature qi still positive, but not so strongly so as at the previous observation. There is still an entity in the CB, but it seemed to be in moderate pain, though cheerful enough. The slim tower of sharply positive qi is still moving about near the little grove.

Report: 312 hours after completion.

The east-west line to the north consisting of DOR, the DOR over the town to the northeast, and the DOR flowing into the pipes of the CB from that town have disappeared. There is nothing flowing into the CB from the top, and the four straight lines through the CB in the ground, which were positive and flowing in this morning, are now stagnant and slightly negative.

In the adjacent tree the ambient qi is slightly negative and the signature qi similar to what it was this morning. The signature qi of the entity in the CB is positive. The tower of positive qi and the bunch of angry qi still lurk in the vicinity.

Report: 324 hours after completion.

Qi entering the pipes of the CB, but very slowly; so much so than I cannot determine a particular source. The straight lines in the ground through the CB are indecernable, though the negative curved lines are still there. The orgonite has nearly a neutral feeling, just slightly negative.

The signature qi of the CB entity is positive. The qi in trees seems much as before. The positive qi tower is near the CB but seems to be contantly moving about.

Report at 336 hours after completion.

The qi about the CB is nearly still, and the CB itself seems neutral (expect for the positive entity dwelling in it). The straight lines in the ground are gone, though the negative curved lines are still there and stagnant.

The surrounding grove of young pines and firs seemed a bit more positive than before, and then I noticed that the whole area about the CB (comprising a disc of about a 25 foot radius) was positive. The positive tower is there too, as mercurial as before.

Away off in the sky to the south, whence the CB had been attracting negative qi up until several days ago, there is again negative qi. If one feels back beyond the hills in that direction, the quality of the qi becomes angry to the point of ferocity.

Hmm energy in itself is neutral, has no emotions. It needs a conscience for that. I wonder what angry conscience are you picking up?


Trimegistos daifu: When I say that a certain qi is of a particular emotion (sad, angry, painful, fierce, etc.), I mean that you feel that emotion when you touch that qi with your mind. I am not sure all such qi originates from a conscious being, or even an uncounsious one. More later.

Joyful qi and happy qi are always positive. Sad, angry, painful, fierce, frustrated, and sick qi are always negative. The type of “emotion qi” which is closest to neutral is determination qi.

Positive/neutral/negative is just one aspect of qi. There is also intensity, tang (or taste), as well as emotion.

This evening I tried to feel the area off in the hills where I earlier had felt the ferocious qi. Going deeper, I found the feeling turned to sick, or revolting. I’m rather curious how it will be tomorrow.

From the positive/negative perspective, there is much more negative qi than positive–so much so that positive qi is the exception. Even with people, the most common signature qi one finds with a person is sad qi, which is always, at least to some degree, negative (although there is a type of wistful, almost sweet type of sadness). I have read some things in my limited time on this forum to the effect that makes me wonder if this is not the natural state of affairs, but due to fouling of the grid lines.

If this is truly the case, can someone tell me, or direct me to a post on this forum where I can read, how long the qi has been perverted, and what the time frame is of the course of the perversion?

348 hour after completion.

Quiet. Sightly negative qi flowing slowly 2into the CB from the south, and the negative qi in the sky off in that direction seems to have receded. Otherwise, near the CB conditions are much the same.

360 hours after completion.

DOR was flowing down into the CB and the resident entity was uncomfortable. Some POR coming up from beneath CB and the orgonite was slightly negative. No straight lines in the ground through the CB.

The trees about were pretty much as before and the positive disk about the CB is still intact.

The area away to the south of which I wrote last night has now a sad painful feeling.

The qi going into the pipes was not coming from any of the usual places, and I had difficulty identifying the source, until I look directly up, and just a little east of directly up was a chem trail–the only one in the sky. As near as I can tell, this was the source of the DOR. In about 20 minutes it had disippated (either from the CB or the wind).

The positive qi-tower was still present.

Hour 363.

Now that the chem-trail is long-gone, I drove back to examine the CB. Sure enough, no qi is flowing in or out. This time its resident entity was just beside it, rather than among the pipes, and was quite cheerful and positive again. Other conditions were much as before.

Hour 372 report.

Nothing going in or out this morning.

Hour 386 report.

Three hours ago I took a couple of ladies to see the CB who know a lot more about spirit entities than I do–they can actually see them. One told me that the entity which has taken up residence among the CB pipes is an elemental, and that the mercuric tower of positive qi is a Guardian (of the surrounding area) which has been attracted to the CB. She said she’d never seen such a tall Guardian before. At that time, there was still no qi flowing into the CB, and the elemental was quite cheerful.

An hour ago (386 hours) I found that negative qi is flowing in, but in the dark I could not pinpoint the origin. The elemental was uncomfortable.

They are Mary, and are up on this stuff. One gave me a special HHg called a harmonizer, made of pine resin, which in a few days I will place under one of the pines with a rather negative signature qi, to see what effect it will have.

396 hours.
No perceptible movement of qi into the pipes. The resident elemental has positive qi.

408 hours.
Moderate to slow qi flowing into the pipes from the place away off to the south with the painful feeling. Elemental still cheerful.

Report 420 hours after completion.

Again there is a line of DOR in the sky from east to west passing over the town to the northeast. There is negative qi flowing into the tubes of the CB from this line. For the first time in some days there are four straight lines in the ground passing through the CB and positive qi is flowing into the base of the CB from those lines [these lines don’t end at the CB–viewed as lines coming radially out from the CB, there are actually eight of them]. The orgonite is positive, and the resident entity is positive and cheerful.

The past few days there has been a positive feeling in the area surrounding the CB. This morning it was absent. I speculate [not an observation] that perhaps the positive qi flowing through the lines in the ground somehow draws that general positive qi with it into the CB.

In the past I mentioned two pine trees specificly: the one adjacent to the CB, which I will call Tree #1, and a tree a short distance away, which I shall call Tree #2. Tree #1 has positive signature qi, and Tree #2 has negative. For some days there was positive ambient qi in Tree #2 along with the negative signature qi. This morning that positive ambient qi was not present–perhaps connected with the phenomena described in the previous paragraph.

Beyond Tree #2, further yet away from Tree #1, is a pine tree which I shall call Tree #3. It has signature qi even more negative than that of Tree #2. This morning I placed a harmonizer (special HHG made of pine resin, covered with beeswax, and containing some objects other than just metal shavings) at the base of Tree #3, to monitor its effect on said tree and the surroundings.

The always sharply positive Guardian still lurks close by.

Hi Lazou! 8-D
Good work!
Just wanted to mention the tall ones are Lemurian.
grid bless!
suze hooten

Thanks MarknSuze. I must find out what Lemurians are.

432 hour report.
The straight lines in the ground through the CB were gone again. There was DOR slowly flowing into the pipes from above, and positive qi slowly bubbling up into the orgonite from below. Still no positive feeling suffusing the area about the CB. The resident elemental was positive.

No positive qi in Tree #2. In Tree #3, at whose base lay tucked the harmonizer, there was a circulation of qi: up one side (that opposite the harmonizer) and down the other. This qi was slightly negative (perhaps less so than when the harmonizer had been introduced in the morning).

The qi flowing into the pipes of the CB was coming from a stringy cloud almost directly overhead. I was not sure whether it was the remains to a chem-trail or not, but it did have DOR. I then looked at the surrounding small clouds, mostly dark (it has been raining off and on most of the day), and found that they all had DOR.

Question for the informed reader: is it common for clouds other that chem-trails to have DOR?

434 hour report.
The stars are out and there is no qi flowing into the CB. The positive disc about the CB is back again, now with a radius of about 10 feet. With it, the ambient qi in Trees #1 and #2 is again positive. The qi in Tree #3 is no longer circulating, but the signature qi seems not quite so negative as previously, and has an unusual feeling, as if it were undergoing some sort of reaction or transition. The resident elemental is joyful, as is the lurking Guardian, and the qi in the orgonite is neutral to slightly negative, with nothing coming up from below, and no straight lines coming into the CB.

444 hour report.

Slow DOR flow into the CB from painful region off to the south and some POR coming up from below; slightly negative orgonite; positive resident elemental; ambient qi in Tree #1 slightly positive; no straight lines flowing into CB in ground; positive area about CB has extended out to a radius of 12-13 feet.

There are now four straight lines, forming about 16 foot diameters of an imaginary circle, with center Tree #3. There is positive qi in these lines flowing into the tree. Recall that this is the tree having a harmonizer (special HHg) at its base. The ambient and the signature qi in the tree are better than they were two days ago, but cannot be said to be positive yet. It is notable that positive qi is flowing into the tree at the base, but I do not detect any appreciable negative qi flowing in presently.

456 hour report.

DOR was flowing into the pipes of the CB from a cloud off to the northwest. The orgonite was negative and positive qi was flowing into the CB along the four straight lines in the ground. The postive disc about the CB had grown again to a radius of about 30 feet. The resident elemental was cheerful. Tree #2, which is within the positive disc about Tree #1, has positive ambient qi, although the signature qi is, as has been the case up to the present, negative. The Guardian capers about.

Tree #3 no longer has positive lines running along the ground into it. But more than half the trunk, beginning at ground level, is suffused with positive qi. Just above this, the signature qi remains somewhat negative.

468 hour report.

Positive feeling about the CB gone, resident elemental under some pain but still cheerful, lines through the CB were present but not positive, some positive qi coming up from below. There was a sick feeling DOR coming in from the sky above, apparently from a chemtrail which was dispersing. There were two other chemtrails in the sky.

The Guardian did not seem to be affected, but the ambient qi in Trees #1 and #2 was no longer positive. The qi in Tree #3 was mostly as described last night. There was a ferocious somewhat angry entity of some sort close to Tree #3.

475 hour report.

There was no qi entering the CB. The good feeling area about the CB had grown to a disc of about 30’ radius. There were no straight lines in the ground through the CB. The resident entity was joyful.

481 hour report.

DOR was flowing into the CB from a chemtrail directly overhead. There were 4 positive lines in the ground crossing through the CB again, flowing into the CB. The resident entity was cheerful, but not as positive as 5 hours before. The radius of the positive area about the CB had diminished to about 18 feet. Trees #1, #2, and #3 all have positive ambient qi, but that in #1 (adjacent to the CB) is not so strong as 5 hours earlier.

Tree #3 (at the base of which lies the harmonizer) was entirely positive (except for the signature qi). The feeling of this tree has changed radically since placing the harmonizer several days ago. I chose the tree for this experiment in part because its qi was decidedly worse than average. Now it is decidedly better.

The Guardian, of which the qi has been strikingly positive every time I have felt it, and the angry ferocious entity, were present both times, as usual. I should have asked about this second entity when I had the opportunity last weekend. I would like to know what it is, and what it is about.

492 hour report.

Strong winds blowing, with black clouds. No flow of qi into the CB either through pipes or from the ground. The positive lines in ground were there, but stagnant. The elemental was quite cheerful. The positive area about the CB extends out to 30 feet.

Tree #3 is almost bursting with positive qi, though its signature qi is still negative.

Hour 504 report.

The positive area about the CB has now a radius of 36 feet. There is some DOR flowing into the pipes from a chemtrail. The orgonite was positive and some positive qi was coming up from underground into it. No lines in the ground radiating out from it. The resident elemental was cheerful. The qi in the chemtrail had a sick feeling, although there was a painful feeling at the area whence the DOR was coming towards the CB.

There were about a half-dozen trees in the area of good feeling about the CB. Just one, Tree #2, had better ambient qi than normal. Tree #3, with the harmonizer, is outside that field, and its ambient qi is quite good.

I looked at the trees in the general area to see if any were drawing in any appreciable amount of negative qi. There were two of them: Tree #1 and Tree #3. This may be the reason the ambient qi in Tree #1 was not positive. However Tree #3 was drawing in even more than Tree #2, and its ambient qi was positive. The harmonizer is actually touching the trunk of Tree #3 and the CB is several feet away from the base of Tree #1. There are lines of positive qi flowing into the base of #3, extending out about 8 feet,

Hour 516 report.

This morning the positive area about the CB has extended to a radius of 60 feet, nearly twice as far as ever before. Negative qi was entering the pipes of the CB moderately, flowing from an area of clouds to the east carrying a painful feeling, but there was no observable chemtrail there. The resident elemental was cheerful, but not quite so much so as it usually is when no qi is flowing into the CB. The ambient qi of Tree #1 was slightly negative, as was the orgonite. The positive lines through the ground into the CB were present, POR flowing through them into the CB.

Tree #2, which falls within the 60 foot radius of the CB, had positive ambient qi, but of the four firs which fall within that radius, only one has positive ambient qi.

There is now a positive disc of radius about 20 feet about Tree #3 (with the harmonizer). Tree #3 itself is within the 60 foot radius positive disc about the CB. The signature qi of Tree #3 is still negative, but the ambient qi, positive for several days, has acquired a softer feeling.

There is appreciable negative qi entering the tips of the pines Tree #1 and Tree #3, but not Tree #2. Also there is negative qi, in lesser amounts, entering the tips of several of the firs in the area. I examined one of those firs more closely, and observed positive lines of qi running into the base of that tree. However the neative qi entering these trees was small enough in quantity, I was unable to be sure of its origin.

Hour 529 report.

Positive disc about CB has radius about 48 feet, and about Tree #3 about 12 feet. DOR flowing slowing into the pipes of the CB, and into Trees #2 and #3, but not into Tree #1 this time. There were positive lines flowing into the CB and into Tree #3. There was no positive qi coming up from below the CB and the orgonite was slightly negative. The DOR entering the pipes was coming from some clouds off to the west, but I could not detect why those particular clouds were negative.

The ambient qi in Trees #2 and #3 is positive, and that in Tree #1 is negative. It seems that when DOR is flowing into the CB, the ambient qi in the adjacent Tree #1 is nearly always negative; and when qi is not flowing into the CB, the ambient qi in #1 is positive. Similarly, the elemental resident in the pipes of the CB is more cheerful when there is no DOR flowing into the pipes, and when there is DOR pouring into the pipes, it can be downright uncomfortable (but it does not move away).

page 8 missing

660 hour report.

This morning there was a 84 foot radius pleasant disc about the CB, and a 15 foot disc about Tree #3. There was DOR flowing into the tops of Trees #1 and #3, and into the pipes of the CB. No positive qi coming up from below the CB, but there was some flowing into the base of the CB through positive lines in the ground. The orgonite was slightly negative. The resident elemental was moderately cheerful.

There were a couple chemtrails in the sky, but they were dissipating fairly rapidly. The origin of the DOR flowing into the CB seemed to be off to the north, where there was a quite painful feeling in the sky.

Some of the firs in the area seemed to be gathering DOR, mostly entering through the topmost branch, and it seemed that in general they were distinguished from the others in that they had more than average positive ambient qi.

676 hour report.

Good feeling disc about CB with 5 foot radius. DOR flowing into pipes. Positive qi from below rising into the CB and the orgonite is positive. No lines on the ground. Resident elemental slightly uncomfortable. Source of negative qi in the sky off to the north.

Good feeling disc about Tree #3 about 15 feet.

684 hour report.
Good feeling disc about CB with 78 foot radius. DOR flowing into pipes. No qi rising up from below. Positive qi is flowing into the CB from lines on the ground. Resident elemental slightly uncomfortable. Source of negative qi in the sky off the north, but perhaps more easterly than last night.

Good feeling disc about Tree #3 about 15 feet.

697 hour report.

The pleasant disc about the CB had radius 45 feet. There was no qi going in or out of the pipes, no lines of good qi in the ground leading to the CB, and no qi coming up into the CB. The orgonite was slightly negative, but the resident elemental felt quite good. No qi going into the tops of either Tree #1 or #3. The ambient qi in Trees #1 and #2 was negative, and that in Tree #3 was positive, but not so positive as has been its wont this past week. The pleasant area about Tree #3 only extended out about 6 feet.

Nothing strikingly unusual in the sky. There was more painful feeling than usual off to the southwest. The tall Guardian was present as usual, and tonight another entity, rather painful but somewhat respectable was present, whose presence I had not noticed before.

708 hour report.

The radius of the positive disc about the CB was about 48 feet, and about Tree #3 about 6 feet. DOR was flowing into the CB pipes, apparently from the remains of a chem trail to the southwest. All the entities observed yesterday evening were there this morning.

However the elemental resident in the pipes of the CB was moderately uncomfortable. Seems that some level of discomfort in this entity is typical when DOR flows through the pipes.

There were no positive lines in the ground, and some positive qi was coming up from below. The ambient qi in Trees #1 and #2 was negative, and that in #3 positive.

722 hour report

Area of positive feeling about CB is of 48 foot radius. Moderate DOR is entering the pipes from the north. The resident elemental is slightly uncomfortable. There is no qi coming up from below but there is positive qi slowing entering the CB along lines in the ground. The ambient qi in Tree #1, and the orgonite in the CB are slightly negative.

The area of positive feeling about Tree #3 is about 6 feet, and there is some DOR entering the apex of this tree. The ambient qi is slightly positive, and the signature qi of the tree is negative, as in the past.

Some of the firs in the area, especially those within the positive area about Tree #1 have slightly positive ambient qi.

Poured some Hhgs tonight and will place one or more at the base of one or more firs tomorrow. These are of very simple construction: just iron filings, Home Depot resin, and one crystal per Hhg. However each crystal was chosen such that its inherent qi was at least slightly positive.

I don’t believe I mentioned before that the CB in this thread has 6 pipes of five foot length each, constructed as in Don Croft’s instructions given on Ken Adachi’s web site.

733 hour report.

This morning, approaching from the west, the good feeling area begain about 144 feet from the CB—this is by far the farthest out yet. Though it waxes and wanes, the effect seems to be somehow cumulative.

It is a still sunny morning. There is a slight amount of DOR flowing into the CB pipes and a slight amount of POR coming up from below. Though the pipes themselves are moderately negative, the resident elemental has a positive feeling, as has the ambient qi of Tree #1 and and Tree #3. The positive area about Tree #3 extends out about fifteen feet.

About five fir trees within the positive area surrounding the CB have positive ambient qi.

The sky feels relatively good this morning, with the exception of that over the town about 10 miles to the east, which is decidedly negative, having a sick feeling.

746 hour report.

Positive area extends about 48 feet out from CB. No, or very little qi flowing through pipes. Resident elemental quite cheerful. No qi flowing up from below and no lines into the CB. The orgonite is slightly negative.

Yesterday I said I’d put one or more HHg’s under some trees today, but messed up my construction, and had to repour today. Where is this beginner’s luck I’ve heard about? Will place them tomorrow…

756 hour report.

This morning is clear an sunny. The positive area still extends about 48 feet out from the CB, and there is just a slight amount of negative qi flowing through the pipes, and just a slight amount of positive qi flowing up from below. The resident elemental is cheerful. Tree #1, as last night, has some negative ambient qi.

My HHgs this morning were finally usable (but not pretty–they probably are better described as TBs). After taking this morning’s observations, I removed the harmonizer from Tree #3, with the intention of replacing it with one of the new TBs. The condition of Tree #3 at that time was much like it had been last night: the good surrounding area was about 12 feet in diameter, the ambient qi was positive, and the signature qi negative.

After being absent about a half hour, fussing about the shop, I returned with a small bucket of TBs. I placed three of them at bases of young fir trees, about 10 feet tall–two had somewhat negative signature qi, and one positive: in the future I shall refer to them as Fir #1, #2, and #3, and the trees I have called Tree #1, #2, and #3 in the past, will be referred to as Pine #1, #2, and #3. They were all planted from seedlings about 12 years ago.

When I came back to Pine #3 (Tree #3), I found its ambient qi had changed to sick feeling DOR—such was the immediate reaction from removing the harmonizer. I inserted a new TB at the base, and intend to reexamine it later this morning.

768 hour reply.

When I rechecked Pine #3 earlier in the day, I found that the positive ambient qi had returned, though of slightly different feeling than before–perhaps due to the change in orgone devices. This evening I looked more carefully and found that the positive ambient qi ceased about 8" from the ground, at which point there was area of sick feeling DOR. I do not know for sure that that was not there yesterday, but will check for it in the future. The positive area about Pine #3 extended out only about 3 feet.

Pine #2 has negative ambient qi–this is the only one of the 6 trees being monitored which is not gifted with orgonite.

There was no perceptible qi flowing into the pipes of the CB, and the resident elemental was cheerful. There seemed to be no qi coming up from below. However the positive straight lines going into the CB were barely observable and a small amount of positive qi was moving into the CB. The negative lines which swirl into the CB also had a very slight flow into the CB. The positive area about the CB was about 16 yards (paces) in radius—I have been reporting in feet, but I really measure by pacing, so it is easier on my memory to report in yards.

Fir #1 has positive ambient qi in the top 1/4 of the trunk, Fir #2 positive qi in the top 1/3, and fir #3 in the top 1/2.
The sky was reasonably clear, with just one chemtrail with DOR visible way to the north.

780 hour report.

A positive area begins about 17 yards from the CB. There is DOR flowing into the pipes originating from a line of DOR in the north stretching from west to east, passing over the neighboring town 10 miles away. Positive qi flows in straight lines into the CB in the ground. The resident elemental is uncomfortable and Pine #1 has negative ambient qi, as does Pine #2.

Pine #3 has mostly positive ambient qi, and a positive area about it begins about 16 yards from it. There is still a ring near the base with sick feeling DOR, but it is narrower than yesterday, and the roots of the tree feel positive.

Firs #1 dnd #3 have moderately positive ambient qi throughout, and positive qi in fir #2 extends from the tip about 2/3’s down the trunk.

804 hour report.

The good feeling area about the CB began about 17 yards away. DOR was flowing into the pipes from above. The resident elemental was in some pain, the orgonite was slightly negative, and positive lines of qi came into the CB along the ground. The curved line into the CB, which last night alternated positive-negative-positive-negative… was simply negative.

All four trees with TB’s at their bases have positive ambient qi from top to bottom this morning.

There is a line of DOR in the north, stretching from west to east, and ending at one of the water towers in town, on which have been constructed “cell phone aerials”. This tower seems to be the source of the DOR which is flowing into the CB this morning.

815 hour report.

The positive area about the CB begins this evening about 9 feet off. DOR is moving into the pipes more rapidly than usual, POR is coming up from below the CB, but there are no straight lines in the ground. The resident elemental is in some pain.

There is still a line in the sky to the north from the west into the water tower. The source of the DOR flowing into the pipes of the CB is a place on the line perhaps a mile from the tower (this morning it was from the tower itself).

Pine #3 has positive ambient qi, the three gifted firs have positive ambient qi from the tips about 80% of the way down the trunks.

The negative line which was present last night from Pine #1 to Pine #2 is no longer present.

829 hour report.

The positive area about the CB began about 26 yards away. There were no straight lines in the ground through the CB—just the curved line which spirals into the CB. This morning was present the breathing phenomenon again: DOR in and POR out of the pipes, with the curved line being positive and then negative, but softly. Each cycle seemed to be taking about 10 seconds.

The line of DOR which yesterday had extended into the water tower, was gone, and there was a painful feeling over the water tower.

The four gifted trees were all positive, and the ring of DOR about the base of Pine #3, which had appeared the day after the harmonizer had been replaced by a tower buster, was gone.

It now seems time to write something about Pine #1, the tree about 4 or 5 feet from the CB. It has positive signature qi, but the ambient qi has been negative most of the time. The night before last I asked the tall brilliant Guardian entity if there were something that needed to be done, and the response involved infusing some qi into Pine #1. Immeiately afterward the ambient qi was quite positive, but the following day (yesterday), the ambient qi was negative again. However this morning, the Guardian suggested and effected stimulation/rearrangement of the qi in Pine #1 which made the ambient qi once more positive(but this time with no addition or subtraction of the qi).

841 hour report.

The positive area about the CB began about 20 yards from the CB. There was DOR flowing into the pipes, and positive lines in the ground to the CB. The resident entity was uncomfortable and the orgonite negative.

The source of the DOR was a place in the sky to the north, a couple miles away. This was unusual because it was not on a negative line nor was there a cloud nor a chemtrail. Just a bad feeling area in the sky.

The gifted trees all had positive ambient qi.

Pine #1 had negative ambient qi, but tonight, just little manipulation turned it positive.

853 hour report.

The good feeling area began about 16 yards from the CB. The CB was “breathing” this morning: DOR slowly in, POR slowly out. The cycle seemed to take about 12 seconds.

Pine #2 had nearly neutral ambient qi. The gifted trees all had positive ambient qi throughout. Firs #1, #2, and #3 are members of a line of firs, about 10 feet apart, extending perhaps 200 yards. Firs #1 and #2 are adjacent in this line and there are several other firs between Fir #2 and Fir #3. This morning these several intermediate firs had positive ambient qi, though the firs outside this interval bounded by Firs #1 and #3 did not.

865 hour report.

Raining tonight. The good feeling area begins about 17 yards from the CB. Things are quiet, with qi neither moving in nor out of the pipes. The orgonite, the pipes, the resident elemental, and the ambient qi of Pine #1 are all positive.

The ambient qi of Pine #2 is slightly positive. The ambient qi of Pine #3, and of Firs #1 through #3 (with those in between) is positive throughout.

It is interesting that the ambient trees between and bounded by the gifted firs have turned positive, whereas the trees on either side of that interval have not. Prehaps this relates to the effectiveness of “triangulating” a tower with tower busters.

876 hour report.

The positive feeling area begins about 21 yards from the CB. There is DOR flowing into the pipes, originating off on the northern skyline, where there is a painful feeling. There are lines of POR leading into the CB on the ground. Beneath the CB there is no perceived movement, but there is a “relaxing feeling”, as one experiences when he is weary, just before dropping asleep.

Pine #2 has a somewhat positive feeling from its tip about 75% of the way down. The gifted trees, and those between all are positive this morning. I intend to take three new TBs today and triangulate an area containing some tree(s), to see the effect.

887 hour report.

The CB was “breathing” again. I have observed this phenomenon several times now, and the common characteristics are as follows. There are two curved lines in the ground which spiral into the CB (counter-clockwise as viewed from above), and which otherwise (when the CB is not “breathing”) carry negative qi. When DOR is flowing slowly into the pipes from above, DOR flows into the base of the CB through the curved lines–when POR flows slowly up out of the pipes, POR flows slowly out of the base through the curved lines. This time the complete cycle of in-out seemed to be taking about 11 seconds.

Pines #1 and #3 had positive ambient qi, as did the line of firs bounded by firs #1 and #3. Pine #2 was positive from the tip down the trunk about 2/3’s of the way.

Several hours earlier, at another location, about a quarter mile away, I placed three TB’s in a triangle with sides about 50 feet, 50 feet, and 80 feet (estimated, not measured exactly). Inside the triangle are two pines about 27 feet tall, a cedar about 18 feet tall, and several smaller trees (pines and apple trees) ranging in height from 3 feet to perhaps 8 feet.

900 hour report.

Sleet this morning, with wind blowing in from the west (the prevailing direction hereabouts). Looking to the north, a line of DOR was observable flowing from west to east in the direction of the town I have mentioned before, about 10 miles away, which is Moscow, Idaho. Into the pipes of the CB was flowing from the sky a considerable amount of DOR, apparently from above Moscow. Positive qi was coming up from the ground below the CB, and there were no descernible straight lines in the ground through the CB.

The ambient qi in the firs and pines nearby was pretty much as in the previous report. I did look a little more closely at the line of firs bounded by the gifted firs #1 and #3. There seems to be a slight difference in the quality of the ambient qi of the gifted firs from the quality of qi in the non-gifted firs. Both are positive, but the qi in the gifted firs seems almost to have a slightly metallic feel, while that of the others does not.

Triangulated site: one of the small apple trees seemed to have picked up some positive ambient qi, the one nearest to one of the CB’s. As yet I feel no change in any of the other trees within the triangle.

912 hour report.

Good feeling area extends about 14 yards from the CB, DOR falling into the pipes, coming from the west. Nothing moving from below, but there are positive lines in the ground through the base. The resident elemental was in some pain.

Watching it day after day remain within the pipes, doing whatever it is doing, being uncomfortable much (if not most) of the time, I cannot help but admire it.

This morning (which I omitted to mention) the Guardian entity directed me to supply some qi to the resident elemental, and the same tonight as well. Tonight, directly upon receiving it, it leapt straight up above the pipes, and then settled back down where it had been (back to work again apparently). Both this morning and tonight, when it received the qi, it became momentarily joyful, but then the painful feeling returned. I do not know what part it is playing here, but whatever it is, it appears to take it quite seriously.

Evidently the Guardian entity not only cares for the trees, but cares for the elemental as well.

The numbered trees all had positive qi throughout tonight. I neglected to check on the triangulated trees, but will in the morning.

923 hour report.

Beautiful clear morning. The positive feeling began about 25 yards from the CB. There was DOR flowing into the pipes, nothing coming up from below, and POR flowing into the CB from straight lines in the ground. The origin of the DOR seemed to be off in the direction of Moscow, though I saw no negative lines in the sky flowing into Moscow this morning. The resident elemental was slightly uncomfortable.

Pines #1,#2, and #3, firs #1,#2, and #3, and the two firs between #2 and #3 all had positive ambient qi. This time one of the firs outside the interval bounded by #1 and #3 has ambient qi, the next one in line to the east.

Within the triangulation on the other site, there were two small trees with positive ambient qi: the small apple tree mentioned in an earlier post, and a pine about two feet tall. Thus far there seems to be no change in the large pines and the cedar.

923 hour report.

Beautiful clear morning. The positive feeling began about 25 yards from the CB. There was DOR flowing into the pipes, nothing coming up from below, and POR flowing into the CB from straight lines in the ground. The origin of the DOR seemed to be off in the direction of Moscow, though I saw no negative lines in the sky flowing into Moscow this morning. The resident elemental was slightly uncomfortable.

Pines #1,#2, and #3, firs #1,#2, and #3, and the two firs between #2 and #3 all had positive ambient qi. This time one of the firs outside the interval bounded by #1 and #3 has ambient qi, the next one in line to the east.

Within the triangulation on the other site, there were two small trees with positive ambient qi: the small apple tree mentioned in an earlier post, and a pine about two feet tall. Thus far there seems to be no change in the large pines and the cedar.

935 hour report.

The good feeling area began about 6 yards from the CB. The CB was “breathing” DOR in and POR out with one cycle about every 10 seconds.

Pine #2 and the firs outside the gifted interval no longer had positive ambient qi, but the those within did, as did Pines #1 and #3.

947 hour report.

The good feeling area began about 20 yards from the CB. The CB was still “breathing”, and the feeling of the trees was much like that in the 935 hour report.

There was some negative qi in the sky along what may have been the remains of two chemtrails, but the sky was relatively clear this morning.

There was some change on the triqangulated site. The small apple tree and pine tree, near the west vertex of the triangle had positive ambient qi (as they had before). One of the large pines (the farthest west) was positive about half-way down from the tip. The other large pine and the cedar were positive about two feet down from the tips.

961 hour report.

The good feeling area stretched out about 19 yards from the CB tonight. The CB was “breathing” again. All the numbered trees had positive ambient qi, even Pine #2. However none of the firs outside the interval bounded by Fir #1 and Fir #3 had positive ambient qi.

The large trees within the triangle of TB’s on the other site had marginally more positive qi than they had this morning.

972 hour report.

The positive area about the CB began about 19 yards away this morning. There was DOR flowing into the pipes from a place in the sky to the northwest. The resident entity was in moderate pain, the orgonite was negative, and positive qi was flowing into the CB from straight lines in the ground. The surrounding trees were nearly the same as last night.

There was an observable source of POR off in the distance. Always before I had observed DOR when scanning the sky–never POR. It was in the direction of Moscow, Idaho, so I hopped in the pick-up and drove out to see if I could locate it. Turned out it was in Moscow. Moscow, as is the case with the town in which I live (Pullman, WA), obtains its drinking water from wells. On various hills in the towns are constructed water towers, for storage of pumped water for use at proper pressure. The source of the POR was at one of these water towers, but was not the tower itself. It came from somewhere down the hill from the tower (which was covered with brush and tall grass). Perhaps a tower buster?

Back in Pullman at the second site, there was significant change within the triangle having TBs as vertices. In one of the tall pines, the ambient qi was entirely positive this morning. In the cedar it was positive from the tip about a fifth of the way down; and in the other large pine, it was positive about a quarter of the way down.

984 hour report.

Good feeling area began about 21 yards from the CB. DOR was falling into the CB pipes, coming from off in the northwest. POR was entering the CB from straight lines in the ground. The orgonite was negative and the resident entity uncomfortable.

The ambient qi of the gifted trees was positive. Pine #2 and the firs between Fir #1 and Fir #3 which weren’t gifted had some negative ambient qi on their upper portion, but the lower 2/3’s or so was still positive.

There was still some POR in the sky, in the same place it was this morning.

Laozo, ‘Follow the Gleam’ is such a beautiful poem. The meter of it, -how it has a certain rhythm, -is so compelling and sets such a gratifying tempo. l really love that poem, thankyou. It reminds me to get on with poetry again. Poetry can be such a great indicator of the degree to which someone is ‘tuned in’. It figures then, that with all these orgonisers psyching the Earth up again, l should be capable of some pretty good lines at the moment! Look in the members lounge. I’ll try to make it a weekly fixture,


996 hour report.

The good feeling began about 29 yards away from the CB. There was more than usual DOR entering the pipes, again from the west or northwest. The resident elemental was somewhat uncomfortable, but not so much as I would have expected from the amount of DOR going through the pipes. The orgonite was negative and there was some DOR going downward into the ground below the CB (unusual). There was more than usual DOR flowing into the CB from the the curved lines flowing into the base along the ground: no straight positive lines were observable going into the CB.

This morning there was no POR flowing into the CB at all, but there was an unusually large accumulation of POR in the area surrounding the CB. All the gifted trees, and the ones in between had positive ambient qi throughout.

The positive area in the sky above the tower in Moscow which I observed for the first time yesterday morning is considerably larger and stronger this morning.

On the other site, all the trees within the triangle with TB vertices now have positive ambient qi, except the cedar, which is positive only several feet down from the tip.

Thanks Uotzela. The lines that keep going through my head on a day like today are

His Sea in no wonder the same—his Sea and the same in each wonder.
His Sea that his being fulfils?
So and no otherwise—so and no otherwise hillmen desire their Hills.

the Sea being the sea of qi.

1008 hour report.

The good feeling qi began about 19 yards for the CB. DOR was falling into the pipes, originating from an area off to the west again. The orgonite and qi about the resident entity was negative and negative energy was flowing through the lines which swirl into the CB, this time away from the CB. No POR either up from below or in the straight lines along the ground.

There is still positive qi in the sky in the direction of Moscow.

The ambient qi in Pine #1 was positive, in Pine #2 negative, and in Pine #3 positive. The ambient qi in the interval of firs was mostly positive, but in each, for a foot or so down from the tip, it was negative.

1019 hour report.

The good feeling area began about 26 yards from the CB. It was “breathing” this morning: DOR into the pipes from above and into the base along the two swirling lines on the ground (counter-clockwise into the CB viewed from above) and POR out, with a cycle taking about 9 seconds.

The positive area over the tower in Moscow is still present and, as I was driving to the site, I noticed another positive area off to the south, which is not directly visible fromt he CB site.

The numbered trees all have positive ambient qi this morning, and the two firs, just outside the interval bounded by Fir #1 and Fir #2, have about a foot of positive qi in their tops.

The trees within the triangle at the second site seemed little changed from yesterday: all had positive ambient qi except the cedar, which was positive merely in the upper several feet.

1039 hour report.

The CB was “breathing”.

Observations of an Orgonite Cloudbuster working (continued)

The following are detailed accounts of observations made by an energy sensitive person named Laozu (Kelly), continued from previous post.

1045 hour report.

There was DOR coming into the pipes from the west. The POR in the sky over in the direction of Moscow is definitely more extensive.

There was positive qi in straight lines running into the CB. The resident elemental was moderately uncomfortable. Pine #1 was positive, excect for a right of negative qi about a foot from the base of the trunk, and a few inches in diameter. The ambient qi of Pine #2 was mostly positive, but there was some negative qi near the top. Pince #3, Firs #1 through #3, with the two other firs in between, has positive ambient qi. The firs just outside Fir #1 and Fir #3 had positive qi about a third of the way down from the top.

The trees in the triangle at the second site seemed to be all positive, with the exception of the cedar, which had positive ambient qi about 40% down from the top.

Carol told me earlier in the week that a gem shop up in Spokane was selling Lemurian crystals, billed as musical Brazilean crystals, for three bucks apiece. Yesterday had to go up to pick up an old friend at the airport, and so took a look. Sure enough in a basket of a couple hundred “musical Brazilean cystals”, there were seven Lemurians, so I brought them home.

Tonight my friend and I made a CB for him to take back home next week, and a also a HHg using one of the Lemurian crystals, constructing the base of a size which would fit within the CB pipes, as was recommended elsewhere on this site earlier this week. Left them cooking about an hour ago, but before we left, I took a generic HHg constructed several days ago, and set it down next to the cooking one for comparison. The one with the Lemurian stone had a much more brillian feeling, and moving to the tip, I found the intensity too strong to endure for more than an instant.

Tomorrow we will move them outside, place the HHg on the CB,
and observe.

1062 hour report.

Before going home for the night, went out to observe the old CB. The positive area began about 26 yards from the CB. I had to do a double-take, as the curved lines spiraling into the CB, which normally are negative (except when the CB is “breathing”), were positive tonight, and flowing into the CB. Positive qi was flowing out of the pipes of the CB and up, and then out to the west, in the same direction whence had been flowing DOR off and on the past several days.

The resident elemental was positive, as well as all the numbered trees.

The area of POR over Moscow seemed yet stronger than it had been the morning.

1070 hour report.

Last night it was clear with the stars shining–this morning it is cloudy, having rained earlier. The good feeling area began about 24 feet from the CB, which was “breathing” this morning. All the trees I have specifically mentioned in past posts were positive this morning, including the two firs in the same line, but just outside the interval bounded by Firs #1 and #3.

There was a moderate area of DOR to the southeast, some of which seemed to be going into the pipes of the CB during the “negative” part of the breathing process. The postive area over Moscow seems about as strong as last night.

In the triangle on the second site, the ambient qi of all the trees, including the cedar, is positive.

Late last night in my last post, I related building a new CB and a HHg. Partly because the phenomena in this thread is growing too numerous, and partly because I will only be able to observe these new things for several days, I will begin a new thread for them: CB and Lemurian HHg.

1083 hour report.

The good feeling began about 21 yards from the CB. There was DOR entering the pipes, and POR entering the base of the CB along the straight lines in the ground. The orgonite was positive and the resident elemental slightly negative. All the trees had positive ambient qi, as was described in this morning’s report.

The situation in the sky was most interesting. The positive qi over Moscow again seemed slightly larger in quantity than was the case in the previous observation.

And there was a strong line of POR in the sky flowing from west to east, horizon to horizon, passing nearly straight over the CB. This apparently had no connection with the POR over Moscow. I have not seen such a thing before.

The DOR entering the pipes of the CB from above came from the west, and the source seemed not too distant, so my visiting friend and I drove out to seek it. It was in town, about a half mile away, and was a mass of sick feeling qi seemingly centered over (and perhaps in) a house of which the lights were out. I then drove home to inspect the other CB, and found that it also was drawing DOR from this same source.

1091 hour report.

The good feeling began about 26 yards from the CB. Bad orgone was flowing in to the pipes from the west (drove back to the source discovered last night and found that the sick feeling extended for about a block around the house which last night seemed the center). The resident elemental was slightly uncomfortable–both last night and this morning the Guardian entity directed me in giving the resident elemental some qi.

POR was flowing to the base of the CB from the straight lines in the ground, and the orgonite was positive. Pines #1, #2, #3; Firs #1, #2, and #3 , the two non-gifted firs in the interval bounded by #1 and #3, and the fir just to the east of that interval, all had positive ambient qi.

The line of positive qi in the sky, passing from west to east and nearly directly over the CB was still there. The area of positive qi over Moscow seemed a bit larger again this morning.

The first day I noticed that positive qi, about a week ago, in driving to the site of the CB I also observed some positive qi to the south, in the general direction of Lewiston. Since the source is not visible from the CB site, I have not been making regular observations. This morning while driving home I looked again, and noticed it is still there, seemingly a bit larger and stronger. I will try to find out more concerning it.

1106 hour report.

The positive area began about 29 yards from the CB. The CB was “breathing” with the cycle lasting about 10 seconds. The trees were pretty much as they had been this morning.

The positive qi above Moscow was similar to what it was the morning. The line of positive qi flowing from west to east, horizon to horizon, passing above the CB was still there.

Since the CB was no longer pulling in negative qi from the same area as it was last night (and this morning), I drove over to inspect that source. The amount of qi was much abated, and I could be more sure of where it was centered. It was not the house I had thought last night, but the one across the street. I deduce this since what last night (and even this morning) had had a sick feeling, now had turned more painful and less intense, and the only area which still felt revolting was in that house. When I returned home, I found that the newly built CB with the Lemurian HHg resting on its base was still attracting DOR for this source.

This morning I had business in Lewiston, Idaho (about 30 miles away) and had opportunity to find the source of the positive qi to the south of which I wrote in the last post. Lewiston (as well as its sister city Clarkston, Washington) is on the confluence of the Clearwater and Snake Rivers. The source of the positive qi was about two blocks south of the Clearwater in downtown Lewiston. There is nothing seemingly unusual about the place (there is a restaurant on the site), and the main road through town passes right through the edge. At the present, I have no idea why it is where it is.

1116 hour report.

The good feeling area began about 27 yards from the CB. There are positive straight lines on the ground to the CB, the resident elemental is positive, the orgonite is positive and there is a small amount of POR flowing up out of the pipes.

The trees are nearly the same as last inspection–perhaps a little more positive.

The positive line in the sky from west to east has moved slightly to the south, and now passes more nearly over the new CB. The positive area over Moscow is definitely larger this morning.

The positive ambient qi in the triangulated trees on the second site is stronger than before.

Just drove over to the area in town which was the source of the DOR attracted by this CB the night before last and the new CB then and yesterday morning.

The painful qi is gone from the area, and the only residuum I observed was a rather subdued “fierce” feeling in the house which I identified as the source yesterday morning.

1127 hour report.

The good area begain about 26 yards from the CB. There was DOR entering the pipes of the CB and DOR entering the base through the two curved lines swirling into the base in the ground. There was POR below the base. The ambient qi of the nearby trees was similar as in the last account. The orgonite was slightly negative, as was the resident elemental.

The positive qi over Moscow continues to grow more extensive. The line of positive qi from west to east, present the past couple days, is completely gone. The DOR entering the pipes was coming from somewhere to the northwest.

Within the triangle on the other site everything is now positive: not just the trees, but also a rose bush and some tulips. There are a couple tulips with positive ambient qi just outside one of the sides of the triangle, but to date the positive effect has not otherwise extended to plants beyond the triangle.

1140 hour report.

The good feeling area extended out 29 yards from the CB this morning. DOR was being pulled into the pipes from somewhere in the north. POR was entering the base through the straight lines in the ground. The resident elemental and the orgonite was slightly negative. The ambient qi in 11 trees was positive: Pines #1,#2,#3; Firs #1,#2,#3; the two firs between Fir #2 and Fir #3; the fir in the line just west of Fir #1, and the two trees in the line just east of Fir #3.

The positive qi in the sky coming from the source in Lewiston to the south seemed about the same size as it was on Sunday.

The positive qi over Moscow, of which the source is near a water tower, and which has grown in extent nearly every day for the past 9 days, this morning was greatly reduced. There seems to be some interference from the north, but I cannot tell much without taking a drive over there, which I will do later today if duties permit.

By early afternoon the positive spot over Moscow had entirely disappeared. I was able to to take a look at the water tower near the source at about 5PM. The places on the ground which had been positive when I had been there before were negative–the feeling was similar to the feeling of a growling animal. The water tower is on four legs with a large pipe for water supply going up the center. The negative feeling went right up the center pipe.

1152 hour report
(7PM). The positive feeling began about 32 feet from the CB. DOR was entering the pipes from somewhere off to the northwest. POR was coming up into the base of the CB from below. The orgonite and the resident elemental were positive. The trees which had positive ambient qi this morning still had it.

There now seemed to be a small amount of positive qi in the direction of Moscow–puzzling.

Made a CB this afternoon (which will be referred to as CB #3) again according to the basic Croft instructions. Constructed as well another HHg with a Lemurian crystal at the apex, and 6 other stones near the base, which Carol had given me before they left last week. I have forgotten what they were, but will ask her when I have a chance. As with CB #2 (which in now working in the San Francisco Bay area), I placed the HHg on the base of CB #3. CB #3 is buried within the triangle, the trees of which now all have positive ambient qi due to the TBs on the vertices. It is positioned such that the sky above is unobstructed by branches. This was just done (at about 10PM

1162 hour report.

The good area began about 32 yards from CB#1. The CB was “breathing” and the trees were pretty much as they were last night. The good feeling above Moscow was completely restored to the level at which it was two days ago.

There were two curved lines on the ground, spiraling into CB#3 in a counter-clockwise direction, with positive qi. DOR was flowing moderately into the pipes. There was an entity within the pipes, similar in nature to the resident elemental of CB#1. It felt positive, as did the orgonite, and there was a strong positive feeling in the Lemurian HHg.

1177 hour report.

The good feeling area began about 24 yards from CB#1. There was DOR entering the pipes from somewhere in the north. DOR was also entering the base of the CB from the two curved lines. The orgonite was slightly negative and the resident elemental slightly positive (unusual when only negative qi is entering the CB). The trees mentioned before all have positive ambient qi. In the future I will not mention the trees unless there is a change.

The positive qi above Moscow is as it was this morning. There is again a line of positive qi in the sky from one horizon to the other, this time running from the west to the east, but slightly northwest to southeast.

DOR was also entering the pipes of CB#3 from the north, and there was negative qi entering the base along the curved lines. The orgonite and the resident elemental were positive. The Lemurian HHg was sharply positive.

1187 hour report (6AM).

The good feeling area began about 23 yards from CB#1. DOR was flowing into the pipes from the north, and into the base through the curved lines. The orgonite and resident identity were positive.

The positive area over Moscow had increased, and the positive line in the sky from westnorthwest to eastsoutheast was stronger than last night. This line does not pass directly over either of the CBs, but a little to the north.

CB#3 was similar to CB#1 this morning, with the exception that the HHg was sharply positive. As I inspected CB#3, there was a plane laying a chemtrail directly above me.

1201 hour report (8PM).
This morning I mistakenly wrote PM for AM–it is corrected now.

The good feeling area began about 19 yards from CB#1. There was DOR entering the pipes from the west, and entering the base along the curved lines. The resident elemental was slightly positive, but the orgonite was negative.

The POR over Moscow was cut down to about 1/4 of the size it was this morning. The line of positive qi from west to east is stronger and wider than it was before.

The situation with CB#3 is similar to that of CB#1, except that the HHg is very positive and the resident elemental is more positive than that in CB#1.

There is quite good circumstantial evidence now that a CB with a Lemurian HHg, either by itself, or in conjunction with the other CB, has induced this line of positive qi in the sky. Due to the magnitude and excellent quality of the line, I am curious to see how it developes.

1213 hour report (8AM).

DOR was moderately flowing into the pipes of CB#1 and into the base along the curved lines in the ground. The orgonite was negative, but the resident identity was positive.

The positive qi over Moscow is completely gone, and there is a moderate amount of DOR in the direction of the source water tower.

The positive east-west line is still very nice feeling and perhaps a slight bit stronger than yesterday.

Again the action of CB#2 was similar to that of CB#1. The HHg is positive, in spite of the negative qi moving into the CB, perhaps a bit less than normal.

1226 hour report (9PM).

The good feeling began 46 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes from the north, and there were positive straight lines into the base. The orgonite was negative.

CB#3 also had DOR entering its pipes from the north, and into the base via curved lines in the ground. The orgonite and the resident elemental were positive and the HHg strongly positive.

Today for the first time I noticed a tall Guardian Spirit near CB#3.

There was positive qi in the direction of Moscow again.

The qi in the sky flowing from west to east was in the same place as this morning, and pure and strong,

1237 hour report (8AM).

The good feeling area began 31 feet from CB #1. DOR was coming from the north entering the pipes and negative qi was enetering the base through the two curved lines. The orgonite was negative and the resident entity slightly negative.

Pleasant positive qi is still flowing in the sky along the line from west to east.

DOR was flowing into CB #3 as in CB #1. But the orgonite and resident identity are both positive. The lemurian HHg is robustly positive, but perhaps a shade less than yesterday.

Last night, at the suggestion of Don, I gifted the water tower in Moscow. The area is positive this morning. We shall see if this affects the puzzling pattern of on-again off-again that has shown itself the past few weeks.

1250 hour report (9PM).

Both CB’s were “breathing”: CB #1 with a cycle about 9 seconds and CB #3 about 6 seconds. The positive area about CB #1 began about 30 yards away. In CB #1 the resident elemental’s qi goes from positive to negative in the breathing cycle, while the qi in the resident elemental of CB #3 never turns negative in the cycle. The HHg remains strongly positive.

The positive area above Moscow is about the same size as this morning but of stronger intensity.

The line in the sky through which positive qi is flowing from west to east is about the same size as this morning, but has moved slightly to the south and is now almost directly above CB #3.

1260 hour report (7AM).

Both CB’s still sleeping, much like last night. The positive area began about 26 yards from CB #1.

The positive area about Moscow is a bit larger than last night. The west to east positive line is about the same as last night.

1273 hour report (8PM).

Both CB’s were pulling in DOR from the north. The resident identity in #1 was negative and that in #3 positive. There was POR coming up from below the base in #1 and through straight lines in the ground to the base of #3. The HHg in #3 was positive, but not no such as usual.

The positive area over Moscow seems slightly smaller than this morning, but the line of positive orgone from west to east seems about the same.

1293.5 hour report (8:30PM).

The good feeling area began about 19 yards from CB#1. There was a slight amount of DOR entering the pipes, from the same direction as this morning. No perceptible POR entering, although the resident elemental was mildly positive. The orgonite was negative.

Besides the numbered pines, nine firs now have positive ambient qi. From west to east: ungifted fir, ungifted fir, Fir #1, Fir #2, ungifted fir, ungifted fir, Fir #3, ungifted fir, ungifted fir.

The positive qi over Moscow and the line of positive qi from west to east are about the same as they were this morning.

DOR is still entering the pipes of CB#3 from somewhere in the University to the north, but not so rapidly as this morning. The resident entity is positive, and the HHg is more positive than it was this morning. No POR seems to be entering the CB. The orgonite has slightly negative qi.

I received photographs of CB#2, which is now set up in Palo Alto. At the time the photos were taken it was working (DOR was entering the pipes from somewhere). There was a resident identity surrounded by the pipes, although I do not know whether it was the same that was with it here just after construction. The Lemurian HHg was strongly positive. I did not perceive the tall Guardian in the pictures.

1304 hour report (7AM).

The good feeling area began about 19 yards from CB#1. The orgonite and resident entity were negative. DOR was flowing into the pipes from the north. POR was coming up from below the CB.

The two end firs in the line which was described in last night’s report no longer had positive ambient qi.

The positive west-east line is as last night, but the positive qi over Moscow had turned negative. Last Saturday two TBs had been placed near the water tower. So whatever is going on there appears to require more attention. The water tower near the center of things, up to now, did not have any aerials or similar paraphrenalia on it. However this morning there was a utility truck preparing to do something there.

DOR was entering the pipes of CB#3 and POR coming up from below. Again the source was coming from the direction of the University. From the CB the most notable landmark in the direction of the DOR was the Physical Sciences Building, but when I drove onto campus to look around, I found that by far the strongest source of DOR was the nuclear reactor.

1319 hour report (10PM).

The good area began 43 yards from CB #1. DOR was pouring into the pipes of both CB’s from somewhere in the SW. I believe this is the first time in weeks that it has not come from the north or west. No POR was coming into either CB, and both resident elementals were negative. However the Guardian at #3 had me add some qi to the relative elemental there, afterwhich it was positive (at least temporarily). The HHg at CB #3 was positive, but not so much as usual. There is DOR going into the ground through the base of CB #3 (the first time I recall having perceived this phenomenon).

Only seven of the line of firs had positive ambient qi.

The qi in the sky over Moscow was negative. The west-east line in the sky was still wonderfully positive and perhaps a bit larger than this morning.

There was one surprising and puzzling phenomenon tonight. The house in town, which in several previous reports had been the source of DOR for one or both CB’s, was brilliantly positive–in fact an area larger than a block about that house was positive tonight. And so far as I know, that house has not been gifted with orgonite.

1327 hour report (8AM).

The good feeling area began about 24 yards from CB #1. DOR was entering the pipes of the CB from the north and POR entering the base from straight lines. The resident entity was slightly negative and the orgonite negative.

Eight firs in the interval had positive ambient qi.

The qi over Moscow is negative this morning. The west-east line is still positive. The qi in area surrounding the house mentioned in last night’s report is still positive.

DOR was entering the pipes of CB #3 from some source in in the direction of the University again. POR was entering the base both from below and through straight lines. The resident entity was slightly positive and the HHg more positive than it was last night,

1340 hour report (9PM).

DOR was slightly entering the pipes of CB #1 and more rapidly entering the pipes of CB #3 from the southeast. The resident elementals in both were positive and the orgonite negative. The HHg in #3 was quite positive. POR was entering the bases of both through straight lines.

The qi over Moscow is slightly negative. The west-east line is “brightly” positive, as usual.

Eight of the firs in the line had positive ambient qi. There is still a positive feeling in the direction of the house referred to in previous posts.

1350 hour report (7AM).

The good feeling area began about 24 feet from CB#1. CB#1 was “breathing” this morning, with a cycle lasting about 10 seconds.

Eight of the firs in the interval had positive ambient qi.

The qi over Moscow has turned positive again in the direction of the water tower. And the house in town here has again turned (disgustingly) negative. Obviously there is some mechanism here I do not understand.

DOR was entering the pipes of CB#3 from the direction of the house, and POR was coming up from underground into the base. The resident entity was positive, and the HHg strongly positive.

The west-east positive line is still functioning.

1363 hour report (8PM).

The good feeling qi began about 34 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes of both CB#1 and CB#3 from the southeast. POR was entering the base of CB#1 from below and the base of CB#3 from straight lines in the ground. The orgonite of both was negative. The Lemurian HHg at CB#3 was positive, though perhaps slightly less than normal. The resident elemental of CB#3 has positive qi and that of CB#1 negative qi. The Guardian at #1 had me give the relative elemental there some positive qi.

This last leads to a tentative theory, for which there has accumulated some circumstantial evidence. The resident elemental in CB#1 has often had painful qi, and when this occurs, the Guardian frequently (though not always) has me give the elemental some qi (this has happened more often than I have recorded in these reports). On the other hand, the resident elemental in CB#3 is much less often negative, and the Guardian there has seldom requested a gift of qi to this elemental. Furthermore the DOR being pulled in by CB#3 is usually greater, of anything, than that by CB#1.

My theory is that the HHg is fortifying the resident elemental of #3, and that putting a HHg on the base of the CB makes the work of the elemental easier, or least less painful for it.

The positive qi above Moscow is more abundant than this morning. There is less negative qi at the aforementioned house than this morning, but it is still negative. The east-west line of positive qi is as usual (though I hesitate to employ the word “usual” to describe it).

There were 9 fir trees in the line tonight with positive ambient qi.

1373 hour report (6AM).

The good feeling area began 42 yards from CB#1. DOR is still flowing into the pipes of both CBs from the southeast. The orgone of both is negative, as is the resident elemental of CB#1. The resident elemental of CB#2 is positive, and the HHg is positive. POR is entering the base CB#2 along straight lines in the ground (I forgot to check CB#1 regarding this).

There are nine firs in the line with positive ambient qi.

The positive qi above Moscow is greater than last night.

I haven’t remarked in some time about the triangulated area, with TBs on the three vertices, and with a good-sized cedar, two good-sided pines, several smaller trees, and two rose bushes inside. Everything has quite positive ambient qi inside, including the cedar, which was the last to display it.
It is interesting that there are several plants just outside the triangle, which have not acquired the positive ambient qi.

1430 hour report (3PM).

Was out of town for two days and just got back. DOR is flowing into the pipes of CB#1 from the southeast, POR is flowing into the base along straight lines in the ground, and the resident elemental is slightly negative, as is the orgonite. The good feeling area began about 34 feet from the CB.

Nine of the fir trees in the interval are have positive ambient qi.

There is positive qi over Moscow, and the positive east-west line is pretty much as it was before I left.

DOR is also entering the pipes of CB#3 from the southeast and some POR is slowly coming up from beneath the base. The HHg is positive, but more weakly so than usuual. The resident elemental is slightly positive.

1447 hour report (7AM).

The good feeling area began about 24 yards from CB#1. There was DOR coming into the pipes from the southeast, POR was coming up from below the base, the orgonite and resident elemental were negative, and just seven trees in the interval of firs had positive ambient qi.

The positive qi over Moscow is as large in expanse as it has ever been before. The east-west line is as usual: positive and pleasant.

DOR was entering the pipes of CB#3 from the southeast, POR was flowing into the base from straight lines in the ground, the resident entity was positive, and the HHg more positive than yesterday afternoon.

Laozu–we put a new Lemurian HHg on the base of our CB right before we left town on Friday afternoon. The DOR is coming from an area south of us; southeast of you.

Stop by when you can (we don’t have your phone number or address) so we can discuss neutralizing that satanic HQ house in your town, as we did to the one in our town after you keyed us into the DOR source that was not far from our house. Maybe then we can all just go down and neutralize that new underground facility that’s south of us.

When I woke up early this AM there was a small, white lenticular cloud perched on Paradise Ridge,which is clearly seen about four miles south of here. There were no clouds in the sky then and no fog. The cloud stayed intact, in spite of the wind, until well after sunrise. I think they’d like us to get over to that damned underground base, farther south, and decommission it :wink:

Linda’s making her medicine wheel on the other side of Paradise Ridge, at her home in the countryside. Carol will help her set it up. It will be fun to get your assessment before, during and after! You can bet that we’ll keep tabs in regular posts in the Applied Orgonomy forum.

ON the way home from Seattle yesterday we dreamt up a whole rack of charged water experiments and others will be participating with us. Thanks for moving us along that track, Sally, Al and MaryK! Thanks, also, to Cbswork for his useful insights and suggestions about using water in conjunction with orgonite. I hope he’ll start posting those soon.


1460 hour report (8PM).

The good area began 23 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering both sets of pipes from the southeast again, and POR was entering both bases from straight lines in the ground. This time the resident elemental in #1 was slightly positive and that in #3 slightly negative. The positive qi over Moscow was a bit greater is area than this morning. The west-east positive line was directly over #3.

Eight of the firs in the line had positive ambient qi.

1471 hour report (7AM).

The good feeling area began about 24 feet from CB#1. On both CB’s DOR was entering the pipes from the southeast and POR coming up through the base from below. The relative elementals were both slightly negative. The HHg on #3 was positive, but not greatly so (this was the situation last night as well).

Nine trees in the line of firs had positive ambient qi. The positive area over Moscow is slightly larger this morning than last night. The west-east positive line seems little changed from last night.

1485 hour report (9PM).

The good feeling area began about 23 yards from CB#1. There was DOR entering the pipes from the north, and POR entering the base along straight lines. The orgonite and resident elemental were both negative.

Nine firs in the interval had positive ambient qi.

The positive qi over Moscow was about the same as this morning, as was the west-east positive line.

DOR was entering the pipes of CB#3 from the north, and POR was coming up to the base from below. The HHg was more positive than this morning and the resident elemental was slightly positive.

1497 hour report (9AM).

The good feeling area began about 23 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes of #1 and #3, both from the north. POR was entering the base of #1 up from below, and the base of #3 along straight lines in the ground.

There were 9 trees in the line with positive ambient qi.

The POR over Moscow remains about the size it was last night, is is the west-east line.

1509 hour report (9PM).

The report tonight requires a little preamble, that it might be more intelligible.

On Monday blue8orgone (Don Croft) in post #30062 on this forum invited me to drop by and suggested that we might go neutralize an underground facility south of where he and Carol live in Moscow. For some days before DOR had been entering the pipes of both my CDs from the southeast, which would be south of where the Crofts live. On Tuesday evening the DOR stopped coming from the southeast and began coming from the north, which was the case this morning as well.

Last night they were busy, but I went over this afternoon, and visited with Don for a few minutes till Carol came home from a dental appointment. In response to a question from Don, Carol replied that the facility had been shut down, and had been since yesterday. This of course is consistent with the change in my CBs’ DOR source. Carol opined that this had been done after Don’s post Monday, so that its location would be more difficult to ascertain. Don’s enthusiam would not be denied, he took us out to the car, and we went hunting.

Carol drove and we headed for the Lewiston gorge. At the top, which commands a panoramic view of all the countryside to the east of the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater, we stopped to take a look. We saw two matters of interest.

Some weeks ago I posted concerning some good qi which was coming from the south, and which turned out to emanate from an area a couple blocks from the Clearwater in downtown Lewiston. This time I perceived that the orgone had turned negative.

Second, Carol located the underground facility, about three or four miles upstream on the Snake from the bridge connecting Lewiston with Clarkston.

We drove down to the rivers, Don busted the bad area in Lewiston, and then we drove upriver toward the facility. Opposite to where the facility began was a state park, and Don and Carol told me that there is likely a nuclear facility there: the qi of the place certainly felt negative.

On the other side of the road, where the underground facility began, was a rock pit, which Don and Carol told me is characteristic. The qi in the ground where they said the facility was, was sickeningly negative. The bad qi extended for miles off to the east south east. I certainly would not like to live there. Without going into detail, I shall state that Don neutralized the place, and we returned, stopping in Lewiston for supper.

After supper we climbed the Lewiston grade and at the top took a good look back at the facility. It was still negative at both ends, but there was a good-sized area of positive qi in the middle, and the Crofts told me it would gradually expand in both directions.

Heading away from the gorge toward Moscow, we saw a huge vortex in the sky off to the northeast. There were swirls of clouds in the sky, the like of which I never before witnessed. In the center was a black cloud, with DOR, and DOR was being sucked into it, seemingly from the direction of the neutralized facility. The area below the vortex, noted Carol, seemed to be the location of another underground facility which they had “busted” some time ago.

By the time we had returned to Moscow, and I had driven home to Pullman, the vortex was mostly dissipated (about an hour from when it had first become visible}. I immediately went to inspect the CBs.

The good feeling area began about 21 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering #1 from the southeast, at a good rate. The resident elemental and the orgonite were negative, and POR was entering the CD from straight lines in the ground. There were 8 trees with positive ambient qi in the interval of firs.

The positive area over Moscow was about as large as it was this morning.

There was an area to the southwest, which had sick feeling DOR. When I first put out CB#1 nearly two months ago, there had often been bad qi perceptible in that direction, but for some weeks the feeling had only been of a vaguely painful nature. And now today it came out stronger again. This area seems to correspond with the one which had seemed to be under the vortex we had seen earlier in the evening.

The west-east line of POR, stretching from horizon to horizon, was wider and stronger than usual, perhaps the largest I have ever seen it.

DOR was entering the pipes of CB#3, again from the southeast, and POR was entering the base from straight lines in the ground. The resident identity and the orgonite were negative.

Even the Lemurian HHg was slightly negative, which I have found to be rare.

Quite an interesting afternoon. I will be eager to observe conditions in the morning.

1518.5 hour report (6:30 AM)

The good feeling area began about 23 feet from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes of the CB, this time from nearly due east. The resident elemental was slightly positive. Eight of the firs in the interval had positive ambient qi. POR was entering the base from straight lines in the ground, but the orgonite was negative.

The negative qi from the southwest was no longer present.

The west-east line is still quite strong, but the positive qi over Moscow is much reduced this morning. In the past, when the waxing of the qi over Moscow ceased, it began with a “bite” taken out over the water tower, and the residue usually dissipated within a day. This time however, the waning seems more uniform.

DOR was also entering the pipes of CB#3 from the east, and POR the base from straight lines in the ground. The base orgonite was negative and the resident elemental positive. The HHg has returned to its positive state, though perhaps not quite up to normal yet.

1518.5 hour report (6:30 AM)

The good feeling area began about 23 feet from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes of the CB, this time from nearly due east. The resident elemental was slightly positive. Eight of the firs in the interval had positive ambient qi. POR was entering the base from straight lines in the ground, but the orgonite was negative.

The negative qi from the southwest was no longer present.

The west-east line is still quite strong, but the positive qi over Moscow is much reduced this morning. In the past, when the waxing of the qi over Moscow ceased, it began with a “bite” taken out over the water tower, and the residue usually dissipated within a day. This time however, the waning seems more uniform.

DOR was also entering the pipes of CB#3 from the east, and POR the base from straight lines in the ground. The base orgonite was negative and the resident elemental positive. The HHg has returned to its positive state, though perhaps not quite up to normal yet.

1533 hour report (9PM).

The good feeling area began 24 feet from CB#1. Both CB’s were receiving DOR from the house in town which has been mentioned before, both were recieving POR through straight lines in the ground, both resident elementals were slightly negative, and the HHg in CB#3 was positive, but not overpoweringly so.

There were 8 firs in the interval with positive ambient qi.

The positive area over Moscow is completely gone now, replaced by by negative qi, though not great quantity yet.

The west-east positive line in the sky is still fine.

1343 hour report (7AM).

The good feeling area began about 44 yards from CB#1, which was “breathing” this morning.

Nine of the firs in the interval had positive ambient qi.

The negative qi over Moscow is a more extensive than last night. There is some positive qi off in the direction of Lewiston, or perhaps a little east of there. The east-west line is bright as usual.

There is DOR entering the pipes of CB#3, off from the direction of the nuclear reactor at WSU (Washington State University). POR is entering the base along straight lines in the ground. The HHg is positive, but not greatly so.

1408 hour report (12PM).

Been out of town for two and a half days. Tonight the good feeling area extended about 20 yards from CB#1. CB#1 was “breathing”, with each cycle taking about 8 seconds.

Nine of the trees in the interval were positive. The west-east line was strong as always. The negative qi over Moscow had subsided to just a small amount, close to the ground.

CB#3 was pulling in DOR through its pipes from the northwest, with POR entering the base through straight lines in the ground. The resident elemental and orgonite were negative, and the HHg was positive.

1419 hour report (11 AM).

The good area began about 20 yards from CB#1. DOR was coming into the pipes from the northwest, and POR was coming up into the base from below. The area above Moscow still had slightly negative qi.

1430.5 hour report (10:30PM).

The good area began about 22 yards from CB#1. DOR was coming into the pipes from the northeast both from CB#1 and CB#3: the nuclear reactor on campus is in that direction. POR was coming up from below in CB#3 (I forgot to check with CB#1). The resident elementals in both CBs were a bit negative tonight, but the HHg in CB#3 was somewhat positive. The orgonite was negative in both CBs.

Positive qi is again appearing in the direction of the water tower in northwest Moscow.

1439 hour report (7AM).

The good feeling area began about 17 yards from CB#1. In both CBs the DOR was entering the pipes from the direction of the nuclear reactor, and POR was entering from straight lines in the ground. Both resident elementals are negative as well as the orgonite.

The positive qi over Moscow covers a greater area than last night.

1452 hour report (8PM).

The good feeling area began about 17 yards from CB#1. Tonight both CBs were “breathing”: #1 with a cycle lasting about 8 seconds, and #3 with a cycle lasting about 10 seconds.

Trees and west-east line were pretty much as last reported. The positive area by Moscow is larger than last report.

I am curious about the effect of the plastic buckets about the CBs. When I saw the copper tube with “medicine wheel” water at Alvin-San’s place, it had a plastic or poly cap screwed on one end over the rubber stopper. This cap was the only negative thing about the setup. Tomorrow or the next day I will remove the bucket on CB#1 and see if there is any change in performance.

1467 hour report (11AM).

CB#1 had been buried, in its white plastic bucket, next to a 10-12 foot pine with good inherent qi. About a half hour ago I dug it out, temporarily removed the 5-foot upper pipes, and removed the bucket. Had to cut it off with my jack-knife. It was a bit sticky in places, apparently where the resin had not been mixed well with the hardener. I then reburied it in the same place and replaced the pipes.

It took about five minutes or so before the resident entity ensconced itself back inside the pipes. It seemed quite happy and felt positive, even though DOR was entering the pipes at about an average rate. The orgonite was negative and POR was entering the base along straight lines.

I am embarrassed to confess I stupidly forgot to assess the flow of qi into the CB before I dug it out, so I cannot directly compare before and after regarding rate and quality of flow. However I did pace off the size of the good feeling area about the CB before and after. The good feeling began between 16 to 17 yards before, but after it was about 34 yards—not a minor change. It seems too early to draw any clear conclusions however, because any disturbance in the CB could perhaps have caused a change (shaking it out of its lethargy?).

The amount of DOR entering the pipes of #1 seems slightly more than that entering CB#3. In #3 the resident entity was slightly negative, though the HHg was positive (a little less so than on the average). Here POR was entering the base along straight lines. In both cases the DOR was coming from the direction of the nuclear reactor.

The positive qi over Moscow seems about the same as it was last night. The qi in the west-east line and the trees are about the same as last reported.

1470 hour report (2PM).
Still about 34 yards from the beginning of the good feeling area to CB#1. There are now ten trees with positive ambient qi in the line of firs. This is the first time I believe that I recall more than nine.

1477 hour report (9PM).
There are about 24 yards fromt he beginning of good feeling qi to CB#1. The resident entity is positive and the orgonite negative. DOR is falling fairly rapidly into the pipes and POR flows into the base along the straight lines.

There are still ten trees in the line with positive ambient qi. The positive area above Moscow is larger again.

There is a sweet feeling off to the southwest. The last time I can recall that was a week ago when Don and Carol took me down to incapacitate the underground facility on the Snake River behind Lewiston. When I returned home that night, there was a similar feeling.

The intensity of the west-east line of POR in the sky seems greater tonight.

CB#3 has DOR falling into its pipes as well and, as with CB#1, it seems to be coming from the direction of the nuclear reactor off to the northeast. POR is entering the base of #3 through straight lines in the ground, both the resident elemental and the orgonite are negative, and the HHg is positive.

1489 hour report (9AM).

The good feeling area began about 23 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes from direction of the reactor again, as it was the pipes of CB#3. POR was flowing into the bases of both along straight lines. The resident elemental of #1 was positive and of #3 negative, and the orgonite of both was negative.

Ten firs on the line still have positive ambient qi. The positive area over Moscow is slightly larger than last night.

1499 hour report (7PM).

The good feeling area began about 34 yards from CB#1. DOR was falling into the pipes of both CB’s from the direction of Moscow. POR is running into the bases along straight lines. Both resident elementals are positive and the orgonite is negative. The HHg on #3 is more positive than usual.

There are still ten firs with positive ambient qi on the line.

The qi over Moscow has turned negative again. The soft pleasant feeling remains off to the southwest. The west-east positive line is as usual.

1513 hour report (9AM).

The good feeling began about 35 yards fromt CB#1. There were twelve trees in the line of firs with positive ambient qi, two more than ever before. This comes two days after taking the bucket off the CB. Furthermore, the elemental has felt positive ever since that time. The evidence is becoming stronger that CB’s are better without a plastic bucket.

DOR was pouring into the pipes of both CBs from the direction of Moscow. As last night, there is negative qi there, but it has not increased since then (perhaps due to the CBs). POR flows into both CBs from straight lines in the ground. The resident elemental in #3 is positive, as is the HHg.

One other change from yesterday is that the positive line in the sky, flowing from west to east, is nearly twice as wide as previously.

1522 hour report (6PM).

The good feeling area began about 35 yards from the CB. This increased positive area over the past two and a half days (since the bucket was removed from the CB) has coincided with an increase of trees with positive ambient qi. This evening there were 13 trees in the line (of firs, ten feet apart, with three having TBs at their base). In addition, there were three more pines in the area, which never had postive ambient qi before (since the this experiment began anyway).

The line of POR in the sky, running from west to east, is over twice as wide as it ever was before three days ago. The evidence mounts that plastic covers impede.

DOR was flowing into the pipes of both CBs from the west, both resident elementals were positive, and the HHg was positive in CB#3–POR was flowing into the bases in straight lines.

This morning the DOR was coming from Moscow, where for a day, the qi had turned negative. Now it is positive, which is a relatively short turn-around period. The positive feeling off to the southwest is still there, perhaps a bit larger than last observation.

I am still planning to try some of that “medicine wheel” water in conjunction with one of the CBs, but the situation has not completely stabilized since removing the bucket from #1, I will wait until this occurs.

1526 hour report (7AM).

The good feeling area began about 39 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes of both CBs from the house in town mentioned previously. POR was entering the bases through straight lines in the ground. Both resident elementals were positive. The organite in #1 was positive and that in #3 was negative.

There were 12 firs in the line with positive ambient qi. The area over Moscow is still positive and growing. The west-east positive line is as wide as yesterday.

1540 hour = 64 days, 4hour report (9PM)

The good feeling area began 43 yards from CB#1. DOR from both CBs coming from north into pipes, POR along lines in the ground into the bases, both elementals positive, the orgonite in #1 positive and in #3 negative. The HHg on #3 is positive.

There were 13 firs in the line with positive ambient qi. The qi over Moscow is positive, and the width of west-east line as great as this morning.

The elemental in #1 has felt so good since I took off the bucket, it would be cruel not to do the same for #3, which I will do tomorrow morning.

64 days, 14.5 hour report (7:30AM).

Woke up recalling I would take off the bucket of #3 this morning, and reminded myself to observe its condition first, so that I could compare. A short time later at about 7AM, arrived at the CB, tried to explain to the elemental what I was about to do removing the pipes and exhuming the CB, took off the lemurian HHg, cut off the bucket, replaced the orgonite in the hole, replaced the HHg on the base, put the pipes back on, watched a couple minutes until the elemental moved back betwixt the pipes, and only then realized I’d forgotten again to make ante-observations!

Drove off to CB#1, where I found the good feeling area began about 45 feet from the CB. DOR was pouring into the pipes from the north, and POR flowing into the base along straight lines in the ground. The orgonite was positive, and the resident elemental as well, as it has been ever since I removed the bucket of #1 early in the week. The source of the DOR seemed to be somewhere up to the north.

There were twelve firs in the line with positive ambient qi.

The area of positive qi over Moscow covers as great an area as I have ever seen before. The width of the west-east band of positive qi overhead is perhaps a quarter greater than it has been before.

Drove back to CB#3 and upon approaching it, received the “breathtaking” feeling one unexpectedly experiences when he finds himself in the presence of a respectable spirit–not a fierce one, but a calming one replete with positive well-being. Quite naturally I showed it respect, and asked the Guardian if this were the same entity which had been in the pipes before. Received a definite “yes” response. I find it difficult to understand how, in such a short space of time (a half hour), the respectibility of an entity can increase so much.

While I watched, the spirit would spring up ten feet or so above the pipes and then rapidly fall back within, and qi would swirl about it and the pipes.

Nearly twenty years ago I was invited to the home of a friend in Taiwan, to be present at the advent of Lunar New Year. As is the custom, the extended family was present and collected in the front room (it is considered good luck to stay awake that night at least until midnight). A few seconds before the hour one could hear the fireworks begin which were simultaneously being set off from hundreds of thousands of homes all over the island. Then I became aware of the qi of a spirit (perhaps the household god?) dashing back and forth around the room, and this continued for several minutes. The action of the elemental in the CB somehow reminded me of that experience.

Nearly as I could tell when I watched, there was no orgone being pulled into the pipes, but I didn’t observe closely, for I felt that the presence of my mind in observing might interfere with what was going on.

65 day, 3 hours report (8PM).

The good feeling area began 44 yards from CB#1. Both CBs were pulling in DOR from the southeast and POR was entering the bases along straight lines. Both resident elementals, and the orgonite of both was positive.

The resident elemental of CB#3 was more positive than that of CB#1, but it did not inspire the same degree of awe that it did this morning.

There were 12 firs with positive ambient qi. The positive qi over Moscow was about the same as this morning, as was that of the west-east line.

65 day, 15 hour report (8AM).

The good feeling area began 47 yards from CB#1. DOR was flowing into both CBs pipes from the southeast, both resident elementals were positive, the orgonite of #1 was positive, and positive orgone was enetering the base of #1 from straight lines in the ground.

The POR over Moscow covers a little greater area than last night.

There are 13 firs in the line with positive ambient qi.

The positive area to the southwest is still there and seems to be gradually strengthening.

66 day, 3 hour report (8 PM).

The good feeling area began 57 yards from the CB.

The positive area over Moscow is about the same as this morning.

There were 13 trees in the line with positive ambient qi.

The positive line from west to east seems a bit wider. I estimate that it covers about 20% of the sky overhead now.

The good feeling off to the southwest is still there.

DOR was entering the pipes of both CBs from the east, and POR enters the bases along straight lines. Orgonite and elementals of both are positive, and the HHg is quite positive.

From the standpoint of orgonite, not a bad evening here.

67 day, 09:49 AM

The good feeling area began about 50 yards from CB#1.
There were 11 firs in the line with positive ambient qi.
The qi in the southwest is still positive. That over Moscow is positive, but smaller in quantity than last
night. The west-east line seems similar to as it was last night.
DOR was flowing into the pipes of CB#3 from the direction of the nuclear reactor, and POR was
entering the base along straight lines. The HHg was about average (positive). The orgonite and the resident
elementals of both CBs are postive, which I believe has been the case ever since the buckets were removed.

67 day, 10:36 PM

The good feeling area began about 54 yards from CB#1.
There were 11 trees with positive ambient qi in the line of firs. The positive area over Moscow is slightly
smaller than it was this morning. The west-east positive line is as least as large as it was this morning.
DOR was pouring into the pipes of both CB’s from the west. Both resident entities and the orgonite of
both were positive, and the HHg was about average (positive).

68 day, 05:48 PM

The good feeling area began about 55 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes from the south
to both CBs. The resident elementals and the orgonite of both were positive.
There were 13 firs with the line with positive ambient qi.
The positive qi over Moscow is much smaller in extent than last night.
The west-east line, and the positive area to the southwest are much as yesterday.

69 day, 09:14 AM

The good feeling area began about 65 yards from CB#1, and there were 15 trees with positive ambient
qi in the line of firs.
Again the resident elementals, as well as the orgonite, in both CB#1 and CB#3 were positive. This
has been the case at each observation since removing the buckets. I will omit recording these ”positive”
observations of the elementals and the orgonite in the future, unless some change occurs.
The positive qi over Moscow has increased in area once again, and the west-east positive line is a bit
larger this morning.

69 day, 10:13 PM

The good feeling area began about 62 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering pipes of both CBs from
the south. There were 12 firs in the line with positive ambient qi.
The positive area over Moscow was larger than this morning. The positive feeling from the southwest,
and the west-east line were a little larger than last time.

70 day, 09:24 AM

Good feeling area began 53 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes from the south. There were
11 firs in the line with positive ambient qi.
The positive area over Moscow is greater than last night. The positive region to the southwest is similar
to last night, and the west-east line is about the same as well.
As I was approaching CB#3 from a distance I thought there was something negative there (which would
have been the first time since the bucket had been removed). Turned out to be just a Magpie though, a fat

70 day, 09:47 PM

The good feeling area began about 55 yards from CB#2. DOR was coming in from the east.
There were 14 trees with positive ambient qi in the line of firs. The POR above Moscow is greater than
this morning, and the west-east line seems about the same.
The area to the southeast which has gradually becoming more positive showed a qualitative difference
today. Somewhat in the middle of the area there is now a mild concentration of positive qi. I believe this
is in the direction of the place Carol told me earlier that they had busted an underground facility. She may
have said there was a vortex there, but I am not sure. Hopefully if she or Don reads this, she can comment.
This place is interesting because from about two months ago when I first began making observations, up till
two weeks ago, this place had always been negative.

71 day, 09:36 AM

The good area began 74 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering both CBs from eastsoutheast.
There were 17 firs with positive ambient qi in the line this morning. The positive qi is now at the end
of the row to the south, and there are only more trees (so far unaffected) to the north.
As is evident from the numbers 74 and 17 (new records by far), something is afoot, so to speak. The
positive qi over Moscow is a little smaller in extent than it was last night, but most other measures of
positivity have increased, significantly.
From where I stood observing the sky at CB#1, about half the sky was filled with the positive west-east
line, approximately half-again as wide as I have ever seen before. I do not know exactly how high this line is,
so I do not know its actual width. To learn this, I will have to take observations from a couple more points
and do a little math. It seems about time to do this.
Last night I mentioned a qualitative change regarding the positive qi to the southeast. That change
continues and intensifies. There seems to be a strong positive source out there beyond the hills, which was
not formerly apparent.

71 day, 09:32 PM

The good area began about 72 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes of both CBs from
The positive area over Moscow was about the same as this morning, as was the west-east line.
If anything, the positive source to the southwest has increased in intensity since this morning.
Note: several days ago I promised Georg I’d try to put all the messages on this thread in one file in my
Public Files. I should have that completed sometime tonight.

72 day, 11:25 AM

The good area began about 74 yards from CB#1, and the trees were about the same as yesterday, as
was the size of the positive area over Moscow. DOR was again coming from the eastsoutheast.
The west-east positive line is perhaps slightly more narrow than yesterday. This morning, with a level
and protractor, I made some coarse measurements of the extremities of a cross-section of this line, from
two points, about a mile apart. Using some basic trig. I came out with the following COURSE estimates:
width=3 miles, height=1 mile.

72 day, 4 hour report (9 PM).

The good feeling area began about 72 yards from the CB. DOR was pouring in faster than usual into the pipes of both CBs, the qi coming from the direction of the house in Pullman which previously has been the source. The resident elemnentals and the orgonite are still all positive, but the HHg in #3 is less positive than usual.

There are 15 firs in the line which have positive ambient qi.

The POR over Moscow has diminished considerably, though it has not completely gone.

The west-east line is similar to what it was this morning.

The positive qi over to the southwest is also similar to what it was this morning. The concentrated positive qi excited my curiosity to the extent that in the hot part of the afternoon, when I was weary of working on the irrigation line, I jumped in the pickup and took off to find the source. I eventually wound up down on the Snake River, about a mile below Lower Granite Dam, and found the source to be partly in the river, but mostly on the shore on a lot containing a grain elevator and a dock (where grain is loaded on barges for transport down the Snake, into the Columbia, and eventually to Portland for shipping to the Far East).

It was strong, and seemed to emanate from the place in sort of an inverted cone. I suspect I have visited a vortex.

Carol told me a couple months ago she and Don had gifted a place with an underground facility back in that direction some time ago, and Don told me more recently that the place was, in fact, Lower Granite Dam. However the area had been negative from the time 72 days ago (when I first constructed a CB and began making regular observations) until a couple weeks ago when we busted the site back of Lewiston further upstream from Lower Granite. It was that same evening that I first saw signs of conditions in that direction improving. It has gradually improved since, but in the lest few days the vortex (if that is what it is) has been spewing up huge amounts of positive qi.

I do not know what the connection is between the two underground facilities, but circumstantial evidence is very strong that there is one.

72 day, 16 hours (9AM).

The good feeling area began about 72 yards from CB#1. DOR was coming from the same direction as last night, but not so strongly.

The positive qi over Moscow is quite small in extent, as last night.

The postive qi from the SW vortex is still quite strong.

73 days, 3.5 hours (8:30PM).

The good feeling area began about 74 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering both CBs from the same direction as this morning.

There were 16 firs with positive ambient qi in the line.

The positive qi over Moscow is a little larger in extent again.

Observations of an Orgonite Cloudbuster working (continued)

The following are detailed accounts of observations made by an energy sensitive person named Laozu (Kelly), continued from previous post.

73 days, 15.5 hours (8:30AM).

The good feeling area began about 73 yards from CB#1. Both CBs were “breathing”, the cycle for #1 being about 10 seconds and that for #2 about 9 seconds.

The positive qi over Moscow is growing again. There were 15 firs with positive ambient qi in the line of trees.

Breathing? As in energy moving in and out? From what I’ve read, the energy has been all going into the CB but not back out again. Just curious.


Sorry Jon, it has been some time since I described “breathing” for a CB. This is a phenomenon that seems to occur every couple weeks or so, but not on a regular schedule. It usually lasts from a half day to a whole day.

On both CB#1 and CB#3 there are two lines in the ground that spiral into the bases. Normally these are negative, with DOR going into the bases. But when the CBs are “breathing”, DOR will flow in for a short time, and then POR will flow out for a short time. What I call a “cycle” is the period of time from when the DOR part begins, until it begins again. So far cycles have ranged from about 7 to 11 seconds. For some reason the cycles on #3 have usually been a second or so shorter than on #1.

74 days, 4.5 hours (9:30PM).

The good feeling area began about 74 yards from the CB, and there were 16 firs in the line with postive ambient qi. Both CBs were “breathing” still, #1 with a cycle of about 7.5 seconds, and #3 with about 7 seconds.

The good qi Moscow way is larger and growing nigh its usual maximum extent.

The POR coming up off to the southwest is as strong as ever. Reminds me of Mt. Doom in Tolkien’s Ring trilogy. Only this time it is positive instead of negative.

74 days, 19 hours (12AM).

The good area began about 79 yards from CB#1. DOR was being drawn into the pipes from both CBs from the southeast.

The positive area about Moscow is about the same as last night.

There were 17 trees in the line with postive ambient qi.

75 days, 13 hours (6AM).

The good area began about 84 yards from CB#1. DOR is flowing into the pipes from the southeast.

Positive qi over Moscow is larger in extent today. There are 18 firs in the line with positive ambient qi.

The west-east line of POR is about the same width, but has moved somewhat to the south, so that the CBs are more under the northern half now, instead of under the southern half. I am wondering if this has something to do with the continued action of the positive vortex off on the Snake River to the southwest.

78 day, 3 hour report (8PM) [been away 2.5 days].

The good feeling area began about 84 yards from CB#1. DOR is flowing into the pipes of the CBs from the west.

The POR in the direction of Moscow is as great in extent as I have seen it.

The line of positive qi which flows from west to east has moved yet further to the south, to the point that the CBs are now just under the northern edge of the line. The vortex to the southeast is as strong, if not stronger, than it was at the last observation, and it still occurs to me that this vortex may have something to do with the movement of the west-east line.

79 day, 09:55 AM

The good feeling area began about 91 yards from CB#1. There was DOR coming in from the north. I
drove to the edge of town seeking the source, but found it is coming from somewhere over the hills.
There were 24 firs with positive ambient qi in the line of firs. That is all the trees that there are in the
line, so if the positivity continues to increase, I’ll have to find another metric.
The positive qi over Moscow is somewhat less than last night.
The west-east line is somewhat wider today, and the CBs are no longer just barely under the northern
edge, but I believe the southern edge is still as far south as it was last evening. The vortex seems to be
continuing to grow stronger. The POR to the southeast which comes from the vortex has expanded in the
sky to such an extent that it seems to meet that of the west-east line. This may not be actually so however
because they may be at different heights.
I spent a couple days in Pasadena this week, and the feeling of the sky there, wherever I felt from the
location where I was staying, was negative: much like the sky here feels where it is not influenced by any
of the POR I have described above. It makes one wonder if the changes which are occurring here could (or
will) eventually occur there—or nearly everywhere? Are such thoughts fit for mere mortals to think?

79 day, 09:59 PM

What a difference 12 hours can make!
The good feeling area began 11 yards from CB#1. DOR was rapidly flowing into the pipes from the
the southwest, the direction where the strong POR from the vortex was observable this morning.
There were 6 firs with positive ambient qi in the line.
The POR in the direction of Moscow was much diminished.
The Lemurian HHg on the base of CB#3 is still positive, but not so much so as usual, apparently due
to the quantitiy of DOR being drawn into the pipes.
The general feeling toward the southwest hills is still positive, but the tower of strong positive qi given
off by the vortex down on the Snake River is gone.
The positive west-east line is back to where it was a week ago, before its curious shift to the south
It is fascinating to observe such stark change without knowing what is behind it.

79 day, 10:38 PM

Post# 32861 [The vortex is GONE? MaryK] Mary, I don’t know that the vortex is gone. I am not
knowledgable about vortices, but if they are earth analogues to acupuncture centers on people, I would be
surprised if they could just disappear. All that I know at present is that the strong positive qi which has
been building up over this vortex over the past month simply vanished sometime between this morning and
this evening.
Other than gifting the area just south of Lewiston, I don’t know of any gifting near Waha. I recall Don
was talking about going further south than has already been gifted, but so far as I know has not got to it
yet (not that it is his responsibility rather than mine).

80 day, 06:41 AM

[Sounds like the vortex was recaptured. Jon] If recapture of the vortex did indeed happen, it apparently
wasn’t held.
The good feeling area began about 84 yards from CB#1. Both CBs were ”breathing” this morning:#1
with a cycle of 8.5 seconds and#2 with 7.5 seconds.
There were 14 firs in the line with positive ambient qi.
Last night the positive qi in the direction of Moscow was about 5% of its maximum extent, this morning
it is about 15%.
The west east line is somewhat wider than last night and has moved a bit to the south again. The
positive tower of qi from the vortex is back again, but not so strong as it was yesterday morning.
Whatever it was that temporarily shut down the vortex yesterday was evidently being interfered with
by the CBs, for there was a goodly flow of DOR being pulled in from that direction. But there are also TBs
along the Snake in the vicinity of the vortex, and upriver with the area which seems to have some connection
with the area about Lower Granite Dam and the vortex. It is difficult to know which was the determining
factor here, or if it was due to some common effect of the two, or if there was something else involved.

80 day, 09:27 PM

This afternoon I drove upstream from Lewiston along the Snake, as far up as the negative feeling
continued (about a two hour drive), and did what I could to change the situation. Less than half way up I
passed Waha (where MaryK used to live and had heard underground machinery). The pavement ended at
Lake Waha, just outside the little town (just one closed-up store from what I could see), and the rest of the
way was on gravel and dirt roads. Used up quite a bit of ”ammunition”. On the way home, at the top of the
Lewiston grade, where there is a good view of all the country to the south, I stopped to take a look. Sure
enough, with one exception not far from Lewiston itself, most all the negative qi had softened and the area
along the east bank of the Snake felt much better than before.
Later: : : The good feeling began 84 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering both CBs from the south,
seemingly from the direction of the area through which I had driven this afternoon.
There were 24 firs (all of them [I had miscounted as 19 before, but I went back and changed it to 24])
with positive ambient qi.
The positive qi towards Moscow is slightly more than it was this morning.
The west-east line was pretty much as it was this morning.
The tower of positive qi from the vortex was similar to what it was this morning, but not so strong as
two days ago.

81 day, 08:55 AM

The good feeling qi began about 97 yards from CB#1. DOR is still copiously coming into the pipes from
the south. If it is indeed coming from the area of the Snake where I was driving yesterday, it is traveling 60
to 90 miles to reach the CBs. The resident elemental in#2 was between negative and positive this morning,
which is the least positive I have seen it in some weeks—the HHg on#2 is just slightly positive.
All 24 of the firs have positive ambient qi. If this condition persists, it will be interesting to see if the
intrinsic qi of any of the trees change.
The positive qi over Moscow is nearing its previous maximum extent again.
The vortex to the south is strong with positive qi, perhaps a little stronger than last night.

81 day, 09:53 PM

The good feeling area began 97 yards from CB#1. Both CBs were pulling in DOR from the south.
The POR in the direction of Moscow was perhaps a little larger than this morning. All 24 trees in the
line of firs had positive ambient qi.
The positive tower of qi in the vortex to the southwest was quite strong, though it seemed to have
almost a soft feeling–not so rough as it had last Saturday, just before it vanished for half a day.
The west-east line of POR has moved south again, to the point that the CBs are just under its northern
edge, the way it was last Saturday evening.

82 day, 07:10 AM

The good feeling area began about 107 yards from CB#1. DOR is no longer coming in from the south,
but from the west.
All 24 trees in the line of firs has postitive ambient qi. The positive area in the direction of Moscow was
a little less than last night.
The vortex to the southeast is good and strong. It seems shaped like an inverted cone.
The west-east positive band in the sky is nearly twice as wide as it was yesterday. It extends about as
far to the south as last night, but also nearly as far to the north.

82 day, 10:59 PM

DOR was being pulled in from the east tonight.
The west-east line was similar to what it was this morning, and the positive area over Moscow way was
a little larger than this morning.
The vortex to the southwest is going ”great guns”, as they used to say when I was a boy: positive and

82 days, 16 hours (9AM).

The good feeling area began about 101 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes from the east. All 24 trees in the the line of firs has positive ambient qi. The area of good qi in the direction of Moscow has reached its previous maximum extent.

The vortex to the southeast seems to have reached at least a temporary equilibrium: strong positive qi moving up in a conical shape and the surrounding area pleasantly positive.

The west east line is very similar to what it was last night.

83 days, 4 hours (9PM).

The good feeling area began about 104 yards from CB#1, and all 24 firs had positive ambient qi. DOR is being pulled into the pipes from the east.

The qi in the direction of Moscow is still at its previous maximum in extent.

The postitive qi of the vortex to the southwest is as strong as this morning, but the past couple days I have been noticing a subtle change in its quality. Somehow it feels more stable or mature–less raw. Along with this change of quality (perhaps because of it), the outlines of the inverted cone are more palpable. And in the center of the base of the cone, away above the down-pointing vertex, the qi is such as to make one laugh to look at it.

The west-east line is much as it was this morning. If the height is approximately the same as when I measured it a couple weeks ago (circa 1 mile), the width should now be about 5 miles.

83 days, 16 hours (9AM).

The good feeling area began about 101 yards from CB#1. All 24 firs had positive ambient qi.

The west-east line was similar to as it was last night.

I judge that the positive qi in the direction of Moscow is the greatest in extent that I have yet observed.

DOR is entering the pipes again from the east. Yesterday I drove to Lewiston and on the crest of the grade observed that there was copious DOR in the mountains off to the east. I suspect that is the source of the orgone presently entering the CBs.

84 days, three hours (8PM).

The good feeling area began about 101 yards from CB#1. CB#1 was “breathing” with a cycle of about 8 seconds.

The trees, the west-east line, and the vortex to the southeast were similar to what they were this morning.

The positive qi in the direction of Moscow continues to increase.

84 days, 16 hours (9AM).

The good feeling area began about 109 yards from CB#1, which was pulling in positive qi from the west.

All 24 firs in the line had positive ambient qi. Until this statistic changes, I shall omit to report on it in the future.

The area of qi in the direction of Moscow, and the width of the postive west-east line seem similar to what they were last night. The same is true of the vortex to the southwest, except for the first time, I seemed to sense the presence of an entity associated with it.

85 days, 4 hours (9PM).

The good feeling area began 157 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes from the west.

The positive qi from the direction of Moscow and and the width of the west-east line were again the largest I have seen them.

There is a positive area over the southern hills in the direction of that part of the Snake I visited about a week ago.

85 days, 16 hours (9AM).

The good feeling area began about 99 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes from the east.

The good feeling area in the direction of Moscow was smaller. The good feeling to the south was still present. The west-east line and the vortex area were pretty much as they were last night.

There was a positive feeling to the northwest, which I actually noticed last night and forgot to mention, and I will try to locate it today.

86 days, 4 hours (9PM).

The good feeling area began 102 yards from CB#1. Both CBs were “breathing”: #1 with a cycle of 7 seconds and #2 with a cycle of 8 seconds.

The POR in the direction of Moscow is a little smaller than this morning.

The other positive areas mentioned this morning were about the same tonight.

I found the source of the positive feeling to the northwest (rather easily in fact). It was the house which in the past has been, off and on, a source of DOR, and which Carol says is the abode of a satanist. To the best of my knowledge this house has not been gifted yet.

86 days, 16 hours (9AM).

The good feeling area began about 107 yards from CB#1. DOR is coming in from the north.

The POR in the direction of Moscow has narrowed to just a moderate to small amount.

The POR from the Pullman house is as strong this morning as it was yesterday. How a vortex can be changed from negative to positive by gifting, makes some sense. How a house and lot, which from time to time in the past was emitting DOR has been changed to emit POR is more difficult to understand. At this point all I can guess is that it is somewho due to the CBs.

87 days, 3 hours (8PM).

The good feeling area began 107 yards from CB#1. DOR is entering the pipes from the north.

The POR in the direction of Moscow is about the same as this morning. There is still POR in the direction of the house to the northwest.

Most everything else I have been observing is similar to what it was at last report.

87 days, 15 hours (8AM).

The good feeling area began about 117 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes from the east.

The other readings were about the same as they were last night.

88 days, 4 hours (9PM).

The good feeling area began about 110 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes of the CB from the west.

The POR from the direction of Moscow is still small in extent. The POR coming from the south in the direction of the Snake south of Lewiston is a little stronger than last night. The positive vortex to the southwest is still strong, with POR swirling counter-clockwise, as viewed from above. There is still POR coming from the direction of the house to the northwest. The west-east line is as it has been the last week or so–seemingly about 4.5 to 5 miles wide, and a mile high, with POR flowing from west to east.

88 days, 16 hours (9AM).

The good feeling began about 123 yards from CB#1. DOR is coming rather rapidly from the east into the pipes.

The POR in the direction of Moscow covers about twice the extent as last night, and the other POR sources mentioned then are all slightly stronger this morning.

89 days, 16 hours (9AM).

The good feeling area began about 103 yards from CB#1. CB#1 was breathing, with a cycle of about 7 seconds.

The POR towards Moscow is larger again in extent. Other sources of POR on which I have been reporting are about the same as last report.

90 days, 4 hours (9PM).

The good feeling area began about 109 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes from the westwnorthwest. Interestingly, although the DOR was not coming directly from the house to the northwest, the qi in the direction of that house was negative, different from what it has been the past week.

The amount of POR in the direction of Moscow, that to the south, to the southwest, and along the west-east strip were about the same as this morning.

90 days, 15 hours (8AM).

The good feeling area began 127 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes this morning from the direction of Moscow, and the POR in the direction of the water tower there, though much reduced, was still present.

The west-east band of POR seemed stlightly wider than last night.

The qi in the direction of the house is still slightly negative.

91 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR entering CB#1 from the west. The positive area in the direction of Moscow is growing again, and positive from the direction of the house.

91 days, 15 hours (8AM).

The good feeling area began 130 yards from CB#1, and DOR was entering the pipes from the east.

The POR in the direction of Moscow is up to about 60% of its previous maximum.

Beautiful day here in the Palouse. Saw a couple planes spewing white behind, but the spew disappeared in about 3 or 4 seconds after appearing.

92 days, 4 hours (9PM).

The good feeling area began about 119 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes from the west, the source apparently being not too far out.

Other observations were similar to those taken this morning.

Went to Lewiston this afternoon, and stopped and took a look from the Gorge at the Snake winding upstream from that city. Except for one area several miles southeast of town, there are positive qi as far as the eye could see.

92 days, 17 hours (10AM).

The good feeling area began about 133 yards from CB#1. DOR was still entering the pipes from the west, and this morning I determined it was coming from a water tower equipt with antennae.

The positive area in the direction of Moscow is a little smaller than last night. Other readings are about the same.

93 days, 4 hours (9PM).

The good feeling area began about 130 yards from CB#1. DOR was entering the pipes rapidly from the east.

93 days, 17 hours (10AM).

Good feeling area began about 115 yards from CB#1. DOR was flowing rapidly into the pipes from eastnorth east, the direction of Moscow. The good feeling qi in that direction is completely gone, and there is a small area of DOR.

I believe this is the first time there has been DOR coming from that water tower in more than a month. But the CBs are on the job.

94 days, 4 hours (9PM).

The good feeling area began about 134 yards from CB#1. DOR is entering the pipes from the east. The qi from the direction of Moscow has turned positive again, and is no longer flowing to the CBs.

No other changes of note.

94 days 16 hours (9AM).

The good feeling began about 134 yards from CB#1. There is a line of DOR in the ground which is strong enough that he effect of the CB has not been able to overcome it yet (except temporarily for about a half a day a week or so ago). This accounts for the (at least temporary) 134 yard limit.

CB#1 was “breathing” this morning with about an 8 second cycle.

The amount of qi in the direction of Moscow is a little larger than it was last night.

95 days, 2 hours (7PM).

The good feeling began about as far away as this morning, ending at the negative line. Until this situation changes, I will not further record this information.

CB#1 was “breathing” with a cycle about each 10 seconds.

95 days, 15 hours (8AM).

DOR coming into the pipes from the water tower to the west.

POR in the direction of Moscow about 40% of max.

96 days, 16 hours (9AM).

DOR entering the pipes of both CBs from Moscow, and the POR in that direction is completely gone.

All the trees and plants now on the lot where I live, which is also the home of CB#2, have positive ambient qi. Before #2 was created, there were three tower busters making a triangle about some trees, and as I recall, within a week or so after setting out the TB’s, the trees within the triangle had acquired positive ambient qi. But for a month or so at least, no trees or plants outside the triangle became positive. Now all on the lot are positive (and there are about 50 or so trees alone). Unfortunately I don’t know the exact time this happened.

There has been sufficent stability established in the area about the CBs, it may be time to concentrate on finding more out about what actually happens to the DOR after it enters the pipes of the CB.

My knowledge of what is already known in this respect is quite small. If any readers would care to contribute what you know, it would be sincerely appreciated.

97 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR was entering the pipes from the northwest, apparently from the direction of “the house”.

There is POR again in the direction of Moscow.

Attempted Observations of Behavior of Qi Near Pipes.
The reader should recall that the observer has no special sight: these observations all depend on the feel of the qi. Here is what seemed to be occuring tonight.

  1. negative qi was spiraling in a counter-clockwise manner (as viewed from above) down around and outside the group of six pipes to a point about a foot and a half from the ground;

  2. positive qi was spiraling also in a counter-clockwise manner up from the ground to about the same level;

  3. the two spirals seemed to meet in a plane perpendicular to the pipes;

  4. about a foot or two away from the pipes the plane seemed to split into two surfaces (both of positive feeling, although the plane did not seem positive until it split), one curving up into the sky and the other curving down into the ground;

  5. at the surface of each of the single copper pipes, positive qi was swirling clockwise down from the top to a point somewhat above the plane, and clockwise up the pipe from inside the orgone to a point somewhat below the plane.

This is my first attempt at this sort of thing, so I suggest regarding these observations as tentative.

97 days, 16 hours (9AM).

This morning when I first looked, DOR was moderately flowing into CB#1 from the water tower to the west. As last night there was DOR going around the pipes counterclockwise down from the top, and POR up from the bottom. However they did not meet as last night, but ceased about a foot from each other, and the elemental was in between.

When I first looked, qi was spiraling around clockwise inside (the copper) of each of the individual pipes, as was the case last night, but when I checked again it wasn’t. I then looked and DOR was no longer being drawn in from the water tower, but CB#1 was breathing (with a relatively short cycle–about 6 seconds). It made me wonder if the presence of my mind taking the observation somehow interfered with the process.

When I returned home to check CB#2, and it was breathing. Here too the two spirals did not come together, but were separated by an interval of perhaps a foot and a half, and the elemental here was positioned within this interval.

98 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR was entering the pipes from the east. The play of qi about the pipes seemed pretty much as last night, but I am still tentative.

The POR in Moscow direction is about 30% previous maximum.

99 days, 2 hours (7PM).

DOR heading in from the south, about from the direction of Lewiston.

The POR in the direction of Moscow is about 40% of max, up from last night.

I believe I have a bit better understanding today of how the qi enters and leaves (yes leaves) the CB, and so will begin a new thread on this forum sometime this evening to try to explain (trying to avoid turning this thread into a catch-all).

100 days, 4 hours (9PM).

CB#1 was breathing, with a cycle lasting about 6 seconds.

The POR in the direction of Moscow was about 70% of max.

Most of the places which have been reported in the past to have POR have them tonight. Might have something to do with there being a third CB in town, one day old, though still in the shop.

100 days, 15 hours (8AM).

DOR was entering the CBs from the west this morning.

The level of POR in the direction of Moscow is about 50% of its max.

Crooked CB#4 feels quite bright and pleasant this morning, though it is still in the shop. I will have to plant it somewhere today.

Have just planted CB#4 (Crooked CB). It was poured day before yesterday at 2PM, which makes it 2 days and 3 hours old when planted (and poured 98 days and 9 hours after CB#1).

Thoughout its sojourn in the shop, so far as I know, it was visited by no particular entity, although there was some DOR and POR action during the past day or so. But just after planting, even when I was still leveling it and tamping dirt around it, an elemental came and attached itself to the narrowest part of the pipes.

And the elemental was joyful. After a minute or two DOR began swirling down from above, and POR from below, and the elemental leapt straight up and down, seemingly through the vertical pipe, in joy (at least it surely emitted joyful qi).

I suppose this is as close as I will ever come to feeling what a mother feels after giving birth.

Better late than never: sometime back (#32929) I reported Sure enough, with one exception not far from Lewiston itself, most all the negative qi had softened and the area along the east bank of the Snake felt much better than before. That exception has now been taken care of.

101 days, 6 hours (11PM).

DOR is coming down to the CBs from the west. The POR in the direction of Moscow is a little larger than this morning.

There are positive straight straight lines of POR heading to the base of CB#4 (the new crooked CB), and two curved DOR lines in the ground, much as in my public file CBEF#4. Positive qi is swirling up to the narrow part of the pipes, and negative down, and strong positive qi is moving up the center pipe: strong enough that I involuntarily squinted when I looked at it tonight.

I will try to photograph it tomorrow and post the result.

101 days, 16 hours (9AM).

DOR coming in from the direction of the nuclear reactor on the University.

I neglected to mention yesterday that I placed CB#4 on a line through the ground which was already negative. This morning the amount of DOR going into #4 seems to be on the order of the amount entering #1, but the POR going out straight up is much more noticable: the center pipe again has a strong positive feeling.

There is now also a deva near CB#4.

103 days, 6 hours (11PM).

DOR is coming in from the west tonight. The amount of POR is the direction of Moscow is about the same as yesterday.

103 days, 16 hours (9AM).

DOR is coming in from the direction of Moscow, but there is as yet a small amount of POR showing in that direction.

All three CBs are pulling in the DOR at a good rate, and the positive qi going up the central pipe of #4 is still more palpable that that going up in the other two. However at this point I do not know whether this is due to the positive qi actually being enhanced, or whether it is just more obvious because of the presence of the pipe in its path.

The positive qi in the direction of Lewiston is more strong than it was before and the vortex to the southwest is still strong.

Since the advent of CB#4 the band of POR passing overhead from west to east has significantly increased in width, perhaps by 50% or so.

104 days, 14 hours (7AM).

DOR was coming in from the east this morning. The POR in the direction of Moscow was about 70% of max.

The elementals were positive, as they nearly always are nowdays, but weaker than normal.

The positive qi which is coming straight up from the center of #4 is still more obvious than than from #1 and #3, but I am still not sure whether the center pole just makes it more obvious or whether it is actually stronger. I will put on a five-foot extention of the center pipe later today to see what, if any, change occurs.

I plan to move CB#3 to a new location, about 40 miles away, sometime during the next week, to see what the local conditions become just having #1 and #4 present. One way to test will be to check the width of the band of POR moving from west to east changes.

105 days, 4 hours 9PM.

DOR is coming from the water tower in town to the west. The POR in the direction of Moscow is down to 30% max.

The other night I noticed that in CB#3 the wooden stabilizer on top slightly hampered the POR coming up through the center, so I removed it and cut out the center, and tonight when I put it back on, things seemed to be moving more smoothly.

Tonight also I added one 5 foot length to the center pipe in CB#4. Will report what it is like in the morning.

105 days, 14 hours (7AM).

DOR coming in from the direction of Moscow, and the positive area in that direction is small.

This morning, when viewing CB#4, I found that the swirling qi about the center post ended several inches about the second (upper) five foot section. At that point it passed into the pipe. I thereupon replaced the two five-foot sections with a singple 10 foot pipe in the center. When I viewed it several minutes later that situation was as before: the swirling energy passing into the pipe a few inches above the 5-foot mark

106 days, 2 hours (7PM).

DOR was coming in from the University again, from the direction of the reactor. The POR from Moscow is about 20% of max.

It is still the case that in CB#4 the spiral about he inner pipe turns inside just over 5 feet above the base of said pipe, and then seems to spiral in an ever tighter radius at it rises.

107 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR coming from the University, probably the nuclear reactor, again. POR in the direction of Moscow about 25% max.

Replaced the 10 foot center pipe with a 5 foot pipe again, but no change in the movement of the qi.

108 days, 4 hours (9PM).

The CBs were “breathing”. The cycle of CB#3 was about 8 seconds. Of course the “breathing” state is atypical: there is no energy swirling down or up in the standard CBs–but there is some energy phenomena. I will mention something about it on the Energy Flow of a CB… thread.

The positive area in the direction of Moscow was up to about 40% of max.

109 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR was coming in from the University–again likely the reactor. POR in the direction of Moscow is about 50% max.

110 days, 6 hours (11PM).

DOR was coming in from the east tonight. POR from the direction of Moscow is now about 80% of max.

Built a new CB today, with a friend from Troy, Idaho. This was another crooked CB, more crooked than its predecessor, built to more accurately fit the orgone flow.

The friend took CB#3, the one with the Lemurian HHg on the base, to his home in Troy, Idaho. Moscow is about in the middle between Troy and Pullman, Washington. It will be interesting to see what, if any, additional overhead POR flow patterns develope

110 days, 15 hours (8AM).

DOR coming from the east. POR in the direction of Moscow about 65% of max.

Went out to look at the new CB, and found three things, all disconcerting:

  1. there was very little POR coming up the center of CB#4;

  2. I saw no POR coming up the center of the new CB#5, and I saw no entities joyfully associating themselves with it (as I have come to expect);

  3. the positive band of POR flowing from west to east, which has been present to some degree or another ever since I planted CB#3 about 6 weeks ago has gone: completely.

More later.

111 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR coming in from the University again. The POR in the direction of Moscow is about 90% max.

The band of POR in the sky is back to about 80% of what it was before CB#3 was moved about 20 miles northeast. However this evening palpable movement from west to east was only present in about 10% of the band.

Just before noon I observed the new CB#5 and found that it was not working well. In fact it had attracted a negative entity, and so I dismantled it, retaining the copper parts and crystals, but losing much of the orgonite. Will post more about that in the Crooked CB thread. So now I am down to two CBs again, close enough to monitor daily: #1 and #4.

111 days, 14 hours (7AM).

DOR coming in from the west. POR in the direction of Moscow about 95% max.

The positive band in the sky seems to be as extensive as ever. The elemental in CB#4 was quite joyful this morning (the Deva nearby too). Two things occured which may have contributed:

  1. I added a new coil on the upper part (see the Crooked CB thread);
  2. the center pipe had slipped through down to the base, and I put it back up in its preferred position before consciously observing the elemental.

I’ve watched Laozu’s observations with much interest and have kept myself clear of it, mainly becuase THESE OBSERVATIONS ARE HIGHLY ACCURATE. And didn’t want any input on my part to influence the posts, the perception of the posts, or even validation of the posts. Felt it should stand on its own, and it has.

Etheric energy flows in torroidal currents, as an aspect of water does. If we recall that all energy is matter, and relates to same, than we can understand that etheric energy is just the same matter we deal with, just in higher frequency. We call this frequency etheric energy, or chi, or qi, or prana, or whatever you like - call a sunday stroll in the park, if that works.

This thread is an excellent analysis of how energy moves like water - when that energy takes the form and composition of water, ON A HIGHER TURN OF THE FREQUENCY SPIRAL.

Torroidal currents. And what a great record of observation.

Didn’t mean to intrude on your science thread, dude. Just was waiting for the months to go by. I feel Kelly is a reliable energy sensitive. IMO.

112 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR coming in from the west, rather fast. But the elementals in both CBs were about as joyous I have ever seen them. CB#4 is working particularly strong tonight.

The moving part of the positive band in the sky has increased in width over what it was this morning. The POR in the direction of Moscow is about as extensive as I have seen it.

The vortex to the southwest is producing POR as rapidly as I recall having observed before, and there is good POR in the direction of the Snake south of Lewiston.

Thanks for the confirmation cbswork.

113 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR coming in from the west. This morning the POR in the direction of Moscow had shrunk to about 50% of max, and now it is about 30%.

Both CB#1 and #4 are working well tonight, but #4 certainly feels stronger. The deva with #4 feels very joyous.

I drove out to Troy to look at #3, which was moved last Wednesday afternoon. This is the one with the Lemurian HHg on the base. It seemed to be working well. There was a narrow band of POR overhead which seem to be moving from east of west (whereas the one over the CBs in Pullman moves from west to east).
There is an elemental associated with it, with a positive feeling, though I did not see a deva when I was there this afternoon. The DOR was coming in from behind a hill off to the westnorthwest.

113 days, 19 hours (7AM).

DOR coming from the north. POR is direction of Moscow about 10% of max.

The top end of the top coil on CB#4 had somehow slipped into the area between the pipes, which lowered the efficiency, although it was still operating well.
I may have to do a bit of soldering.

Last night I put out a mini-CB (design based on #4—cf. #36996), and this morning there is an elemental attached to it. It is chugging along, though its power is not nearly so strong as its larger sibling.

114 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR coming from the north.

POR in the direction of Moscow back up to about 40% of max again. The behavior of this qi coming up from near a water tower is mysterious. When I first began monitoring it, it would go back and forth from postive to negative. Now it varies from nearly neutral to filling about 40% of the eastern horizon. I have no idea what causes the variation and why the source appears where it does. I will continue keeping a rough record until I have time to investigate more closely.

Tonight all CBs were operating well. It is almost as if there is some sort of symbiosis. The crooked CB has been more healthy since the upper coil was added several days ago, but #1 seems to be acting better too.

I took the mini-CB with me today to work, partly to see if the elemental would come along. The CB did not act too vigourously inside, but when I set it outside the door, it picked right up. And the elemental was present as well, all day. In late afternoon, before taking a break, I noticed a deva had come to the mini-CB as well. About a half-hour ago, when I took it home and set it up outside the garage, the elemental was there and cheerful, but no sign of the deva. Perhaps the deva is more territory-oriented?

In China there are what are called tu-di-shen: ground (or territory) spirits. One will be in charge of a mountain, or a hill, or a field or some other area. Can anyone say if devas are related somehow to those entities?

115 days, 3 hours (8PM).

DOR still coming in from the north. The POR in the direction of Moscow is about 50% of max.

The moving part of the west-east band of POR above the CBs continues to get larger.

Took the mini-CB with me into Moscow this noon. The elemental went along for the ride but the deva did not–as was the case yesterday when I took it with me to my work site. However this evening the deva was back at its side. It struck me that it might be same one that comes to CB#4, but I found that that is not the case: they are separate.

116 days, 5 hours (10PM).

DOR is coming in from the north. The POR in the direction of Moscow is about 65% max.

Carol and Don dropped by this afternoon to see the CBs, and Carol suggested I put a crystal in the bottom of the center pipe of #4. I did so this evening. First tried it with a copper cap, but the cap inhibited POR flow (as Carol had predicted), so I removed the cap and wrapped the crystal in cloth, so that it tightly fit inside the pipe. Initial results are positive, the power of the POW coming up the center increased considerably. Will see how it is tomorrow morning.

About a half hour ago I also put a crystal in the middle tube of the mini-CB. I let the elemental pick it out—at least I think it was the elemental which was advising. Anyway the elemental was happy with the choice. When I returned home from the shop however, the mini-CB elemental was not in its usual place at the narrowest part of the pipes, but was several feet above the pipes in the center. Again, more in the morning.

116 days, 14 hours (7AM).

This morning the elementals of CB#4 and the mini-CB had left the CBs and were hovering some distance above the pipes. POR was no longer flowing in the sky over the CBs, and for the first time in several moons there was DOR in the direction of Moscow.

So I removed the crystals from the bottoms of the central pipes. The CBs began working again, pulling the DOR in from the direction of Moscow, and the elementals settled back into the narrow sections of the pipes.

As I type, I can observe from my window POR appearing again from the direction of Moscow, and it is accumulating rapidly.

(8AM) and the POR in the direction of Moscow is up to 50% of max.

117 days, 6 hours (11PM).

DOR is coming in from the south. The POR in the direction of Moscow is about as extensive as it has ever been before.

117 days, 14.5 hours (7:30 AM).

DOR is coming in from the southeast. The DOR in the direction of Moscow is about the same as last night. The flow of POR from west to east overhead is strong and steady. The elementals in the CBs exude joyous energy.

118 days, 3 hours (8PM).

DOR was coming in from the north. The DOR from Moscow is the most extended I have ever seen. Nearly everywhere that one could see directly in the sky had POR.

One exception, which may prove interesting. Off in the southwest there is a positive vortex, on which I have reported in the past. Although the hills in that direction were positive, it seemed different than usual. Upon closer inspection I found that the surface of the inverted cone of swirling POR had flattened considerably so that it was much closer to the ground. And there was a column of DOR in the center of the cone. More tomorrow.

118 days, 21 hours (2PM).

DOR coming out of the north and POR in the direction of Moscow down to 25% of max.

This morning at 10:30 I went up on the hill to check the condition of the vortex to the southwest. The negative swirl in the center had gotten larger and stronger, and the positive part was pressed almost down to the ground. Furthermore DOR was moving out through the hills toward Pullman.

This vortex is centered just below Lower Granite Dam on the Snake in the small port of Almota, which consists of a grain storage complex, out of which grain is loaded onto barges for transport down the Snake, into the Columbia and on to Portland, where most of it is shipped to the Far East. We are now in harvest season here on the Palouse and trucks are pulling in and out of Almota incessantly. I am wondering if this has any connection with the return of DOR to the vortex.

Anyway I drove down to the river, did my duty, and came back. By the time I had returned a few minutes ago, the vortex was bright and powerful with positive qi. Pleasant to get such a strong and immediate confirmation.

119 days, 15 hours (8AM).

The CBs were breathing this morning: the cycle for #1 was about 10 seconds and for #4 about 8 seconds.

The POR in the direction of Moscow is back to about 80% of max.

The vortex to the southwest is working well, but perhaps not quite so strongly as at the time as yesterday’s post.

The sky is virtually all positive, but the band of flowing qi from west to east is not as yesterday. Instead, seemingly lower in altitude, there is a much more concentrated “tube” of POR—and I don’t detect movement in it.

120 days, 3 hours (8PM).

DOR is flowing in from the northwest and the POR in the direction of Moscow is about 90% max.

The band of POR above the CBs is back flowing west to east, and the dense tube-shaped line is gone.

120 days, 16 hours (9PM).

DOR is flowing in from the north and the POR in the direction of Moscow is about 85% max. The feeling of the elementals is a bit less positive than last night.

121 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR flowing in from the east.

A bit strange tonight. Even though DOR is flowing in, the CBs are not working as usual. They are “breathing” (with 9 second cycl on #1 and 7 second cycle on #4), but before when I have observed “breathing”, there was no DOR flowing in.

Sometimes DOR is swirling down around the upper part of the tubes, and sometimes POR is swirling up in the opposite direction. But I was unable to descry a pattern.

Took an HHg (I believe it was a Lemurian) and set it on #1. Was moved to that because #1 seemed weak compared to the torsion (crooked) CBs, but with the strange activity tonight, I am now not sure I was correct. More tomorrow.

121 days, 14 hours (7AM).

DOR coming in from the east and POR in the direction of Moscow still at 100% max.

The CBs are acting normally this morning, but relatively weakly.

122 days, 6 hours (11PM).

DOR coming in from the west. All three CBs working hard and well. The addition of the Lemurian HHg to #1 has increased its power noticably.

Tonight I observed what could be a new vortex, off in the direction of Moscow. I cannot be certain where it is centered, for the dark. However the POR which I have been monitoring, coming from the water tower in western Moscow is much more extensive than it ever has been before–so perhaps the vortex is there. Seeing a new positive vortex brings to mind the image of an erupting volcano.

I have been out of metal for some days, but got a new supply today, and made tonight, among other things, a new CB using the parts of demolished #5. This is a torsion CB and has a crystal embedded in the top center of the base.

122 days, 15 hours (8AM).

DOR coming in from the north. CB#4 working fine, but not so vigourously as last night.

Just returned from a ride to track down the source of the new vortex. I was wrong: it was not at the water tower. It is in Don and Carol’s backyard on the east side of town: Don’s new radionics contraption. I am impressed! I will describe the energy flow as I saw it about a half-hour ago, on the thread Energy Flow of a CB…, since it is similar, but interestingly different than a CB’s flow.

123 days, 6 hours (11PM).
DOR coming in from the west.

123 days, 16 hours (9AM).
DOR coming in from the west. The vortex caused by Don and Carol’s radionics stand is is as strong as before, but it introduces this difficulty: the positive qi in its environment is so strong and intense that I no longer can monitor the state of the water tower. The effects of the qi from there are just lost in the greater ambience.

Does this mean you are considering the building of a similar pyramid structure for yourself?


124 days, 12 hours (5AM).

DOR is coming in from the north, and the CBs are working well and their elementals are joyous.

The Crofts’ vortex is still present, suffusing the sky about Moscow with POR, but perhaps a little less strong than when I first saw it.

Jon: I have no intention to build one at present. I lack the stones, the know-how, and too many other things have precedence now. I am nevertheless fascinated by the phenomenon.

Still have not “planted” #6. I am planning to do it at a friend’s place back in the Idaho hills and haven’t had time to go up there yet.

125 days, 1.5 hours (6:30 PM).

DOR coming in from the direction of the reactor in the University.

As this morning, the Croft vortex is weaker than previously, but its POR field is still so strong than I cannot monitor the water tower qi. Saw Don for a few minutes today and he told me that last night they took off the motor which swings the radionics stand–that apparently is the reason the vortex was weaker this morning (as well as now).

We have had the hottest July on the Palouse that I can recall in the 33 years I have lived here. Normally with hot weather like this, it is not uncommon to have afternoon thunder and lightning. This has not occured this year, and Don attributes it to the CBs in the area. The place I am going to plant #6 is timber country, and the owner of the place always has problems with lightning starting forest fires during the August hot season. We shall see if the CB up there helps any this year

125 days, 14.5 hours (7:30AM).

DOR still coming in from the reactor. All CBs working briskly.

This morning there is some stong POR circling up through the center of the Croft vortex.

127 days, 3.5 hours (8:30PM).

DOR coming from the north, CBs here in Pullman working steadily.

Finally got up to my friend’s place in the hills above Kendrick, Idaho and planted #6, a torsion CB with a crystal embedded at the top of the base in the center. It is in a clearing next to a forested area, and had an elemental with it already, which came to it some days ago in the shop. It took only about ten minutes for DOR to begin swirling down to it, and about five minutes after that there was a deva present. Looks like it is a welcome addition to the neighborhood.

On the way back (about 15 miles) I stopped at the new location of #2 near Troy, Idaho. It was working well, with DOR coming in from the east. A deva was near it too, and there was a strong stream of POR flowing over it from south to north (seemingly from the direction of Moscow).

There are now CBs located roughly going north at 15 mile intervals Pullman-Moscow-Troy-Kendrick. It will be interesting to see if they “hook up” in some way.

128 days, 4 hours (9PM).

DOR coming from the west. Positive qi in most all directions: including the vortex to the southwest, the direction of the upper Snake River, the Croft vortex in Moscow, the postive stream of orgone frowing from west to east, and the ambient qi in the surrounding trees.

I did notice that the Croft vortex, though stronger again, was not so strong as 6 days ago, and Carol said that this was due to the present motor not turning as rapidly as the old one.

130 days, 2 hours (7PM).

DOR coming in from the northwest. No significant changes observable from the last time I posted. The river vortex and the Croft vortex are percolating as usual.

Last night we had a heat lightning show with a little wind, but I did not hear any thunder. No reports of any grain fires resultant.

Looks like I have had my mind changed for me about building a pyramid structure. I suddenly have obtained most of the ingredients along with some working orders. When I’ve acquired the rest, I am committed to give it a try.

It has been nearly a month since I’ve tended to this thread. The problem is that so much of the area around has turned positive that it is much more difficult to perceive the effects of the CBs on their surroundings.

There are four natural vortices in plain sight which are now positive: to the southwest, to the northwest, to the northeast, and to the north. And an artificial positive vortex to the north-northeast (Don and Carol’s radionics stand). Further, from the southwest comes strong POR from the effects of the gifting on the Snake upriver from Lewiston, Idaho.

There are still pockets of DOR which are soaked up by the CBs, such as the nuclear reactor at Washington State University, but the general feeling of the area makes monitoring the CBs like testing out a flashlight, or ones headlights, in the middle of a sunny day. About all I could report of interest most days is the source of the DOR being pulled in by the CBs.

I’m holding off on construction of the pyramid structure until I can pick up a special stone, hopefully some time within the next month or so.

I did travel to Troy and Kendrick today to check up on the CBs which were planted near those towns about a month ago. I was able to observe the positive field sent up by the one in Troy about five miles out of town. It is in the general neighborhood of the vortex on Moscow Mountain, which has been reactivated in the mean time, and I’m wondering if the general positive feeling about Troy induced by the vortex has somehow enhanced the effect of the CB. The CB up near Kendrick was not visible from a distance (or at least I missed it if it was), and yet close up it was actually stronger than the one near Troy.

09/24/2003 20:36
Took a look around tonight at the three natural vortices within sight from here, and noticed that the one down on the Snake had strengthened considerably, and is now the strongest of the three.

It had been the weakest for some time, and Carol attributed it to the accumulation of wheat in a large pile near the grain elevator at the vortex (the wheat bearing a certain amount of DOR due to pesticide residue).

My guess at this point is that the increase in POR reflects the fact that harvest is over and that the accumulated grain is gradually being shipped off. If this is indeed the case, the strength of the POR should increase further as the autumn season progresses.

10/13/2003 22:13
The vortex on the Snake is still strong, but seemingly not stronger than the last time I posted. As with the vortex on Moscow Mountain. It seems however that the vortex at Steptoe Butte is strengthening. Possibly its potential was greater than the others, and it is gradually reaching it (as the size of the hole in an earth dam increases with continuing flow).

On the last day of September I planted a new CB (poured the night before) in my back yard, near some pines. This one was the first one I have made with water mixed in the resin. Looked like a bucket of suds with six big straws sticking out, but has quite a positive feel to it.

Within 5 minutes there came an elemental into its “waist” or orgone generation area, and a deva appeared nearby about the same time. Within ten minutes it was working with DOR swirling down from the top and POR coming in along a curved half-“swastika” centered at the base. I have never “seen” a deva come to a new CB so rapidly. And a flock of migratory birds flew by, low and directly over the CB.

When I returned about an hour later it was working rapidly, faster than the other CB nearby, and two other entities had drawn close, about six to eight feet tall. By the morning of October 1, the number had increased to six.

Tonight the number of these supernumeraries had reached at least 19. None is a negative entity, the majority are a bit sad, and a few are quite positive. In China I had heard of entities associating themselves with spots where qi came down from the heavens to “advance” themselves. Carol tells me that sometimes entities will go to a positive point for purposes of ascension. But at this time I cannot say the cause of this phenomenon.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Sweetreeing and Messiahmews at a CB construction party. Built a second CB with water in the resin, but it didn’t dry soon enough to dare bring it home. Hopefully will get it sometime within the next week or so, and will see if it attracts a similar coterie.
Hey Kelly,

Any particular kind of water?


Zoe, it was water from a medicine wheel constructed by Carol’s friend Linda. But my GUESS is that any good charged water will do, providing it is mixed while the charge is still high. The CB made yesterday was with water from a medicine wheel on Mount Shasta, which water actually seemed more highly charged.

01/25/2004 18:18
Galaero recently posted about a new addition to CBs: pipes attached to the 6 old uprights using 45 degree elbows, said new pipes pointing directly away from the center. Yesterday I tried this out with my original CB.

DOR began to be drawn in by each of the pipes, the elemental moved up from about 2’ above ground to about 4’, and the deva seemed to be pleased. I did not see new POR being formed, and the area about the base seemed to be negative.

Today I looked again. DOR was still flowing in to each of the pipes from the general direction the pipe was pointing. The elemental seemed healthy and the deva happy.

I noticed POR appearing just above the elemental and swirling straight up in a quite narrow line.

The negative qi about the base was gone, and POR was swirling about the CB counter-clockwise within a circa 6’ diameter disc centered at the CB. There were about 12 lines radiating into the CB with POR.

The “river” of qi in the sky flowing from west to east is now flows directly over the CB.

01/28/2004 19:17
Took another look this evening. Pretty much the same, but with this difference: the POR was not exiting straight up. For a time I had some difficulty in ascertaining what was becoming of it. It seems to be heading into the sky at a 45 degree angle in each of the 6 directions between the directions of the pipe extensions.

Tonight qi did not seem to be circling about the pipes in the ground, but POR was still radiating into the base along 12 straight lines.

Tried to locate the source (or sources) of the DOR coming down into the 6 extensions, but was unsuccessful. Seemed to be coming from away off in the heavens in each case.

For some time the ambient qi all about my original CB has been positive, and all the trees nearby carry it. I looked to see if this recent alteration in the CB had changed this, but the ambient qi seems to be as positive as before.

01/31/2004 15:52
Yesterday it blew hard all day and I didn’t go out to check the CB: a mistake!

When I went out today the extensions were pointing every which way, the CB (which is buried in the ground) was tilted at about a 60 degree angle, and the resident elemental and deva were not happy.

Took off the extensions and righted the CB, which cheered everyone up immediately. I’ll either rig up some CB-stabilizers or wait till better weather to continue this experiment.

Some small updates were made in December 2005 here.

Cbswork’s Observation of a Working ChemBuster

The following is an observation made by Cbswork. This was originally written in the old Stewart Jackson Coudbuster forum, which has now disappeared.
The text was thankfully archived by

"Been thinking, observing, and going up the top of hills to watch cbs do what they do and here’s what I have…so far. This is a bit of everything, but mainly OBSERVATIONS OF A WORKING CB.

First, there is more to the cb as we KNOW it, then is let on. It was obvious to me by the constant scent of freesias and roses when I was around Don and Don only, that all of this had Higher Backing of the good kind. The energy waveform of orgone resembles a constant moving figure 8 at the core. Depending upon how the crystals are laid up, this changes to a fountain type energy form, to beam forms, to trapezoidal forms, and so on.

What I mean is, at the core - xtal in orgone material - there is this constant, parallel to the xtal and surrounding it, this figure 8 energy core. Then it changes by degrees outward as the “shape” of the orgone creation imposes itself upon the main energy form. In a cone form hhg, it then blends out to become this very nice fountain of straight line energy. Sounds like a contradiction, but its one of those things that explanations can never do justice to. In a pyramid, it becomes straightline energy forms, with no softness and a semi brittle energy that to some, is abrasive. Very masculine.

Starting at about 30 feet above the cb is an inverted cone of energy, darkest of blues. This goes straight up into the sky for miles. MILES. We found, actually, that there were six or more of these cones, all blending together, but the energy form strengthened as they became more blended. We don’t know how this works like this or what causes this. We can only observe and report.

The cb creates a clockwise, spinning vortex in the air in and around the energy form. This, we have noted, creates a vacuum in the atmosphere above the cb up to a height of about 24 to 28 thousand feet, and then it stops. We have seen oceans of chemsoup float right over this cb cap, time and again. Hundreds of times. Any chemsoup laid in under this alttitude, gets sucked into this vortex.

THese are just quick *** summaries for the morning over my coffee.

The spinning tornado of filth, spinning clocwise, moves in and around the energy form, which never moves. Think of a light perpetually turned on. The tornado constantly spins not at the base, like a real tornado does, but the top or largest part of the funnel moves. The tip locks over the apex of the original cb energy form. But the large spinning funnel moves around the sky, about a maximum of 20 degrees dislocated in relation to the main form.
Following and surrounding this energy form, is a tornado of filth, going in the opposite direction of the energy cone. This is the crap being sucked in by the cb.

In other words, the funnel creeps around the sky, grabbing yet more crap to bring to you. It’s really true. With a cb, all the **** comes to you. You are the area’s vacumm cleaner. You can see the brown nasty yuck funnelling right over the zone. You’d think, that as the yuck collects towards a compressing smaller area of the cone - the point - the area inside the funnel as this crap coallesces, would darken with matter. It doesn’t. It gets clearer at the point, as more yuk collects. I have no idea what the hell is going on. Nor does anyone else i’ve consulted.


Spent alot of time on this one. Trying to solve it. Just staring at the sky for hours on end. Asking. Looking. All that.

It’s a resonance chamber - in part, at least. The very binding strata of our cb is polymer based resins - synth organic material. The basis of chemtrails is polymer fibers. Both are created under magical conditions. One cancels out the other, reducing the other to inert material.

I believe it was no accident that things worked out this way - an easy way out of madness. The dark forces are using polymers to kill and enslave us, the balancing act of the universe made the solution easily available that would end that.

I also think that is only 1/20th of how it does this.

The first few months, the cbs would clear out the chemsoup, leaving the smog in place - the bron haze. As our chambers got dirtier and dirtier from all the smog, the smog in our area started to also clear out. I’ve seen this same effect now 9 times, in 9 different places."

“Something else us earthstar grid gifters should be thinking about - each CB creates and maintains a brand new vortex locale, tho positive. The best of both would be a cb in a vortex locale to begin with.”

Reports from users of the Don Croft cloudbuster

These reports were archived by

Gert Botha
Namib Desert, Namibia, Africa

I started building my Cloudbuster because I was not going to be allowed any rest before doing it . . . This is literally - “they”, whoever they are, in the end invaded even my days, not only my dreams . . . As just about all the material needed for one built to Don’s specs, have to be imported (and hence very expensive), I used “whatever came handy” - for instance, I used both aluminium and copper pipes, both of different dimensions. For the orgone generator part, I also used crystals from around the house, as well as the “waste” from a metal lath - all kinds of metals.

On the same day (even minute!) I finished the CB, the present sandstorm started acting very strangely - instead of blowing non-stop from one direction, it suddenly blew from all directions in turn. On testing it, I found that a kind of ‘vortex’ eventually formed around the CB (which was pointing straight up). Outside this vortex (with radius 300 meters) the wind was still “normal”; also interesting, was that this vortex was clock-wise . . .

For some weeks I used the CB to try and battle the frequent sand storms, but not always with success - it often just changed direction with few degrees. At wit’s end, I consulted my ‘guides’, with the result that my CB is now parked, pointing due south, at 30 degrees from the horisontal. Since that time, we have not had any serious sand storms . . .

But then, one day, about two months after “parking” the CB, the rains came! (This is something quite special: It Very seldom rains this early in the year in the Namib. And then only one or a few showers, and then it’s gone. This time it was quite widespread, and lasted several days . . . (Bear in mind that the Namib Desert is probably one of the driest on earth . . . We often have rain only every twenty years or so . . )

And then, last night, more rain! Extraordinary! today the clouds are still around, and it sure looks like they mean business . . .

Gert Botha
Namib Desert, Namibia, Africa

Some time ago, I, out of the blue (! :slight_smile: just had the “urge” to, every day, go and wet my CB (with a hose pipe ;-). A few days later, it started raining . . . :open_mouth: Slow as I always am, this took me a few days to digest - a few days ago, I started doing this again, and Voila! - last night we had some more rain . .

Another interesting point - the CB is parked, pointing due south, about 30 degrees from the horisontal. And the most rain is falling ! due south of us . . . This is where we always notice the first lightning, and the heaviest concentration of clouds . . . . Not that I mind - right now, I’d prefer to sit on a little ‘greasy’ spot - most of our boxes are still in the open . . . And where it has been raining the last few times, is south of us, in the Namib Park. It is a very large protected area, with quite a lot of game in it.

Wed. Oct. 3 …At 2 p.m. today I went outside & saw chemtrails all over the sky. Four long trails at the south side of the horizon, and one trail right straight over the middle of the sky. They must have started around noon time as I see they have already started to spread out over most of the sky. I can see a thin white covering, but can still see some blue sky thro it. At 4:30 the trails did not seem to be “sticking”. At 6:30 I went outside & the three jets were still out there trying to make the trails stick. I saw 4 or 5 trails at each side of the horizon extending in an east to west direction, but not sure at which point they started as I did not stay out long. The sky in a large part of the middle was still more blue with very pale white spread out trails over it. Still I could see a good amount of blue right thro the pale “canopy”. I would venture a guess & say that their chemtrails were maybe 40% or less effective.

It was certainly not anywhere near the 100% mark of which they always like to achieve. At 7 p.m. I went outside to look again. The three jets were still there trying to make the trails. I was surprised as
usually the jets are gone by that time and the sky should be a “milky gray” , but it wasn’t. It was twilight now & would be dark at 7:30. I saw now that the trails had a PINK color to them. In some places where there was a pale covering there was pink too, but the covering was not a good strong one. It appeared weak. In a very large section of the middle of the sky it was still more blue than pink or gray/white. No gray haze was observable.

I had gone out at this time now. I only went five miles down the road. I was at a bar with a friend. At 9 p.m. I took a walk outside & looked up at the sky. I just saw stars and not one chemtrail or chem cloud. At 10 p.m. I did the same & still saw clear sky and stars. What happened to all the trails they worked so very hard to lay down ?!

A funny thing transpired. One cannot look up at the sky without OTHERS doing the same! There were people on the deck and the guys asked me what I was looking at. I just said, “Clear sky - that’s very good”. I walked back into the bar. I had to bite my tongue. I decided it would not be a good idea in a small town to let people know what I was up to. I felt so very far removed from these people and how I wished I could “relate” to them.

At midnight I came back home. The sky was clear & full of stars just like at the bar just a few miles down the road. In conclusion I would say that for all the “spraying” they did - they did not accomplish much. The trails only spread out a small amount, very thin, and then they just vanished. It was so very amazing to see. Even I was very surprised to see that they did not stick!

Oct. 5th, 6th & 7th…Not one chemtrail on these days. Not even night time as I stay up late & I go outside to check when I let the dog out. Friday was cloudy all morning with real clouds. There IS a
difference! It was overcast, but appeared to be real clouds. At 3pm it started to rain. It rained all night until 5 a.m. It was a good medium rain…Saterday late morning & early afternoon. Saw real clouds - big & fluffy. Some white & some darker. About 80% cloudy. Saw blue sky in between and not one chemtrail or chem cloud. By 6 p.m. it was 90% overcast. They still appeared to be real clouds …Sunday…big white fluffy clouds late morning & early afternoon. It then became more overcast, but I saw real clouds & not chem clouds. I noticed blue sky between the big white clouds. I have not seen chemtrails or chem clouds in these three days.

I had made the CB the third week of September. I didn’t know that I was supposed to use one inch pipe. I used three quarter inch pipe. So I added the 4 ft. extensions to it. We have had a drought
here for almost three years now…man made or rather I shall say “chemtrail” made! So I stood the CB up and just left it in a corner of the yard. I waited & waited. The air was so very dry. The ground was so dry that it had almost inch wide cracks in it which went down almost 10 inches. In fact when I went to drain my large pool I put the hose near one of the cracks and every single bit of water went down the cracks. It was so dry that nothing pooled up on the top ground.

Don said it takes 7-9 days for the CB to build up energy. Well, on the 9th day it rained, and it rained & rained! It rained real good for three days straight. It rained so much that my old farmer neighbor next door who helped make the templates for me said, “Maybe ya oughta turn them pipes upside down now!”

He has a rain gauge and said it rained three and one half inches in the three days.

Tue. Oct. 9th…Some real clouds in sky. No chemtrails at all. In the evening the stars were out in full swing.

Wed. Oct. 10th…Some real clouds in the day. At 4 a.m. I went outside & noticed something very strange. There was a GIGANTIC ring around the moon! Another strange thing was that the moon appeared “blurry” as tho my glasses were dirty or I had bad eyesight. I had never seen the moon “blurry” before. I saw two jets laying chemtrails at this early time in the morning. It looked rather strange like “fingers” across the sky. I had not seen that effect before either.

I went to sleep & just before noontime I went back outside to check. They must have been laying down chem-trails all morning. By 3 p.m. it was 90% overcast due to them. There was very little blue sky. The sun was hazy and covered with their “chem clouds”.

Now it gets a bit more interesting. At about 5 p.m. the overcast was not holding too well ! More blue sky was starting to show and more sun was coming through ! The sky was now only about 50% covered with chem clouds. Without a CB this would not happen so soon. I know, because I have been watching the sky for 2 years now. At 8 p.m. I saw that the stars were out which was a very good sign ! Without a CB I have noticed that the stars do not show until about 11 p.m.

Thurs. Oct. 11th…It has been overcast all day & all night. I am not sure if it is a “real” overcast or a “chem” overcast. I would guess tho that they are real clouds as it is now almost 4 a.m. and it is still overcast. If they were a chem cloud overcast it would have all disapated by now & the stars would be out. I could be wrong tho.

Hey Gang, Professionally i am both a botanist and horticulturist, and among other things i collect rare and unusual plants. Among my favorites are a group of tuberous Aroids (Philodendron and Calla relatives sometimes different kinds refered to as devils tongue, snake lily, voodoo lily) that send up a really weird funnel shaped flower every few years…they are horrific…in that most of the different kinds (there are hundreds) for at least a few hours one evening produce the most powerfully dreadful smell you could ever imagine, like having a rotting musk-ox briefly in your back yard. Now where i grow them is in a special garden just for them as far away from our back door as possible, which is only maybe 20 feet from the C.B… Normally, the FETID (beyond all get out!) smell temporarily draws gazillions of these certain large brilliant green flies. They swarm all over them.

Yesterday morning, i stepped out the back door and was knocked down (there was nearly spewage of another kind…) by the ungodly stench. And our back door is at least 50 feet from the evil little garden, as well as being around and on the other side!! So i bravely went over there, and there were 2 beauties in full bloom…they sort of bloom unexpectedly. But there were NO flies, not a single one of any kind! And normally there are bunches of other kinds of flies/bugs there too, but for the 1st time not a one…

It must be the anti-parasitic qualities of the orgone field, as nothing else has changed there, except for the C.B. Has had no effect on the good bugs tho, as there are lots of great tropical butterflies all over the place, just as usual, and they do infact seem to lately having a preference for fluttering all around the C.B. I in fact breed them intentionally by growing the plants their caterpillars feed on (mostly passionflowers). Just wanted to share that w/ ya’ll. mark

Laozu’s suggestions for tweaking the cloudbuster design

This was originally posted by Laozu on Warriormatrix and was archived by

Torsion CBs

Darin (Taipan) asked me some questions about these, and a quick check shows that while there is information on Georg’s German forum , there no longer seemed to be much on any English forum. It seemed better to address the questions in the “Device Construction” area.

The basic cloud-buster, and the one I first made, consists of six vertical copper pipes spaceed uniformly in a circle, and placed in a cylinder of orgonite, with a quartz crystal at the base of each of the pipes. I buried my first one in the ground, because this gave it better contact with the qi which flows through the ground: a simplified diagram (only four pipes show) is as follows:
After I buried it, I made daily observations of the qi flow into and out of it, and after a month or so, I tried to get some sort of geometrical idea of the qi dispersal, when the CB was working normally. In the following diagram, the qi most strongly influenced by the CB is white and that less strongly influenced is yellow:
Negative qi spiraled down from the sky (counter-clockwise viewed from above) and qi spiraled up from the ground (again counter-clockwise viewed from above). The boundary of the spirals roughly formed a hyperbolid (or hour-glass) shape: this boundary is indicated by purple curves. Where the two spirals came together was where the negative qi was transmuted into positive qi:
If we remove the pipes from the diagram, and place a line tangent to the boundary curves, we get
This suggested to me that I should set the 6 pipes at an angle, somewhat the same as this tangent pipe – the following diagram shows the idea with two pipes:
I did this, and found that the qi moved somewhat as indicated in the following diagram:
Since the positive qi (colored red) swirled upward in the center from where the transmutation took place at the narrow part of the 6-pipe configuration, I added a seventh pipe in the center to help direct it. This worked well, but only when the bottom of the seventh pipe was held high enough that it was just above the transmutation spot. When I let the center pipe move down further, the effect diminished considerably.
I also found that this “torsion CB” worked better than the standard only if the pipes were twisted so that they pointed into the swirl of the negative qi swirling downward. You can see the way they should go from Rich’s photo:


First a bucket with a template at the bottom – note that the holes are at the edge of the template, and they are a little larger than normal because the pipes will be at an angle and so will take more room in the template than if they were straight up and down:

I use four 1" diameter 10’ long copper pipes, which I cut into 8 5’ lengths. Six for the regular pipes, one for the center pipe, and one I cut further into 6 equal (10") pieces.On each of the small pieces I solder (or glue) a cap on one end and a coupling on the other. Instead of a cap one can also just place good tape (such as black electrical tape) over the end.

Then I cut a second wooden stabilizer, similar to the one in the bucket, with with a larger diameter so that the holes are an inch or more from the edge of the disk. I also make a hole in the center, 1" in diameter, for the center pipe to fit through later.

I put good quartz crystals in the bottoms of the small pipes, pour some metal shavings or bbs over the crystals so that the shavings/bbs come just to the tops of the crystals, and then pour resin into the short pipes just to the tops of the crystals as well. Of course I first charge the crystals with charged water if that is available.

Then I place the 6 longer pipes vertically into the couplings of the shorter pipes and set them into the holes of the stabilizer at the bottom of the bucket. I place the other stabilizer over the pipes, and twist the stabilizer so that it looks something as follows:

I move it so it is close to a bench or table:

I then take a piece of tape and wrap it around the pipes just under the upper stabilizer so that the pipes will keep their position. I take another piece of tape and tape the structure to the table so that it will not tip over.

Now I pour metal shavings into the bucket around the pipes. I normally place several pieces of rose quartz in the shavings to soften the qi. It is safest to make two resin pours, just filling the bucket half-full with shavings for the first pour, and then bringing the shavings up to about a half-inch from the top of the bucket for the second pour.

When the resin is cured, I take the tape off which kept the pipes in place. Since the pipes are at an angle, the upper stabilizer will tend to fall lower and spread the pipes apart a little. I counter this by wrapping enough tape around the pipes just under the stabilizer so it supports the wood. Once the stabilizer is stabilized, I place the center pipe through that hole. I bring is just far enough down so that the bottom of the pipe is just barely above the narrowest part of the six pipes. To keep the center pipe from falling through further, I place a circle of tape around it just above the stabilizer:

Here is a finished product made by Rich. He and John do better work than I do in constructing them, and could probably improve on this tutorial.
pipes5.jpg (10584 bytes) image

Laozu’s inspiration for creating a mini “upside-down” cloudbuster

This was originally posted by Laozu on Warriormatrix and Ethericresearch and was archived by here, here and here.

At right angles to each of the sides of the base there were lines of qi running through the ground. These lines were negative, and from each of the four sides negative qi was moving toward the center. Furthermore negative qi was entering into the metal sculpture from above. And there was a negative entity within the sculpture at the bottom, seemingly absorbing all this negative qi.

So we buried six TBs, in the shape of a circle of the proper radius, on the worse of the lines coming out of the monument. Not only did that line turn positive, but so did the other one, and positive qi began flowing into the monument from all four directions. And negative qi no longer flowed from above into the flame.

From the base we saw a vortex off in the distance, so we left to tend to it. After about an hour we returned. By then there was positive qi entering into the top of the sculpture, the negative entity had gone, and there was a positive entity there.

An “earth pipe” is a length of pipe combined with some form of simple orgonite, such as a TB core poured in one end, or placed in or on one end. The pipe is placed or driven into the ground with the TB end above. The ones that I have built have the positive end of the quartz crystal of the TB pointing down, but from experiments I would say that this likely is not necessary.

The first one that I know of, built at the suggestion of a poster with forum name “Gale Wildrider” on Stuart Jackson’s old cloudbuster forum, was actually poured on site, in a secluded spot, across the river from the Almota grain elevator on the Snake River. Its purpose was to change to transform DOR into POR, which DOR emanated from a vortex under the river and which had been thitherto resistent to attempts of burying TBs and HHGs on the riverbank near the elevator. The upside was that the “earthpipe” was successful, and remains successful to the date of the present post. The downside was that when my friend Mike and I drove home that late December day of 2003, we experienced a freak accident after crossing the Snake River Bridge between Clarkston and Lewiston, flipping and totalling my Toyota pickup.

In December of 2007 Manfred wrote to me of an idea he had had of taking six of these earthpipes and placing them equidistantly in a circle of diameter about a foot or so. He wrote me that the device seemed to be rather powerful, and asked me to add my perceptions to his. In January of 2008, my friends Ale and Javi and I buried an “inverted six pipe” or “ISP” in some woods just outside of the world’s southernmost city Punta Arenas in Chile. We left the city for the north about four hours after planting it, but we retuned to the site in the woods just before leaving, and I observed that the area about the site felt positive within a radius of about a mile.

The first opportunity I had of observing an ISP for longer than a few hours was when we returned to Santiago. Ale and I placed one on the hill of Cerro San Cristobal, about 2PM. The hill and the surrounding area was suffused with DOR before the interment. Several hours later we drove back to have a look, and by that time I observed that he ground of the hill, from just below the summit about a third of the way down, was now filled with POR. The next day about 7:30PM, on the way to the airport, I observed that the entire hill, plus the area around the hill within a radius of a mile and a half, had become positive.

UCB (underground CB) and the pipe-downward version ‘Peacemaker,’ invented by Laozu and Manfred. Laozu and Cesco now use mini TBs (c. 3/4 fl oz) on top of 12/13 inch 15mm pipes. He also uses these small TBs to open vortices. A great device for the trees. Below are 2 Peacemakers, one with 3 oz TBs and 22 mm pipe (should last longer, and also if you don’t have any small crystals), and one 3/4 oz TB with 15mm pipe. TBs stuck on with sealant to make it easier and quicker to do, especially at night in cities. Hole in middle to put soil back in. At the bottom is a 15mm Peacemaker with pipes stuck into orgonite.

22mm Peacemaker with 3 fl oz muffins, and 15mm Peacemaker with 3/4 fl oz muffins:


Underground CB (points up):



Manfred’s original Peacemaker:


First make some small 3/4 oz muffins with crystal sticking out (drier mix the better to stop crystal tipping over):


Then put small muffin in glass, and put 15 mm pipe over crystal



Put more orgonite in, enough to hold it firmly when hard.
Cut hole in piece of wood (bigger than 15mm) to hold pipe upright:


Finished, with pipe firmly in orgonite:


Peacemaker ready for posting:


Original method, dig out hole and remove stones, then bang pipes into ground using template and put TBs on top. OK if you have plenty of undisturbed time (22mm pipe here):





Example of orgonite cloudbuster being made

This was originally posted by @Alejandro via blogspot, and is a useful illustration of step by step construction of an orgonite cloudbuster.

Drawing the holes to be carved in the wood using compass… This is done three times since three wooden templates are needed to hold the copper tubes all parallel.

The crystals we used… six, one for each copper tube. They are placed in the bottom on the tubes, on the copper caps, stuck with silicone, pointing upwards.

carving the wood…

our wooden templates… 1 goes in the bottom, it is shaped like that in order that metal shavings can fill the empty spaces and they are not lost. The copper tubes will be placed in it. Template number 2 is placed on the top part of the bucket to make sure the tubes are parallel. The two holes in the side enable you to pour resin in the bucket. Number 3 is the top template. This one enables you to place a bottle of water to charge it.

starting to fill the bucket… steel shavings… we added a few quartz crystals at this point too, however it is not necessary…

Then we added a thin layer of resin to cover this. When it was about to dry we stuck the first wooden template. With that firmly in place we placed the first part of our copper tubes, that is 6 pieces of 1 foot (33 cm) in length each. The pieces have their caps on, with a quartz crystal pointing up. The caps also prevent resin coming inside the tubes…

It is important to cover the tubes with tape since more shavings are going into the bucket (and not into the tubes!).

copper and aluminium shavings…

The second template is placed to align the tubes. Resin is added to secure them.

The second template is removed and the bucket filled with more metal shavings. Here we adhered the copper connectors…

The 5 foot (150 cm) copper tubes are connected. More resin is poured to fill the rest of the bucket.

Final placement of wooden template on top, to have the tubes absolutely parallel and to be able to charge water.

At this point something amazing happened… as I was taking this picture I had to look twice: I saw the copper tubes go right through my friend’s hand… the hand had become transparent, the tubes where not cut or interrupted by the circumference of the hand… they kept on going, uninterrupted and orange… I could only see this through the digital camera though, and I told Chicoria and Vinchuka to come and take a look… they saw it too… we were all very excited and confused… after a while, it was gone… we tried again the next day but nothing out of the ordinary appeared in the camera screen… the pictures don’t show what we saw either…

This picture was taken to show the tubes going right through Chicoria’s hand… lamentably it doesn’t show L!

The cloudbuster with a glass of water on top…

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